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The battle to stop Trump hijacking the climate agenda - November 14th 2016 - Lou del Bello

After the shock win in the US presidential election of climate change denialist Donald Trump, what was expected to be an uneventful round of UN talks in Marrakesh has suddenly taken on far greater importance.

Behind closed doors, diplomats are scrambling to anticipate Trump’s next move. What was billed as a technical conference on the procedural issues of implementing the Paris Agreement – which came into force just this month – is now being cast as a desperate attempt to safeguard global action.


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Economic woes create anti-establishment movements around the world

A protest march against the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Stuttgart, southern Germany this year. Photograph: Felix Kastle/AFP/Getty Images

Image:  A protest march against the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) party
in Stuttgart, southern Germany this year. Photograph: Felix Kastle/AFP/Getty Images - November 5th 2016 - Katie Allen

The US is not the only western nation to be undergoing political ructions over the faltering post-crisis recovery. New counter-establishment parties have emerged in several countries and, as in the UK, people have voted for dramatic change. Meanwhile, there’s a growing sense in developed economies that workers have yet to benefit from the recovery or rising globalisation.


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New U.K. leader Theresa May shuts climate change department - July 16th 2016

British Prime Minister Theresa May has been facing criticism during her first few days in office over her decision to close the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change.

The closure was reported on Thursday, May's first full day in office after the departure of David Cameron.

The BBC reports the department will be folded into the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.


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The Cholera Epidemic the U.N. Left Behind in Haiti

Haitians in a cholera treatment center in 2011. Credit Andres Martinez Casares for The New York Times.

Image:  Haitians in a cholera treatment center in 2011. Credit Andres Martinez Casares for The New York Times. - July 6th 2016 - The Editorial Board

As Haitians were reeling from the devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake, United Nations peacekeepers inadvertently compounded their troubles by bringing cholera to the island. Roughly 10,000 Haitians have died from the disease, which spreads easily in places with poor sanitation.

The United Nations hasn’t acknowledged its responsibility and has vigorously fought legal efforts to secure compensation for victims.


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President Koroma Launches National Employment Policy and Strategy and Implementation Plan for Sierra Leone


FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, Monday 2 May, 2016// -- President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma has launched the National Employment Policy and Strategy and Implementation Plan for 2015-2018 at the Miatta Conference Hall, Brookfields in Freetown. The National Employment Policy is a policy response towards addressing and improving labor relations and conditions of service of workers in Sierra Leone.


During a grand ceremony to commemorate International Labour Day, the president said the launch of the new employment policy has clearly shown his government’s commitment and effectiveness in addressing labour issues in the country. He stated that government is part of labour congress and that is why programmes and policies under his administration are always directed towards the protection of the ordinary man, adding that government has come reasonably far to formalizing the informal sector. 

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COP21 - The Paris Agreement - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
 - April 22, 2016

CLICK HERE - COP21 - The Paris Agreement - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

CLICK HERE - The Paris Agreement (16 page .PDF document)

CLICK HERE - Paris Agreement - Status of Ratification

CLICK HERE - Paris Agreement - information on signatories to the Agreement, ratification and entry into force

At COP 21 in Paris, Parties to the UNFCCC reached a historic agreement to combat climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future.

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Spain Votes ‘No’ on Failed Economic Policies


Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy at a press conference in Madrid on December 21, 2015.  His Popular Party lost its parliamentary majority in elections the previous day.  Cesar Manso/AFP/Getty Images

Spanish voters reject the two-party system that presided over austerity and mass unemployment - by Mark Weisbrot - December 23, 2015

In Spain's elections last Sunday, the two parties that have ruled the country for the past three decades took serious losses. This has important implications for the future of not only the country but also the rest of Europe. It is yet another example of how and why the eurozone remains in political upheaval, six years after the global recession. 


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Solar or Coal? The Energy India Picks May Decide Earth’s Fate

Flames rise from the ground in Jharia coalfield, where the land around the areas has burned for a century as a result of mining and venting gases.

Image: Flames rise from the ground in Jharia coalfield, where the land around the areas has burned for a century as a result of mining and venting gases. - December 2015 - Charles C. Mann

A few minutes after I meet E. V. R. Raju, a vision pops into my head. I can see him on one of those lists of the World’s Most Important People released by the likes of CNN, Forbes, and Time. Besides the obvious entrants like the president and the pope, the lists always also include a few buzzy, click-generating names: Emma Watson, perhaps, or Bono.


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China to end one-child policy and allow two - October 29th 2015

China has decided to end its decades-long one-child policy, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.

Couples will now be allowed to have two children, it said, citing a statement from the Communist Party.

The controversial policy was introduced nationally in 1979, to slow the population growth rate.



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The Plan to Save the World

Crescent Dunes, a solar thermal power plant near Tonopah, Nevada.

Image: Crescent Dunes, a solar thermal power plant near Tonopah, Nevada. - October 27th, 2015 - Rebecca Leber

Right now, we're in a car, hanging on for dear life as we hurtle around a mountain bend. If we don't hit the brakes soon, we're going to lose control, crash through the guardrail, and careen into the abyss. We've been fully warned about the danger ahead, but now here we are, testing our fate.


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