U.S. plan to stretch monkeypox vaccine supply already facing implementation problems

Pfizer's COVID vaccine 73.2% effective in kids under 5-- new data

New York Governor annouces end of COVID-19 restrictions in schools


Students will no longer have to isolate or quarantine if they are exposed to someone who is COVID-positive, and entire classrooms won’t have to be sent home over a single case anymore, the governor said.

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U.S. CDC approves use of Novavax's COVID shot for adolescents

Pfizer seeks FDA approval of updated COVID vaccine booster retooled for Omcron

Dr. Fauci, top U.S.infectious disease expert, to retire in December

U.S.: Overlapping emergencies strain the nation's public health workforce and threaten critical vaccination campaigns

Ebola:New case reported in Congo, WHO approves two new treatments

Analysis: The difficulties in understanding and diagnosing long COVID

U.S. NIH plans first big clinical trials of treatments for long-term COVID-19


The National Institutes of Health is now hoping to launch its first big clinical trials of potential treatments for patients experiencing long-term symptoms from COVID-19 as early as October, according to a top federal official overseeing the plans.


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Who will be eligible for the upcoming Omicron-specific Covid booster shots


Omicron-specific Covid booster shots are just weeks away. Here’s who will—and won’t—be eligible

Newly updated Covid booster shots designed to target omicron’s BA.5 subvariant should be available within in the next three weeks. That begs an important question: Who’s going to be eligible to get them?

The short answer: Anyone ages 12 and up who has completed a primary vaccination series, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesperson tells CNBC Make It. It’s unlikely to matter whether you’ve received any other booster doses or not before, the spokesperson says — but if you’re unvaccinated, you won’t eligible for the updated formula until you complete a primary series with the existing Covid vaccines.

The longer answer is somewhat more complex, because it depends on which booster shots get approved and when. ...



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Education Secretary says states should use federal COVID-19 relief funds to address teacher shortages

Johns Hopkins Researchers Are Working on a New Rapid COVID-19 Immunity Test


In a paper published in June in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the research team described how they developed a way to attach SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to sugar and then have the glucose reader measure those sugar levels, which reflect the antibody levels.


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Vaccines: Moderna to supply 12 million doses of Omicron-targeted COVID vaccines to Canada

OVERVIEW: U.S., Asia, Canandian developments


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