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Team Description Manager Createdsort descending Join Link
Peru Resilience System

The mission of the Peru Resilience System working group is to build intelligent social networks that enure the health, human security, resilience, and sustainability or the Peruvian people.  

mdmcdonald 11 years 4 months ago Subscribe to group
Honduras Resilience System

The mission of the Honduras Resilience System working group is to build health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Honduras.

mdmcdonald 11 years 4 months ago Subscribe to group
UK Resilience System Working Group

The mission of the U.K. Resilience System working group is to lay the foundations for the development of Resilience Systems, Resilience Networks, and Resilience Health Capacity Zones in the United Kingdom.  It will take into account socio-ecological resilience and sustainabilty from the most...

mdmcdonald 11 years 3 months ago Subscribe to group

As flooding becomes a more common occurence in more locations across the globe, it is imperative that 1) areas that have never had flooding before prepare for the possibility of inundation and 2) areas that are already prone to flooding prepare for record levels of inundation.  How can we...

admin 11 years 3 months ago Subscribe to group
Human Rights

This group will focus on issues that affect basic human rights throughout the world.

Gina Angiola 11 years 3 months ago Subscribe to group
Medical - global

The medical working group seeks to address issues affecting delivery of medical care to those in need.

Gina Angiola 11 years 3 months ago Subscribe to group
Egypt Resilience System

The mission of the Egypt Resilience System working group is to build health, human security, resilience, and sustainability in Egypt.

mdmcdonald 11 years 3 months ago Subscribe to group
Afghanistan Resilience System Working Group

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about Afghanistan.

mdmcdonald 11 years 2 months ago Subscribe to group
Guinea Resilience System

The mission of the Guinea Resilience System working group is to develop Resilience Systems and their nested subsystems in Guinea.

mdmcdonald 11 years 2 months ago Subscribe to group
Tanzania Resilience System

The mission of the Tanzania Resilience System working group is develop Resilience Systems at the national and regional levels and Resilience Networks at the local and hyperlocal levels in Tanzania.

mdmcdonald 11 years 2 months ago Subscribe to group


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