Médicaments contrefaits : un problème de santé en Afrique

Certains individus mal intentionnés n’ont aucun mal à transformer un morceau de craie, un peu de farine ou d’amidon en un comprimé ou une pilule. Difficile de dire à l’œil nu s’il s’agit d’un « faux ». L’étiquetage et l’emballage sont souvent imités à la perfection. Le commerce mondial de médicaments de contrefaçon, qui pèse un milliard de dollars, se porte bien en Afrique. Les médicaments contrefaits et de mauvaise qualité inondent les marchés. Se rendre à la pharmacie, c’est un peu jouer à la roulette russe. Choisir la mauvaise boîte peut vous coûter la vie.

En Afrique, selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), près de 100 000 décès par...

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With A Little Help, Africa Could Become Renewable Energy Powerhouse

The United States, China, India, Japan, and Europe all fit within Africa, a continent that lags behind those places in development. When it comes to energy and electricity, this lack of infrastructure or institutionalized energy systems offers some opportunities for renewable sources of energy to enter into a market that is struggling to meet demand.

The International Renewable Energy Agency recently said that Africa’s renewable energy capacity is ....

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Antarctic Ice Shelf On Brink Of Unstoppable Melt That Could Raise Sea Levels For 10,000 Years


Steve Allen via Getty Images

huffingtonpost.com - reuters - by Alister Doyle

OSLO, May 4 (Reuters) - Part of East Antarctica is more vulnerable than expected to a thaw that could trigger an unstoppable slide of ice into the ocean and raise world sea levels for thousands of years, a study showed on Sunday.

The Wilkes Basin in East Antarctica, stretching more than 1,000 km (600 miles) inland, has enough ice to raise sea levels by 3 to 4 metres (10-13 feet) if it were to melt as an effect of global warming, the report said.

The Wilkes is vulnerable because it is held in place by a small rim of ice, resting on bedrock below sea level by the coast of the frozen continent.


CLICK HERE - STUDY - Ice plug prevents irreversible discharge from East Antarctic


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Polio’s Return After Near Eradication Prompts a Global Health Warning



Health workers vaccinate a child in Afghanistan. Credit Diego Ibarra Sanchez for The New York Times

nytimes.com - by Donald G. McNeil Jr. - May 5, 2014

Alarmed by the spread of polio to several fragile countries, the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on Monday for only the second time since regulations permitting it to do so were adopted in 2007.

Just two years ago — after a 25-year campaign that vaccinated billions of children — the paralyzing virus was near eradication; now health officials say that goal could evaporate if swift action is not taken. . .

. . . “Things are going in the wrong direction and have to get back on track before something terrible happens,” said Gregory Hartl, a W.H.O. spokesman.


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WHO Report: The World is Headed for a Post-Antibiotic Era

submitted by Luis Kun

Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) released Antimicrobial Resistance: Global Report on Surveillance 2014, the first comprehensive WHO report on surveillance of antibacterial resistance -- when bacteria outsmart the drugs designed to kill them. The report found that rates of resistance for common bacteria causing serious illness are high throughout the world and that there are significant gaps in global surveillance.

The findings in this landmark report are consistent with CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2013 published in September 2013. Both reports sound the alarm on this serious threat. Antibiotic resistance is no longer a prediction for the future. It is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone.

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Mississippi State University Student-Athletes Respond in Tornado Relief


MSU student-athletes set up a tornado relief shelter on Tuesday. (PHOTO CREDIT: Megan Bean)

hailstate.com - April 30, 2014

STARKVILLE, Miss. -- A day after destructive tornadoes swept through the state of Mississippi, Mississippi State student-athletes from all sports responded as volunteers in the relief efforts.

MSU student-athletes, graduate assistants, athletic department staff, weight room staff and equipment staff quickly set up a tornado relief center and shelter in the parking lot of the Palmeiro Center on the MSU campus. The relief center is being coordinated by the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.



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Boris Johnson outlines plan to bolster London's energy independence

A street light in front of the EDF London Eye. Photograph: Andrew Winning/Reuters

Image: A street light in front of the EDF London Eye. Photograph: Andrew Winning/Reuters

theguardian.com - April 25th, 2014 - Terry Macalister

Boris Johnson has announced plans for the London mayor's office to become the UK's latest electricity supplier with an official launch next year of a scheme aimed at lowering bills and bolstering the capital's energy independence.

London will be the first public authority to receive a "junior" electricity licence from industry regulator Ofgem as part of the plan to produce 25% of the capital's power from local sources by 2025.

Energy for London, as the scheme is likely to be named, will initially buy power from small-scale generators owned by London boroughs and public bodies and then sell it on to Transport for London and the Metropolitan police.


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Study Casts Doubt on Climate Benefit of Biofuels from Corn Residue


Baling corn residue at a University of Nebraska-Lincoln field experiment site in Saunders County, Neb.  UNL

unl.edu - by Leslie Reed - April 20, 2014

Using corn crop residue to make ethanol and other biofuels reduces soil carbon and can generate more greenhouse gases than gasoline, according to a study published today in the journal Nature Climate Change.

The findings by a University of Nebraska-Lincoln team of researchers cast doubt on whether corn residue can be used to meet federal mandates to ramp up ethanol production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Nature - Climate Change - Biofuels from crop residue can reduce soil carbon and increase CO2 emissions

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World Disasters Report 2013

International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

The World Disasters Report 2013 examines the profound impact of technological innovations on humanitarian action, how humanitarians employ technology in new and creative ways, and what risks and opportunities may emerge as a result of technological innovations.

The responsible use of technology offers concrete ways to make humanitarian assistance more effective, efficient and accountable and can, in turn, directly reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience. Finding ways for advances in technology to serve the most vulnerable is a moral imperative; a responsibility, not a choice.

Published annually since 1993, the World Disasters Report brings together the latest trends, facts and analysis of contemporary catastrophes and their effect on vulnerable populations worldwide. Initiated by the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, it convenes eminent researchers, authors and development and humanitarian aid practitioners to highlight contemporary issues on a yearly basis.


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Local People Need Access to Technology to Survive Disasters

Indian villagers stand on the breached embankment of a swollen river. The widespread use of technology played a huge role in preventing a large loss of life when cyclone Phailin hit the country. Photograph: AP

Technology can greatly enhance the ability of disaster-affected communities to help themselves, says world disasters report

theguardian.com - by Mark Tran
October 17, 2013

Lack of access to information and technology has a major bearing on people's ability to prepare for, survive and recover from disasters, according to the 2013 world disasters report.

While new technologies greatly enhance the ability of disaster-affected communities to help themselves, the report, published by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva . . . says access to technology is deeply unequal. This digital divide is prominent in the most disaster-prone countries around the world.


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China Says More Than Half of Its Groundwater is Polluted


A pipe discharges factory waste water from the Shenhua coal-to-liquid project into a stream in the hills in Ordos in the inner Mongolia. Photograph: Qiu Bo/Greenpeace

Number of groundwater sites of poor or extremely poor quality increases to 59.6%, Chinese government says

theguardian.com - by Jonathan Kaiman - April 23, 2014

Nearly 60% of China’s underground water is polluted, state media has reported, underscoring the severity of the country’s environmental woes.

The country’s land and resources ministry found that among 4,778 testing spots in 203 cities, 44% had “relatively poor” underground water quality; the groundwater in another 15.7% tested as “very poor”.

Water quality improved year-on-year at 647 spots, and worsened in 754 spots, the ministry said.


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Marshall Islands Sues Nuclear Powers for Failure on Disarmament


AFP / Getty Images

The Pacific Island nation, the site of many nuclear tests, is taking its case to the ICJ and US courts

Associated Press - america.aljazeera.com - April 24, 2014

The tiny Pacific nation of the Marshall Islands is taking on the United States and the world’s eight other nuclear-armed nations with an unprecedented lawsuit demanding that they meet their obligations toward disarmament, and accusing them of “flagrant violations” of international law. . .

. . . The country is also filing a federal lawsuit against the U.S. in San Francisco, naming President Barack Obama, the departments and secretaries of defense and energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

The Marshall Islands claims the nine countries are modernizing their nuclear arsenals instead of negotiating disarmament, and it estimates that they will spend $1 trillion on those arsenals over the next decade.


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We Need an Apartheid-Style Boycott to Save the Planet

'The negative impacts of Keystone XL will affect the whole world, our shared world, the only world we have.' Photograph: Sue Ogrocki/AP

We must stop climate change. And we can, if we use the tactics that worked in South Africa against the worst carbon emitters


by Desmond Tutu
April 10, 2014

Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse. No more can it be dismissed as science fiction; we are already feeling the effects.


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We Need an Apartheid-Style Boycott to Save the Planet

I caught Ebola in Guinea and survived

The symptoms started with headaches, diarrhoea, pains in my back and vomiting.

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