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Dr. David Nabarro (UN Special Envoy on Ebola) on Ebola - General Assembly, Informal Meeting, 69th Session (13 November 2014)

13 Nov 2014 - Statement by Dr. David Nabarro, UN Special Envoy on Ebola at the General Assembly Informal meeting of the plenary briefing on the Ebola virus outbreak.

(CLICK HERE - VIDEO - Statement by Dr. David Nabarro, UN Special Envoy on Ebola)

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Structural Adaptivity Thinking

Here, I would like to explain more extensively my thinking about structural adaptivity as a critical aspect of resilience.  (In researching this subject, I was surprised by the lack of information/ideas conveniently available about the characteristics of adaptivity or adaptability. The following are my own preliminary conceptions.  I hope others will improve upon them.)


The world is changing so fast that our government, think tanks, universities and research institutions, business leaders, builders and developers, and “planners” have no hope of being able to keep up with it.  Many thinkers describe our world as actually undergoing rapidly accelerating change.  To be able to plan for the change, or even to be able to react to such transformation while it is happening, we need to do more than just keep up with it.  We need to jump out in front of it.


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Joint Forces de sécurité libérienne Slum


Associated Press 


Les forces de sécurité déployées mercredi pour faire respecter une quarantaine autour d'un bidonville de la capitale libérienne, le renforcement de la lutte du gouvernement pour arrêter la propagation du virus Ebola et les résidents énervant. 


Le Liberia a le nombre de morts le plus élevé des quatre pays ouest-africains touchés par la terrible maladie, et le nombre de cas est en augmentation le plus rapide. Présidente Ellen Johnson Sirleaf a ordonné la mise en quarantaine et a imposé un couvre-feu nocturne qui commence mercredi, en disant que les autorités n'ont pas été en mesure d'enrayer la propagation du virus Ebola dans le visage de défiance de leurs recommandations. 


"Ces mesures visent à sauver des vies», dit-elle dans un discours mardi soir. 


Pendant le raid ce week-end à West Point bidonville, articles sanglantes ont été volés et les patients potentiels d'Ebola ont fui, laissant craindre la maladie se propage hors de contrôle dans une zone densément peuplée. Il n'était pas clair pourquoi les gens voler des objets qui pourraient transmettre l'infection, mais il ya encore beaucoup d'idées fausses au sujet de la dangerosité de la maladie et comment elle se propage.

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2014 Starfish Community Expo

Thursday, September 11, 2014 - 01:00 to Friday, September 12, 2014 - 01:00


United States
31° 43' 41.4012" N, 148° 32' 6.5616" W -

Building Capacity, Breaking Dependency

Making sense of working together - Starfish Community Expo 2014.  Sustainable Communities Worldwide is hosting the 2014 Starfish Community Expo to bring great ideas and great people together.  It is an event structured around sharing what is working, refining what isn't working, and connecting with other people and organizations that share your passion for serving others.

The World Bank Report about Childhood Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa

World Bank Group recently reported major decrease in childhood diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. Loss of health due to diarrheal diseases dropped 34% between 1990 and 2010, lower respiratory infections (LRIs) such as pneumonia dropped 22%, and protein-energy malnutrition was down 17%. Several countries documented striking progress, with Malawi reducing diarrheal diseases by 65%, Burundi decreasing LRIs by 44%, and Benin reducing measles by 84% during this time. Despite this progress, childhood diseases remain major threat in that region. Please click here for more information.

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Seoul Employs Elderly To Tackle Phone Waste

submitted by Albert Gomez

An electronics waste handling facility called Seoul Resource Center in the northeast of the Seoul. Eco City - by Steven Borowiec - July 25, 2013

South Koreans are among the world’s most frequent phone upgraders, buying about 15 million new mobile phones each year

To tackle the issue of electronics waste, or e-waste, the Seoul city government is employing the elderly and low-income to breakdown and process parts with a program called Eco City.

“Our country lacks natural resources. We started this center after we realized that a lot of the kinds of things we need, like metals, were already in the country but were being thrown out,” Eco City Chief Executive Lee Dong-hyun said.

- Read Full Article -

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Patuca Reserve Resilience Network

Honduras' ecosystems are being destroyed at an incredible rate, taking with it the rich natural heritage of biodiversity that has required million of years to evolve.  In 20 years, human populations in Honduras will be be threatend from ecosystem collapses that are likely to create abect misery and population collapses at an extraordinatry level.  Already population crashes are happening in small scale collapses due to the degradation of social ecology.  

There is a need to build a Patuca Reserve Resilience Network to help preserve the remaining 30% of the Patuca Reserve that has not been destroyed by deforestation and gold mining in the rivers. Association Patuca and Dr. Perinjaquet are working on introducing Resilience Capacity Zone Assessments and Mapping in order to identify solution sets local communities would embrace for preserving their environments and livelihoods, considering that they are squating within a national preserve that to date has had no environmental enforcement. 

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Community of the Ark.


Island of Peace 
Lanza del Vasto and the Community of the Ark

By Mark Shepard

Excerpted and adapted from the book The Community of the Ark, Simple Productions, Arcata, California, 1990

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Giving communities a voice in resilience

People adapt. Photo: Shamsuddin Ahmed/IRIN

Image: People adapt. Photo: Shamsuddin Ahmed/IRIN - March 5th, 2013 - Jaspreet Kindra

Contrary to popular belief, most rural communities facing recurrent climate shocks learn to adapt, using their own resources and knowledge. Yet many international aid programmes have outside “experts” craft interventions without the involvement of those they seek to help.

And many development projects do not actually promote adaptability, said Simon Levine of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), in a 2012 Oxfam blog post.


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Explaining Risks

Aftereffects of the L'Aquila earthquakeImage: Aftereffects of the L'Aquila earthquake - October 25th, 2012 - Robert W. "Doc" Hall

The difficulties of explaining risk are the nub of the recent conviction on manslaughter changes of six Italian seismologists and a public official for inadequately forewarning the public of the L’Aquila earthquake in 2009: 309 fatalities, over 1500 injuries, and about 20,000 buildings destroyed. Seismologists classified the L’Aquila as a “moderate earthquake,” 6.3 Richter, but losses were very high in a densely populated area.

The case has drawn media attention, but Nature has a more detailed account.


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