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He sells ‘top up’


By Edna Smalle
Wednesday April 13, 2016

A recent statistical update presented boy the Sierra Leone Legal Aid Board  on  their activities covering  1st September 2015 to 11th March 2016, shows that crime rate in the country is prevalent among youths.

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Sierra Leone May Be Ebola-Free But The Virus Still Casts A Shadow

Health workers in Sierra Leone check travelers entering the country from Liberia. Zoom Dosso/AFP/Getty Images

Image: Health workers in Sierra Leone check travelers entering the country from Liberia. Zoom Dosso/AFP/Getty Images - November 7th, 2015 - Nahid Bhadelia

Today marks the 42nd day that Sierra Leone has had no new cases of Ebola. That potentially signals the end of the epidemic in that country.

I spent almost three months in Sierra Leone over the last year, both as a clinician in Ebola treatment units and as an infection control educator.


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Petrochemical Industry Announcements



Petrochemical political economy. Employment


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Petrochemical political economy

Dr. Michael D. McDonald

Global Health Response and Resilience Alliance

Global Resilience Systems, Inc.

Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kathy Gilbeaux <>
> Date: July 28, 2015 at 11:54:34 PM EDT
> To:
> Chevron to cut 950 jobs in Houston
> Total seeks buyer for half of Texas refinery
> Kathy

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Ebola Stigma Keeps Many From Work in Liberia

VOICE OF AMERICA — by Chris Stein and  Prince Collins  June 11, 2015

DAKAR and  MONROVIA --Burial teams undertook some of the most hazardous work in Liberia’s fight against Ebola. With the West African nation now getting relief from the virus, these men and women say societal stigma is keeping them from getting jobs....

Being unemployed is no small thing in Liberia, which was already recovering from nearly two decades of ruinous civil war before Ebola broke out in 2014.

About two-thirds of Liberians live in poverty, according to the World Bank. Sonny Fayon was unemployed when the outbreak started, he found work on a burial team, but now is out of a job again. Even though he never got sick, no one will hire him, he said.

“We’re not very vulnerable to the Ebola business. We’re well-protected, we wore protective clothing to do the job,” Fayon stated. “So they should accept us. I think we were very careful in doing the work.”
Read complete story.

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Exclusive: take a first look at the next generation ebola-protection suit

QUARTZ  by Grace Dobush                                         March 13, 2015

AUSTIN, Texas—Perhaps the most surprising and important product debuting at SXSW Interactive this year is a personal protective equipment (PPE) prototype for health care workers dealing with Ebola, a tangible result of the U.S. government adapting the culture of innovation and design thinking so key in the startup world.

A team from the U.S. Agency for International Development demonstrated the traditional Ebola suit and the new suit in a preview for Quartz....

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All four suspected Ebola cases in Spain test negative for the disease

THE GUARDIAN                                         OCT. 17, 2014
By Ashifa Kassam

MADRID-- All four suspected Ebola cases admitted to hospitals in Spain on Thursday have tested negative for the virus in the initial rounds of tests, authorities said on Friday.

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A passenger on an Air France flight arriving at Madrid with fever symptoms was taken to Carlos III hospital.

The patient later tested negative. Photograph: Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images

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The World Bank is in search of data scientists for bigdata. Apply Now!

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CLICK HERE - Job Description - Senior Data Scientist

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