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Model Resilient Communities

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The Model Resilient Communities working group is focused on examining communities that may serve as examples for emerging resilient communities.

The mission of the Model Resilient Communities working group is to examine communities that may serve as examples for emerging resilient communities.


mdmcdonald WDS1200-Columbus

Email address for group

Video - Urban Resilience for a New Century - by Dr. Judith Rodin - May 14, 2013

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General Topic Tags: 
Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: 

Community of the Ark.


Island of Peace 
Lanza del Vasto and the Community of the Ark

By Mark Shepard

Excerpted and adapted from the book The Community of the Ark, Simple Productions, Arcata, California, 1990

Country / Region Tags: 
Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: 
howdy folks