Alan Greenspan: Extending Bush Tax Cuts Without Paying For Them Could Be 'Disastrous'

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said that the push by congressional Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts without offsetting the costs elsewhere could end up being "disastrous" for the economy. In an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press," Greenspan expressed his disagreement with the conservative argument that tax cuts essentially pay for themselves by generating revenue and productivity among recipients. "They do not," said Greenspan. For more information:

David Stockman: Four Deformations of the Apocalypse

In a rare OpEd in the New York Times, David Stockman, former Republican Office of Management and Budget Director under the Reagan Administration, lambasts the Republican party for its irresponsible stand on maintaining the Bush tax cuts during a time of ballooning Federal deficit. -- An important read. By DAVID STOCKMAN Published: July 31, 2010 IF there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation’s public debt — if honestly reckoned to include municipal bonds and the $7 trillion of new deficits baked into the cake through 2015 — will soon reach $18 trillion. That’s a Greece-scale 120 percent of gross domestic product, and fairly screams out for austerity and sacrifice. It is therefore unseemly for the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, to insist that the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase. More fundamentally, Mr. McConnell’s stand puts the lie to the Republican pretense that its new monetarist and supply-side doctrines are rooted in its traditional financial philosophy. Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts — in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses, too.

Gulf Coast Economy


This forum within the Gulf Coast Resilience System focuses on the Gulf Coast Economy.

Gulf Oil Spill: BP Says Time For 'Scaleback' Of Cleanup Efforts

The title of this article would seem to indicate that BP, now having capped the Deepwater Horizon well that has spilled millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico with devastating impacts on the Gulf's ecosystem, believes that its responsibilities to correct the damage done is now coming to a conclusion. The reality of the situation may be far more complex. If BP is allowed to walk away from this catastrophe ignoring impacts on wildlife, the foodchain, human health, livelihoods, the social ecology of Gulf coast communities, and the economy of the region, what does that portent for future abuses by the petrochemical industry in the Gulf of Mexico? With James Lee Witt (former FEMA Administrator) entering the picture, perhaps there is some inkling of hope. How far will a James Lee Witt go to address the One Health dimensions of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill's impacts on the Gulf region? That remains to be seen... "BILOXI, Miss. — BP's incoming CEO said Friday that it's time for a "scaleback" of the massive effort to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but stressed the commitment to make things right is the same as ever. Tens of thousands of people – many of them idled fishermen – have been involved in the cleanup, but more than two weeks after the leak was stopped there is relatively little oil on the surface, leaving less work for oil skimmers to do.

Gulf of Mexico Has Long Been Dumping Site

This article states that the social ecology of the Gulf region has evolved into accepting environmental abuse and a passive resignation that the petrochemical industry in the Gulf Region is intertwined with its political and economic systems. The Deepwater Horizon oil/natural gas spill crisis, as perhaps the United States worst environmental catastrophe, according to this article is only one act of many over a 50 year period that has caused the Gulf of Mexico to become an accepted dumping group for environmental pollutants. If so, what will bring the Gulf back to a having a healthy environment and a resilient and sustainable social ecology? The following excerpt from this New York Times article provides the reader with a sense of the resignation, apathy, and lack of education within the Gulf coast citizenry of what they can do to be a part of bringing the Gulf back from the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON Published: July 29, 2010 "...The gulf has changed, Mr. Pitre said: “I think it’s too far gone to salvage.” The BP oil spill has sent millions of barrels gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, focusing international attention on America’s third coast and prompting questions about whether it will ever fully recover from the spill.

Science alone not enough to boost world farm output

(Reuters) - Feeding a fast-growing global population in the face of climate change and stagnant funding for food aid and farm research will require a fundamental revamp of agriculture, agricultural experts said. GREEN BUSINESS | COP15 But unlike the "Green Revolution" that dramatically hiked agricultural output in Latin America and Asia from the 1950s, a new agricultural restructuring will need to focus as much on new seed varieties as on good governance, women's empowerment and things like curbing commodities speculation, they added. "We cannot address world food security risks effectively only through a science and technology agenda," Joachim von Braun, former director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), told a conference Sunday. "We need to get appropriate market regulations to prevent excessive speculation," he added on the opening day of the conference held in southern France to discuss a roadmap to reform agricultural research to meet development goals. Speculation in food markets contributes to fuelling price swings that can undercut the ability of farmers to plan, often leading them to over or under-produce.

Clean Water from Dirty Salt Water

Here is an interesting technology that could make a huge difference around the world, if its commercial application application end up being inexpensive and sufficient for most families.

No statements yet on how long the chips will last.

My biggest concern is that this may become an excuse for human's continuing to foul their planetary nest, without consideration of the larger implications.

Cyclone Tomas in Fiji

Emergency morgues set up in Fiji (Source: ONE News)

Residents in southern Fiji are stocking up on groceries and boarding up their homes in preparation for the brunt of Cyclone Tomas, as reports come through of a death.

A woman drowned after battling to save others in massive waves pounding a beach off Fiji's Vanua Levu.

Fiji's Disaster Management Centre has confirmed it is setting up emergency morgues around the country as they prepare to be battered by the cyclone. There have been unconfirmed reports of fatalities and injuries.

Resilience experiences...

Resilience experiences...

When thinking in what Resilience implies after an event,it comes to mind that a community may not only be able to cope and to recover, but that it may also change to reflect different priorities arising from the disaster.

Creativity and flexibility will show the ability to recover from trauma or crisis in the aftermath of traumatic events .In this process building resilience interventions at the same time that the tragic events are happening is a major key issue.

Earthquake aftermath

Martial law in Chile

President Bachelet declared a state of siege on the basis that it was necessary to maintain order and distribute aid. Government officials blamed looters for interfering with the rescue and aid effort.
So far, the death toll from the massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami stands at 723 and is expected to rise. Many who are now missing are believed to have drowned at sea, while others are still buried under the rubble. Some 1.5 million homes were destroyed, many of them wiped out by the tsunami.

How big an impact will the Chilean 8.8 earthquake have on Chile and the world?

For such a large earthquake, it would seem that the death toll should be far higher, unless the buildings and infrastructure were designed to face a huge earthquake with low casualties.

Beyond the immediate death toll, what is the impact of this 8.8 Mw earthquake on Chile and the world?

International Aid to quake-stricken Chile

EU pledges three million euros

The European Union says it is readying some 3 million euros ($4 million) in immediate aid to help Chile cope with the aftermath of an earthquake that has killed at least 300 people.
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said in a statement he was "deeply shocked at the extent of the devastation" in Chile as he announced the European Union's intention to do whatever it took to help.

Tsunami Warning from Chile's 8.8 Earthquake Triggering Evacuations

Chile earthquake: tsunami warnings trigger evacuations across Pacific
The devastating earthquake in Chile has triggered a tsunami which is radiating across the Pacific and has already caused serious damage on the islands said to have inspired Robinson Crusoe.

By David Barrett
Published: 1:37PM GMT 27 Feb 2010
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Chile's President Michelle Bachelet declares a 'state of catastrophe' Photo: AP

Chile 8.8 Mw Earthquake: Impacts on Infrastructure, Limited Deaths Due to Preparedness

Chile well prepared for quakes

By Jonathan Amos
Science correspondent, BBC News

It is not possible to predict the time and magnitude of an earthquake, but certain places on the Earth know they are always at risk from big tremors. Chile is one of those places.
It lies on the "Ring of Fire", the line of frequent quakes and volcanic eruptions that circles virtually the entire Pacific rim.

USGS Report: 8.8 Mw Tsunamigenic Earthquake Off Chile on 2/26/10


***This event has been revised.

Geographic coordinates: 35.846S, 72.718W
Magnitude: 8.8 Mw
Depth: 35 km
Universal Time (UTC): 27 Feb 2010 06:34:14
Time near the Epicenter: 27 Feb 2010 03:34:14
Local standard time in your area: 27 Feb 2010 06:34:14

Location with respect to nearby cities:
104 km (65 miles) WSW (246 degrees) of Talca, Chile


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