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Video - Dr. Michael D. McDonald - The Resilience Systems - Conversations With Great Minds - The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann

CLICK HERE - The interview with Dr. Michael D. McDonald begins at the 30:00 mark.

Thom Hartmann of The Big Picture interviews Dr. Michael D. McDonald in a segment of Conversations With Great Minds.  This interview focuses on the Resilience Systems.  What is resilience?  Why is it important?  An important discussion on resilient communities and networks is included.

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Dr. Michael D. McDonald - The Resilience Systems - Conversations With Great Minds - The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann

Please join us on Friday, June 21, 2013 from 7:30pm-8:00pm (ET) as Thom Hartmann of The Big Picture interviews Dr. Michael D. McDonald in a segment of Conversations With Great Minds. This interview will focus on the Resilience Systems. What is resilience? Why is it important? An important discussion on resilient communities and networks will be included.


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Underlying Resilience Theoretical Foundations

Dear all,

Yesterday was a great pleasure for me, thank you all for the inspirations and very nice atmosphere.

Instead of writing a decent summary, I have summarised some notes in the way of formulating questions that could be of interest for the project. (Or, at least to myself.) I think it could also be very useful to write a paper to help structuring all ideas.

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Patuca Reserve Resilience Network

Honduras' ecosystems are being destroyed at an incredible rate, taking with it the rich natural heritage of biodiversity that has required million of years to evolve.  In 20 years, human populations in Honduras will be be threatend from ecosystem collapses that are likely to create abect misery and population collapses at an extraordinatry level.  Already population crashes are happening in small scale collapses due to the degradation of social ecology.  

There is a need to build a Patuca Reserve Resilience Network to help preserve the remaining 30% of the Patuca Reserve that has not been destroyed by deforestation and gold mining in the rivers. Association Patuca and Dr. Perinjaquet are working on introducing Resilience Capacity Zone Assessments and Mapping in order to identify solution sets local communities would embrace for preserving their environments and livelihoods, considering that they are squating within a national preserve that to date has had no environmental enforcement. 

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Video - Urban Resilience for a New Century - by Dr. Judith Rodin - May 14, 2013

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Crisis maps - Patrick Meier

Crisis-mapping technology has emerged in the past five years as a tool to help humanitarian organizations deliver assistance to victims of civil conflicts and natural disasters. Crisis-mapping platforms display eyewitness reports submitted via e-mail, text message, and social media. The reports are then plotted on interactive maps, creating a geospatial record of events in real time.


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Community of the Ark.


Island of Peace 
Lanza del Vasto and the Community of the Ark

By Mark Shepard

Excerpted and adapted from the book The Community of the Ark, Simple Productions, Arcata, California, 1990

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The Limits of the Earth, Part 2: Expanding the Limits

Limits of Earth logo.Image: Limits of Earth logo. - April 18th, 2013 - Ramez Naam

As part one of this series showed, we are up against incredible challenges: feeding a world with a rapidly growing appetite, the continuing loss of the world’s precious forests, the ongoing collapse of fish species in the oceans, the rapid depletion of our fresh water resources, and the over-arching threat of climate change, which makes all others far worse.

Ending growth isn’t a realistic option.  Billions of people in the developing world want access to more resources, deserve those resources as much as those of us in the rich world do, and need them in order to rise out of poverty.


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The Limits of the Earth, Part 1: Problems

Limits of Earth logo.Image: Limits of Earth logo. - April 17th, 2013 - Ramez Naam

The world is facing incredibly serious natural resource and environmental challenges: Climate change, fresh water depletion, ocean over-fishing, deforestation, air and water pollution, the struggle to feed a planet of billions.

All of these challenges are exacerbated by ever rising demand – over the next 40 years estimates are that demand for fresh water will rise 50%, demand for food will rise 70%, and demand for energy will nearly double – all in the same period that we need to tackle climate change, depletion of rivers and aquifers, and deforestation.

One view of these looming threats is that we’ve exhausted planet’s resources.


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