Annan: World faces 'crisis of governance'

DAVOS, Switzerland (CNN) -- The worldwide economic recession has exposed a "crisis of global governance" that can only be addressed by the radical reform of the United Nations, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Wednesday as the World Economic Forum got under way in Switzerland.

Kofi Annan says the United Nations needs to be reformed.

Computational Technology for Effective Health Care: Immediate Steps and Strategic Directions

This report finds that current national health care IT deployment efforts will not be sufficient to achieve the vision of 21st century health care, and calls for greater emphasis by computer science and health/biomedical informatics researchers on providing cognitive support for health care providers, patients, and family caregivers.

Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from Colombia

Oeindrila Dube, Harvard University and Juan Vargas, Universidad del Rosario
November 12, 2008

How do income shocks affect armed conflict? Theory suggests two opposite effects. If labor is used to appropriate resources violently, higher
wages may lower conflict by reducing labor supplied to appropriation.
This is the opportunity cost effect. Alternatively, a rise in contestable
income may increase violence by raising gains from appropriation. This
is the rapacity effect.
The paper exploits exogenous price shocks in inter-

State of the U.S.A. Health Indicators

Committee on the State of the USA Health Indicators, Institute of Medicine, 2008

Available online at:

“………..Policymakers, the media, and the public should focus on 20 specific health indicators as "yardsticks" to measure the overall health and well-being of Americans, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM).

Supplement on Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Supplement on Addressing Social Determinants of Health in:
HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis

Public Health Reports (PHR) is inviting papers for a Supplement on Addressing Social Determinants of Health in HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis.

Deadline for Submission: May 15, 2009

Website at

Plague allegedly killed Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb terrorists

By Olivier Guitta

On Monday, the Sun ran a story reporting that 40 terrorists from AQIM had died of plague in a terrorist training camp in Tizi Ouzou. Yesterday, Eli Lake from the Washington Times confirmed through one of his source in the U.S. intelligence community that an incident had taken place at a training camp that had to be shut down as a result. The deaths were not confirmed though.

A few observations at this point that give credence to this story, which has not received the coverage it deserves:

Pig-to-Human Ebola Case Suspected in Philippines

Published: January 23, 2009
In the first known case of what may be transmission of the Ebola virus from a pig to a human, a pig handler in the Philippines has tested positive for a strain of the virus, world health officials and the Philippine government announced Friday.

Push for $17.6 B for Research — $10 B for NIH — in the Recovery Bill

Agenda from Research America

Contact Congress Now

Urge your congressional delegation to support $17.6 billion for research to improve health in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Senate Plan Offers Big Boost in Health Spending

Jan. 23, 2009 – 4:04 p.m.

By Alex Wayne, CQ Staff
Senate Democrats are proposing about $132 billion in new spending for Medicaid and Medicare, electronic health records and health insurance for the unemployed as part of the emerging economic stimulus package.

American Health Care Since 1994: The Unacceptable Status Quo

This January 8th 2009 article by Ben Furnas of the Center for American Progress
provides a good back-drop for the debate on health care reform and concludes:

Obama Transition Tracker

Resource of the Week: Carroll Publishing's Transition Tracker By Shirl Kennedy, Senior Editor

Here's a timely (free!) resource that crossed our radar screen this week, from a publisher that is certainly highly qualified to profile this sort of information.

Staying abreast of current developments throughout the transition
from the old administration to the new is important to the
American people. Carroll Publishing has always provided the best
contact information at all levels of government for its clients.

A retrospective analysis of health systems in Denmark and Kaiser Permanente

Anne Frølich1§, Michaela L Schiøtz2, Martin Strandberg-Larsen2, John Hsu3, Allan Krasnik2, Finn Diderichsen4, Jim Bellows5, Jes Søgaard6, Karen White7
1. Copenhagen Hospital Corporation, Copenhagen NV, Denmark
2 Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen K, Denmark
3 Center for Health Policy Studies, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA , USA
4 Institute of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen K, Denmark
5 Care Management Institute, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA USA
6. Danish Institute for Health Services Research, Copenhagen , Denmark

Healthy Societies: Addressing 21st Century Health Challenges

Prepared by Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Adelaide Thinker in Residence Department of the Premier and Cabinet
May 2008 - State of South Australia

Available online PDF [62p.] at:

Improving Patient Safety in the EU Assessing the expected effects of three policy areas for future action

Annalijn Conklin, Anna-Marie Vilamovska, Han de Vries, Evi Hatziandreu
Health and Consumer Protection Commission (DG SANCO)

Available online PDF [148p.] at:

Primary health care delivery models in rural and remote Australia

Primary health care delivery models in rural and remote Australia
a systematic review

John Wakerman , John S Humphreys , Robert Wells , Pim Kuipers , Philip Entwistle and Judith Jones
1 Centre for Remote Health, a joint Centre of Flinders University & Charles Darwin University, Australia
2 Monash University School of Rural Health, Victoria, Australia
3 Menzies Centre for Health Policy and College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Australian National University, Australia
BMC Health Services Research 2008, 8:276doi:10.1186/1472-6963-8-276
29 December 2008


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