Risky business: insuring countries against climate catastrophe

The last 50 years have borne witness to a spate of climate-related disasters across the world causing over 800,000 fatalities and $1 trillion in economic losses.

Those stark facts come from the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) Working Group, a group of NGOs and corporations that has produced a report warning that if countries do not take active steps to build resilience to climate change soon, they are likely to suffer even larger economic losses in the coming decades.

Climate change - burden or opportunity for health?

Despite an international resolution to avoid environmental health hazards, the medical community - already overburdened with health challenges - has remained largely outside the climate change dialogue, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) climate change specialist.

“The health community has been late in coming to the issue because we have enough on our plates,” said Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum with WHO’s public health and environment department, speaking about health workers, policymakers and donors.

Texas A&M researcher shows possible link between 1918 El Niño and flu pandemic

DOI Launches Climate Change Response Strategy

15 SEP
Reported by: SustainableBusiness.com News

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on Monday launched the Department of the Interior’s first-ever coordinated strategy to address current and future impacts of climate change on America’s land, water, ocean, fish, wildlife, and cultural resources.

Healthy people with swine flu should not be given Tamiflu, says WHO

Healthy people who catch swine flu but show only mild symptoms should not be given Tamiflu, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.

There have been fears that mass use of Tamiflu will encourage the virus to become resistant to the antiviral.

The advice contradicts British policy on the issue, which has seen hundreds of thousands of doses of the antiviral given to people with the virus.

Today's advice, published on the WHO website, said most patients were experiencing typical flu symptoms and would get better within a week.

Scotland's "resilience room" planning response to H1N1

Inside Scotland’s swine flu bunker
Deep underground in the centre of Edinburgh, emergency planners are hard at work preparing Scotland’s response to the H1N1 virus. At its heart is the ‘resilience room’, where crucial decisions are taken each day.

WE'RE INSIDE "THE BUNKER", the Scottish government's equivalent to Cobra (Cabinet Office Briefing Room A), Westminster's nerve centre for dealing with national emergencies, disasters and terrorism. It's here, in the Bunker, that the nation's battle against H1N1 is being fought.

Swine Flu Sufferers Pass Bug to at Least Two Others, Study Says

Source: bloomberg.com

By Jason Gale

July 24 (Bloomberg) -- Swine flu sufferers pass the bug to about two other people, fostering its spread, according to the first published study of the pandemic strain’s infectiousness in the Southern Hemisphere.

Self Rated Health in the Self Assessment Research Literature

Are Americans Feeling Less Healthy?
The Puzzle of Trends in Self-rated Health.

Salomon JA, Nordhagen S, Oza S, Murray CJL
Am J Epidemiol 2009;170:343-351 (doi:10.1093/aje/kwp144)
American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access originally published online on June 29, 2009

Open Access: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/170/3/343?etoc

Swine Flu Prevention Takes on New Urgency

Wall Street Journal
July 24, 2009

Swine Flu Prevention Takes on New Urgency
U.S. Officials Call for FDA to Move on Vaccine Without Data from Clinical Trials; U.K. Sets Up Hotline as New Cases Double

Global health officials are scrambling to try to prevent the spread of the H1N1 swine flu virus, with U.S. officials moving Thursday with a recommendation that the Food and Drug Administration approve or license a vaccine.

Development in Dangerous Places

A forum on global poverty and intervention

Boston Review – July/August 2009

Website: http://bostonreview.net/BR34.4/ndf_development.php

Paul Collier If richer states provide security, the poorest can finally grow

“The world's poorest countries have diverged from the rest of mankind. They will never tap their vast reservoir of frustrated human potential unless the international community provides basic public goods that go beyond the typical aid agenda.”

Stephen D. Krasner “If third parties play a more decisive role, there is some hope.”

The public health effect of economic crises and alternative policy responses in Europe: 
an empirical analysis

David Stuckler PhD a b, Sanjay Basu PhD c d, Marc Suhrcke PhD e f, Adam Coutts PhD g, Martin McKee MD b h
a Department of Sociology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
b Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
c Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, CA, USA
d Division of General Internal Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, CA, USA
e School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
f Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), Cambridge, UK

Can closing schools stop the flu?

Email|Link|Comments (0)Posted by Elizabeth Cooney July 20, 2009 08:53 PM As they prepare for a fall flu season that could bring two nasty strains, Boston health officials are studying whether school closings helped to stop the spread of swine flu during the spring. Dr. Anita Barry, director of the infectious disease bureau at the Boston Public Health Commission, said the agency is still analyzing case reports from private and public schools that closed after abseentism rates soared. They expect to have answers in a month that will tell them if closing schools broke the chain of transmission of swine flu, known by its scientific name H1N1. The Boston review continues even as an article appearing today in a special issue of the British medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases concludes that closing schools early in a pandemic can reduce the number of cases at its peak, but cases might rise later when they reopened, leading to the same totals had schools not been shuttered. This flattening in the number of cases was observed in epidemics dating from 1918 through 2008.

Social inequalities in mortality: a problem of cognitive function?

Michael Marmot* and Mika Kivimäki
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, UK
European Heart Journal Advance Access published online on July 14, 2009
European Heart Journal, doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehp264

Available online at : http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/ehp264v1

Diagnosing SO-H1N1

The 2009 H1N1 virus is transmitted from person to person.
Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
The 2009 outbreak has shown an increased percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting.

SO-H1N1 Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in humans the symptoms of the 2009 "swine flu" H1N1 virus are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general.

Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

The 2009 outbreak has shown an increased percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting.

The 2009 H1N1 virus is transmitted from person to person.


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