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One Billion Smartphones by 2016, Says Forrester

submitted by Samuel Bendett

by Zack Whittaker - - February 13, 2012

Summary: A new Forrester research report sees over 1 billion smartphones being used by 2016, while app store spending increases and ‘bring your own’ device becomes the norm.

In a world where already you cannot travel on the subway without someone flipping out their cellphone, or stand at a Starbucks without someone yapping away on their iPhone, imagine what’ll happen with 1 billion smartphones out there?

Forrester seems to think so. Analysts at Forrester believe that by 2016 — only four years away, and in time for the following Olympics — there could be as many as 1 billion smartphones on the planet. This isn’t to say that everyone will have two or more smartphones, that is.


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"Syrian opposition seeks to wipe the Assad name off the map -Via Google"

Revolutionaries, anti -government activist  are tearing down signs and renaming "streets, bridges and boulevards" and replacing them with their heroes.
It seems it began from Social Media using Facebook to gain support, and now they are electronically renaming the same in Google maps.

(ARTICLE FOUND HERE) by Colum Lynch, The Washington Post with Foreign Policy,WORLD,National Security February 14,2012

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"Mystery Disease in Central America Kills Thousands"

Mysterious epidemic Killing more than 24,000 people in El Salvador and Nicaragua since 2000 and the Pacific coast of Central America.
Agriculture Chemicals seems to be a factor in kidney disease,kidney damage and death. Field workers seem to be most affected.

(ARTICLE FOUND HERE) HUFF POST WORLD February 13,2012 by Filadelfo Aleman and Michael Weissenstein

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Elephants and Buffalo on the Beach,Hippos Surfing !

Gabon at the Congo Basin, the second largest tropical forest in Africa

Loango Lodge at Gabon,Loango National Park.

Tourism needed to save Gabon,the park, the land, the animals and to utilize its natural resources.
Political issues cause setbacks for Gabon and its Eco-Tourism vision ,new President new outlook.

(ARTICLE FOUND HERE) BBC NEWS, by David Baron,PRI's The World, February 7,2012

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Sudanese Rebels Free 29 Chinese Hostages

submitted by Bob Cooper

by Nicholas Bariyo - The Wall Street Journal - February 8, 2012

KAMPALA Uganda—Rebels in oil-rich Sudan on Tuesday released 29 Chinese workers, capping a hostage drama that exposed the risks of China's investments in the conflict-prone African region.

In a statement, Sudan's Foreign Ministry said that the Chinese captives were handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross early Tuesday and eventually flown to Nairobi, where they were taken to China's Embassy in Kenya.

China's Foreign Ministry described the 29 as being in good physical health "and stable mood," according to the state-run Xinhua news agency.


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Death Toll in Visayas Quake Continues to Rise

A strong magnitude-6.9 quake hit Negros Oriental before noon today prompting authorities to raise tsunami alert level 2. (Image from Phivolcs)

By Jun Pasaylo and Dennis Carcamo The Philippine Star Updated February 06, 2012 12:35 PM


MANILA, Philippines - More than a dozen people have been reported killed in Negros Oriental province after it was hit by a strong quake before noon today.

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council chief Benito Ramos reported at past 4 p.m. today that a total of seven have been confirmed killed by the agency.

Ramos disclosed that four of the fatalities were recorded in Guihulngan City, two in Tayasan town and one more in Jimalalud.

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Nuba Mountains Peace Coalition

For those seeking more information on the possible genocide in the area of South Kordofan and the Nuba Mountains, an overview and current reports can be found in:

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U.S. Officials Concerned by Israel Statements on Iran Threat, Possible Strike

The Washington Post - February 2, 2012


Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, right, walks with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in Tel Aviv last October. Barak said that time is running out for stopping Iran’s nuclear advance, as the country’s uranium facilities disappear into newly constructed mountain bunkers.

U.S. officials fear that an attack by Israel could trigger Iranian retaliation not only against the Jewish state but also against American interests around the world. A prolonged conflict could disrupt oil shipments, drive up energy prices and devastate fragile Western economies, U.S. officials say.

Administration officials have hinted that the United States might not intervene militarily in a hostile exchange between Israel and Iran unless the conflict began to threaten U.S. forces or Israeli population centers. In an interview last month on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Panetta said that in the event of an Israeli strike, U.S. military officials’ primary concern would be “to protect our forces.”

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Report - Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing

submitted by Albert Gomez - January 30, 2012


The High-level Panel on Global Sustainability presents its report to the Secretary-General on 30 January 2012 in Addis Ababa.

The 22-member Panel, established by the Secretary-General in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity, was co-chaired by Finnish President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma. The Panel's final report, "Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing", contains 56 recommendations to put sustainable development into practice and to mainstream it into economic policy as quickly as possible.

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