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This working group is focused on discussions about issues involving Europe.

This working group is focused on discussions about issues involving Europe.


mike kraft Norea

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NIH to launch research into Covid long term effects, plus international roundup

Roundup:  NIH to study ‘long-haul’ virus symptoms

  WASHINGTON  (AP) — The National Institutes of Health is launching research to understand the causes and consequences of the lingering brain fog, breathing problems and malaise reported by many recovering COVID-19 patients.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says some studies have shown up to 30% of patients report symptoms that can endure for months, complicating their return to normal routines and work, and plunging many recovering patients into depression.

Fauci noted at a White House coronavirus briefing on Wednesday that work at NIH started this week thanks to more than $1 billion provided by Congress for COVID-related medical research. Government scientists are looking to enlist doctors and research institutions around the country in the effort to learn about “long-haul” COVID-19.

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Germany approves COVID home tests to help ease the lockdown

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany approved three COVID-19 tests for home use as part Health Minister Jens Spahn’s strategy to help Europe’s biggest economy emerge from a lockdown that has been in place since mid-December.

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