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Green Energy

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This group's mission is to help shape green energy policy and to create and validate viable renewable energy sources.

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This working group is focused on viable green energy policy and technologies.
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admin Albert Gomez Brian Angus ChrisAllen david hastings docpj
JockGill Maeryn Obley mashalshah

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Looking Back on the Limits of Growth


Chart Sources: Meadows, D.H., Meadows, D.L., Randers, J. and Behrens III, W.W. (1972) /  Linda Eckstein

by Mark Strauss - Smithsonian Magazine - April 2012

Recent research supports the conclusions of a controversial environmental study released 40 years ago: The world is on track for disaster. So says Australian physicist Graham Turner, who revisited perhaps the most groundbreaking academic work of the 1970s,The Limits to Growth.

Written by MIT researchers for an international think tank, the Club of Rome, the study used computers to model several possible future scenarios. The business-as-usual scenario estimated that if human beings continued to consume more than nature was capable of providing, global economic collapse and precipitous population decline could occur by 2030.


Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update

The Club of Rome

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New Range Power

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New Range Power is a global Engineering, Procurement and Construction firm committed to bringing cost effective renewable energy to the world.  Our engineers collaborate with the brightest minds on the planet to constantly push the envelope of renewable technology.  Opening our minds to future technologies while remembering the lessons of the past, we create robust affordable solutions giving you the competitive edge.

Chinese Biogas Energy Plants (Bio Digesters)

submitted by Albert Gomez

Chinese Biogas Energy Plants (Bio Digesters)

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ETI Seeks Energy-from-Waste Demonstrator Plant Partners

submitted by Albert Gomez - April 4, 2012

The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) is seeking partners for a new £13m project to help design and build a next-generation energy-from-waste demonstrator plant.

The aim of the project, which is part of ETI’s Bio Energy programme, is to commercially demonstrate the ability of how such a plant can create energy from waste and produce energy at efficiencies higher than previously produced.

In a statement, ETI said it is hoped the plant could be designed by 2014 and operational by 2016.


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Stocks Follow Oil Lower on Reserve Talks

A man refuels his car as gas prices are reflected into the windows of the United Oil gas station in Los Angeles, California March 24, 2012.  REUTERS/Bret Hartman

Reuters - by Rodrigo Campos - March 28, 2012

(Reuters) - Oil prices fell on Wednesday as the U.S. and some European governments mulled the release of strategic oil reserves, while commodity-related shares weighed on global equities.

U.S. stocks closed weaker, though far from the day's lows, in the wake of economic data that was slightly below expectations.

France, the United States and Britain are in talks about the possible release of strategic oil stocks to help push fuel prices lower, French ministers said, only weeks ahead of the country's presidential election. Purchasing power is among voters' top concerns.


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Startup Converts Plastic To Oil, And Finds A Niche

 submitted by Albert Gomez


Daniel Robison/WNED  After being delivered to JBI's Plastic2Oil facility, shredded plastic is melted down in a large tank before being vaporized and formed into fuel. John Bordynuik releases some of the substance to check for quality.

by Daniel Robison - - March 19, 2012

Only 7 percent of plastic waste in the United States is recycled each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. A startup company in Niagara Falls says it can increase that amount and reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil at the same time.

It all starts with a machine known as the Plastic-Eating Monster.


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submitted by Albert Gomez

Energyfolks is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit entity based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

To meet new demand and lift billions out of poverty, global electricity generation must double to 9 terawatts by 2035. Meanwhile, global CO2 must drop from 390ppm to 350ppm to avoid catastrophic climate change, sensitive habitats must be protected to avoid environmental damage, and supplies must be affordable and accessible to maintain geo-political stability.

Energyfolks empowers and connects energy communities worldwide to help solve this great challenge. We reach out to both established and emerging organizations to help them keep their membership engaged and informed by feely providing these groups with customizable tools to manage their website, administer membership, facilitate online discussion, and share and promote events. The eneryfolks platform frees group resources, allowing them to focus their efforts on their core mission and constituency.

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Breakthrough Technology Could Lead to Battery-Powered Future

by Eric Wesoff - - August 8, 2011

Battery technology has moved way beyond simply powering your basic consumer electronic devices; batteries now help power the world at large. But advances in battery technology have been slow to respond to the power demands of modern life.

Liquid Metal Battery - a company pursuing a breakthrough battery design using molten antimony and molten magnesium separated by an electrolyte—attracted Bill Gates and oil company Total as seed investors.


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A Box Full of Light Saves Lives


Solar panels, lights, and battery chargers.  All that's needed to give doctors and patients a chance when the power goes out.  Photo/We Care Solar

cbcradio - February 29, 2012

They were in the middle of surgery again when the power went out in the Nigerian operating room.

Luckily, a visiting American doctor had a flashlight.

But Laura Stachel figured there had to be a way around the recurring problem.

And with husband Hal Aronson, a solar energy educator in California, they came up with something called the Solar Suitcase.

She joined us while unpacking one in a maternity clinic in another part of Africa to explain how it's providing lifesaving light.

Dr. Laura Stachel at work with her Solar Suitcase in Sierra Leone. She's co-founder of WE CARE Solar, creating technology to benefit maternal health in the developing world.

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The Next 5 in 5 - Innovations That Will Change Our Lives in the Next Five Years

submitted by Albert Gomez

Science fiction becomes reality. Worlds collide. The future is now...or within five years, at least.

At the end of each year, IBM examines market and societal trends expected to transform our lives, as well as emerging technologies from IBM's global labs, to develop a multi-year forecast called The Next 5 in 5.

IBM predicts that over the next five years technology innovations will change the way we work, live and play in the following ways:


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