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Cooler box-equipped motorbikes donated to UN will speed up Ebola testing process in West Africa

UNITED NATIONS NEWS CENTRE                                                                             Dec. 4, 2014
Four hundred motorbikes equipped with cooler boxes will help speed up deliveries of blood samples to laboratories from remote areas of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and reduce the waiting time for Ebola test results, thanks to a donation today from Germany to the United Nations.

Four hundred cooler box-equipped motorbikes for the Ebola Response were officially handed over to the UN Humanitarian Response Depot by German Ambassador to Ghana Ruediger John, and will be used to bring blood samples to labs in the most affected areas of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. UNMEER Photo/Martine Perret

At UN Headquarters, meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told reporters that the immediate priorities of the United Nations are to stop the virus and to treat all the people who have Ebola. “We have to ensure that all essential services are provided, and also we have to help them preserve their social and political stability, and keeping a further outbreak from happening.”

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Out of Africa — Caring for Patients with Ebola

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE                                                                  Nov. 12, 2014

Eric J. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D., and Lindsey R. Baden, M.D.

The Journal has now published detailed clinical information about three patients transferred from West Africa to the United States or Germany in the midst of their illness.

See details of the treatment

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Out of Africa — Caring for Patients with Ebola

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE                                                                  Nov. 12, 2014

Eric J. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D., and Lindsey R. Baden, M.D.

The Journal has now published detailed clinical information about three patients transferred from West Africa to the United States or Germany in the midst of their illness.

See detais of the treatment

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First Test Of Ebola Vaccine On Humans In Germany Gets Underway

ALLIANCE NEWS                                                  Nov. 10, 21014

Hamburg - Researchers at the Hamburg University Clinic (UKE) have begun the first tests on humans in Germany of an Ebola vaccine. The vaccine delivered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is initially to be tested on 30 volunteers over the next six months, the clinic said Monday, noting that tests on animals had been successful.

If all the testing phases in Hamburg go successfully, then it is hoped that the vaccine can start to be employed by the fall of 2015, a UKE spokeswoman said.

It is hoped that the vaccine "rVSV-ZEBOV," (developed in Canada) can provide protection after just a single dose. Additionally, it might prove to be effective if applied immediately after an Ebola infection starts.

Parallel to the UKE research, scientists from the University Clinic of Tuebingen are to start testing the vaccine on volunteers in Gabon. Other studies are underway in the US and are soon to get started up in Switzerland, Hamburg doctors said.

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US Envoy: 'Alarming Gaps' Remain in Fighting Ebola

VOICE OF AMERICA                                                              Oct. 31, 2014

By Al Pessin

The international community must do more to fill "alarming gaps" in the fight against the Ebola epidemic, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said to an audience in Brussels as she headed home from a visit to the three hardest-hit countries in West Africa.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power speaks during a lecture regarding the Ebola virus at the Residence Palace in Brussels, Oct. 30, 2014.

Power said the initial international response is making a difference, and has created what she called “the first tangible signs that the virus can and will be beaten.”

But, she said, many countries have not done enough, and urged them to not assume the job is done...

She called for more flexible planning, faster decision-making, and for support for the affected countries as they try to rebuild and expand their health care systems. Those systems were inadequate before the epidemic and have now been devastated by the deaths of hundreds of doctors and nurses.

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UK pledges £80m more aid to tackle Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone




By James Kanter and Andrew Higgins                                                                      OCT. 24, 2014


...  Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, announced tody that Christos Stylianides, the coming European commissioner for humanitarian aid and crisis management, would be named Ebola coordinator.

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Medical official dies of Ebola in German hospital

The Guardian,                      Tuesday 14 October 2014 06.22 EDT


Berlin --A UN employee infected with Ebola has died in Germany, officials say.

The 56-year-old Sudanese man had been flown from Liberia to Leipzig last Thursday, where he received treatment at a specialist unit at the St Georg clinic.

On his arrival, doctors at the hospital had described his condition as “highly critical, but stable”. On Tuesday morning the clinic confirmed in a statement that their patient had died on Monday night, “in spite of intensive medical measures and the best efforts on behalf of the medical staff”.

The Leipzig clinic has assured the public that there is no risk of infection for people in the area. The man had arrived in Germany on a specially adapted Gulfstream jet with an isolation chamber, and had been treated on an isolation unit by staff wearing protective gear.

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Combien de Patients Ebola est traités à l'extérieur de l'Afrique de l'ouest ?

Temps de NEW YORK 7 octobre 2014

Ebola au moins 14 cas ont été traités à l'extérieur de l'Afrique de l'ouest dans la flambée actuelle. La plupart d'entre elles concernent la santé et travailleurs qui a contracté le virus d'Ebola en Afrique de l'Ouest et ont été transportés vers leur pays d'origine pour le traitement de l'aide.

Deux personnes ont été diagnostiqués en dehors de l'Afrique de l'Ouest : un, un homme de libérien qui ont commencé à manifester de symptômes quatre jours après son arrivée à Dallas et l'autre, une infirmière espagnole qui est tombé malade après avoir traité un missionnaire dans un hôpital de Madrid. Ces cas sont tirée des rapports par les centres fédéraux pour Disease Control and Prevention, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, médecins sans frontières et autres organismes officiels.

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Germany received second Ebola patient

BBC            October 3, 2014

A hospital in the German city of Frankfurt-on-Main has taken in an Ebola patient after he was flown in during the night under tight security.

He is a Ugandan doctor who worked with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone. After arriving on a medical flight, the man was brought to Frankfurt University Hospital where he was placed in an isolation ward.

It is Germany's second case, with a man undergoing treatment in Hamburg after arriving from West Africa in August.

The Frankfurt hospital said the patient's arrival had gone well.

Hesse Minister of Social Affairs Stefan Gruettner said the patient had been working for an Italian aid organisation in Sierra Leone and had helped Ebola sufferers there before becoming infected himself.

Full Story

Medical staff in protective equipment attend the arrival of the Ebola patient at Frankfurt University Hospital


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Floods Highlight Need to Make Europe’s Cities More Resilient

A view of Dresden on the morning of 5 June, before the Elbe had crested. Flickr/tigion - by Marion Davis - June 7, 2013

The floods now devastating Central Europe, and severe floods in Norway last month, are part of a pattern of increasingly frequent disasters that require new approaches to risk management. 

As of June 6, the floods in Austria, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic had killed at least 16 people, and damages were so severe that some said they could exceed the more than €21.1 billion cost of the historic 2002 floods in the region.


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