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UK Resilience

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The mission of this working group is explore and understand what the U.K. resilience movement is about, and how its knowledge base and guiding principles might be of assistance to Resilience Systems and Resilience Networks around the world. 

Group description: 
This Working Group is focused on exploring the Resilience movement in the United Kingdom.
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Public - accessible to all site users


Emily Penn mdmcdonald mike kraft

Email address for group

Symptoms of Covid-19 are a poor marker of infection --British study

86% of people who tested positive for Covid-19 during lockdown did not have virus symptoms (cough, and/or fever, and/or loss of taste/smell), finds a study by UCL researchers. The authors say a more widespread testing programme is needed to catch ‘silent’ transmission.

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UK Prime Minister orders new virus restrictions, could last 6 months

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned Britons on Tuesday that they should not expect to return to a normal social or work life for at least six months, as he ordered new restrictions that his government hopes will suppress a dramatic surge in confirmed coronavirus cases.

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UK science advisers warn of darker COVID-19 days ahead

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s top medical advisers on Monday painted a grim picture of exponential growth in illness and death if nothing is done to control the second wave of coronavirus infections, laying the groundwork for the government to announce new restrictions later this week.

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As Second Wave of Virus Builds, U.K. Enters New Testing Crisis

LONDON — With Britons fretting last week that a new six-person limit on gatherings would effectively cancel Christmas, Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled what he called Operation Moonshot, an audacious plan to test 10 million people every day for the coronavirus and restore life to normal by winter.

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