U.S. doctors urged to test for monkeypox, CDC says risk to public low

Sacramento schools reinstate mask mandate amid COVID surge

Pfizer's Paxlovid reduces COVID risk in seniors regardless of vaccine status -study

Silent spread of monkeypox may be a wakeup call for the world

White House: 1st shots for kids under 5 possible by June 21

Older Americans bore brunt of COVID-19 deaths during the omicron wave

Outbreaks of diseases such as monkeypox becoming more frequent, warns WHO

Inaccurate oxygen level readings delayed COVID-19 therapies for Black, Hispanic patients: study

Gridlock could delay COVID funds until fall — or longer

Homeless deaths spiked during pandemic, not from COVID. From drugs.

CDC warns of COVID "rebound" after taking Paxlovid, says drug still beneficial

Fighting For Survival in the Shadow of Covid-19

Covid-19 Can Leave You Infectious After Five or Even 10 Days

CDC identifies 9 monkeypox cases in 7 states

Plans underway to ramp up monkeypox testing if outbreak grows quickly


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