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Re: (task) Urgent. the supreme magician's trick from PSE

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Acknowledged. Delivered by truck burning diesel?


Dr. Michael D. McDonald

Global Resilience Initiatives

Executive Director
Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.

Global Resilience System

> On Aug 30, 2014, at 8:42 AM, Gordian Raacke <> wrote:
> It is most likely going to be oil or propane.
> Gordian Raacke
> Executive Director
> Renewable Energy Long Island
> 631-329-8888
>> On Aug 30, 2014 7:36 AM, "michael mcdonald" <> wrote:
>> East End RS
>> 4
>> petro
>>> On Aug 29, 2014, at 7:21 PM, Margery Schab <> wrote:
>>> Dear Mary Anne and Mike:
>>> We all are pleased about the 0% by 2020 in EH however, PSE&G long island has other ideas. See attached regarding their supplemental plant in Montauk.
>>> I quickly looked throughout their plan and ai think it will be NG. How is the gas going to get there(more pipelines, compressor stations I wonder where, gather lines and metering stations on Long Island. We need to investigate this and get to the bottom of it. I wonder if the NG will come by barge to Montauk through the planned Port Ambrose LNG facility now back on the burner sadly and time to make comments.
>>> MaryAnne so this the the supplemental gas facility??!! we need to corroborate that . Not in Brookhave which you did and that is wonderful but also not in Montauk either. Marge
>>> MaryAnne, I am here in the East End could you please give me a call.
>>> 631-325-1023 with grateful thanks.
>>> <2014-07-01_PSEG_LI_Utility_2_0_LongRangePlan.pdf>
>>> <High Tension as PSEG Hears From East Hampton | The East Hampton Star.pdf>
>>>> On Aug 29, 2014, at 2:07 PM, michael mcdonald <> wrote:
>>>> Lots of Petro news.
>>>> Mike
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>>>>> From: Reader Supported News <>
>>>>> Subject: Hillary Clinton on Ferguson: "Imagine What We Would Feel"
>>>>> Date: August 29, 2014 at 1:51:39 PM EDT
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>>>>> Reader Supported News | 29 August 14 AM
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>>>>> Hillary Clinton on Ferguson: "Imagine What We Would Feel"
>>>>> Zeke J. Miller, TIME Magazine
>>>>> Miller reports: "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her first public comments Thursday on the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., calling for the country to address 'inequities' in the criminal-justice system."
>>>>> Missouri Police Face $40M Lawsuit for 'Military Tactics' in Ferguson
>>>>> Carey Gillam, Reuters
>>>>> Gillam reports: "A group of people caught up in unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, after a white officer killed a black teenager, sued local officials on Thursday, alleging civil rights violations through arrests and police assaults with rubber bullets and tear gas."
>>>>> ISIS Waterboarded Foley, Others
>>>>> Reuters
>>>>> Excerpt: "At least four hostages held in Syria by Islamic State militants, including U.S. journalist James Foley, were waterboarded during their captivity, The Washington Post reported on Thursday."
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>>>>> Hartford Police Chief Under Fire for Joining Protesters
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>>>>> Krauss reports: "Royal Dutch Shell submitted a plan to the federal government on Thursday to try once again to explore for oil in the Alaskan Arctic, following years of legal and logistical setbacks as well as dogged opposition from environmentalists."
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