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RFP:Mapping Knowledge Resources for MCH

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Request for Proposals (RFP)
Mapping Existing Knowledge Resources Relevant to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009

Partnership website:

“….The purpose of the work to be undertaken by the selected team is to conduct a mapping exercise of existing resources relevant to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health MNCH to serve as a basis for determining the detailed architecture and scope of the knowledge management system.

This mapping exercise will result in:

1. An inventory of current and emerging knowledge resources on MNCH, and their host bodies, including but not limited to:
· Websites and portals
· Communities of practice
· Databases and other evidence resources
· Journals, newsletters, policy briefs, magazines and other printed materials
· Media, news outlets
· Other electronic interfaces
· Other: moderated blogs, op eds
· Knowledge management systems or knowledge hubs in other fields that include an MNCH component, or a component that pertains to MNC outcomes
The inventory should indicate both the added-value provided by each knowledge resource item identified to the global MNCH effort
and the key gaps in coverage, so as to inform the PMNCH knowledge management system.

2. A series of structured recommendations , together with rationale and justification for each, which identifies the specific remit (scope) of the planned knowledge management system to maximize its value to the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health MNCH community and to global health and development advocates.

Individuals and institutions are eligible to apply for this grant. Developing country individuals and institutions are especially encouraged to apply, either alone or in collaboration with colleagues in high-income countries. Individuals working for UN organizations may provide technical or advisory assistance but cannot be the main recipient of funds from this grant award.

Schedule of work and budget
The work commence before end May, 2009 and be completed by end September 2009.

Each member of the proposed team, comprising an individual or several individuals, should be able to make the appropriate time commitment during this period. Budgets should include provision for: professional fees, supplies, communications, travel, administration/overhead. Applicants must provide clear justification for their proposed budgets and demonstrate value for money. The successful team will report to the PMNCH Task Team for the knowledge management system, and will liaise with them at the beginning, mid-point and end of the project period.

Review Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel comprising a Board member from the PMNCH Task Team for the knowledge management system, a senior Secretariat staff member, and an external technical expert from a developing country. Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

- Demonstrated understanding of the scope and intent of the mapping exercise
- Quality of the proposed methods: innovation and feasibility of approach, clarity of the work plan, level of effort of team members
- Expertise and work experience of the proposed team
- Clarity of overall presentation
- Value for money

Application Process
Applicants are requested to send a proposal which includes the following:
- Cover letter, with full name, institutional affiliation (if any), email address, telephone number of the team leader
- Proposal, not more than ten pages, plus annexes
1. Executive Summary
2. Purpose of the mapping exercise
3. Proposed approach or method: how the mapping will be conducted
4. Proposed team: names and coordinates
5. Names of two references pertinent to prior work with global health partnerships
6. Risks and how these will be managed
7. Work plan: time line with key milestones and deliverables
8. Budget
9. Disclosure of any potential conflict of interest
10. Annex A - Full CVs of team members

Proposals will be accepted in any UN language. Proposals (in pdf format) should be received by email on or before
1700 Geneva time, Thursday, April 30, 2009

To the attention of Mr. Rustam Ergashev, Administrative Assistant,,
Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.
Questions on matters of clarity of this RFP document arising during the invitation period should be addressed to Mr. Ergashev by email.
Questions and responses will be posted (anonymously) on the Partnership's website.

howdy folks
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