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To produce the Crisis Care Pandemic Flu source materials

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Crisis Care Pandemic Flu Source Materials
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admin mike kraft

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Costa Rica-made plasma shown to inhibit coronavirus, ready for clinical trials

Costa Rica is set to begin clinical trials on antibody-rich plasma that has been extracted from horses with the purpose of treating COVID-19 patients.

Two versions of the plasma were shown to inhibit the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in tests performed at the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases in the United States. 

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In France, a virus cluster splits generations, raises fears

ARIS (AP) — As the sun went down, their partying got into full flow, with an unwanted guest: the coronavirus.

An outbreak among 18- to 25-year-olds at a seaside resort on the Brittany coast is crystallizing fears that the virus is flaring again in France, on the back of vacationers throwing COVID-19 caution to the summer winds.

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