Degraded Ecosystems threaten human welfare, yet well-being is up... how so?

Researchers analyze 'the environmentalist's paradox'
Published: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 23:37

New Zealand Earthquake Resilient Response

National and regional authorities in New Zealand are already working on strategies to rebuild areas devastated by the earthquake that struck Christchurch area on Saturday.

The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management warns the process could take years, but says the government is committed to ressurecting and improving the resilience of affected comunities.

Meanwhile, reports are coming in of the resilient response of the New Zealand farming community. This article from Radio New Zealand 05 SEP 2010.


New Zealand: New faultline comes as big surprise to scientists

Saturday's earthquake took scientists by surprise, as it revealed a new faultline in a territory not known for seismic activity.

GNS Science staff yesterday found signs of the quake's epicentre, 14km south of Darfield, which lies 50km west of Christchurch.

Aerial surveys revealed a dark, 24km-long scar across paddocks and roads where the shallow tremor offset the land.

The faultline cut roads 4m apart, dug up mounds of earth, and in some places formed a waist-high step in the land.

New Zealand : Weather the next threat after earthquake

Severe winds forecast tomorrow may be strong enough to further damage already fragile buildings after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Canterbury early this morning.

Many homes have been exposed to the elements, which are expected to take a turn for the worse with gales, and possibly hurricane force winds inland, forecast for tomorrow afternoon.

"Normally gales, up to 130km/h, don't cause too many issues across Canterbury," head weather analyst Philip Duncan said.

New Zealand : Weather the next threat after earthquake

Severe winds forecast tomorrow may be strong enough to further damage already fragile buildings after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Canterbury early this morning.

Many homes have been exposed to the elements, which are expected to take a turn for the worse with gales, and possibly hurricane force winds inland, forecast for tomorrow afternoon.

"Normally gales, up to 130km/h, don't cause too many issues across Canterbury," head weather analyst Philip Duncan said.

Canterbury earthquake really three quakes?

Scientists are investigating whether the 7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck Christchurch and its surrounding communities today was actually two or three shocks in quick succession.

The US Geological Survey (USGS ) in Golden, Colorado, has said that scientists are still trying to reconstruct the way today's quake played out.

"We think that this is a very complex event," said geophysicist Paul Caruso. "We think that the main shock may have consisted actually of three earthquakes."

7.1 earthquake in Canterbury New Zealand ,major damage but still no casualties

There are some striking similarities between the 7.0 magnitude earthquake which devastated Haiti in January and today's 7.1 shock in Canterbury, but also a big difference: 230,000 people died around Port-au-Prince, and in Christchurch only a couple of seriously wounded people known so far.

But the different impacts don't have much to do with the earthquakes themselves, the MSNBC website reported.

UN: 3.5 Million Pakistani Children at Risk for Waterborne Diseases

The United Nations says 3.5 million children in Pakistan are at risk from waterborne diseases, warning of a "second wave of death" from the country's devastating floods. U.N. humanitarian spokesman Maurizio Giuliano said Monday as many as six million people face the risk of contracting diarrhea and dysentery if donors do not provide more aid. Sluggish response The U.N. has launched an appeal for $460 million, but charities say the response has been sluggish, with only about 27 percent of the goal being met so far. Hundreds of angry flood victims blocked a highway outside Sukkur in southern Sindh province Monday, demanding government assistance. The protesters held up traffic as they called for food and shelter. Three weeks of monsoon rains have triggered Pakistan's worst flooding, with an estimated 1,600 people killed and 20 million affected in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh provinces. More flooding likely On Monday, authorities said a new wave of flooding was likely along the Indus River in Punjab and Sindh. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon traveled to Pakistan on Sunday and said the flooding was the worst natural disaster he has ever seen. He urged international donors to speed up aid. Britain's Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on Monday called the international response to the disaster lamentable.

Congress and the Spill

Below is a New York Times OpEd that provides an overview of the actions Congress should take in the Deepwater Horizon Spill and its meaning for future risks the petrochemical industry assumes when endangering the health and human security of Americans. What are your thoughts? xxxxxxx Published: August 2, 2010 Over the opposition of most Republicans and the massed lobbying power of the oil industry, the House last week narrowly approved legislation imposing new safeguards on offshore oil drilling.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Workshop Overview

Two-Day Workshop August 11-12, 2010 At East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii Launching a Global Resilience Initiative in Asia: Case of Pandemic Influenza We will hold a two-day workshop, Launching a Global Resilience Initiative in Asia: Case of Pandemic Influenza in August 11-12, 2010 at East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. The Global Resilience Initiative in Asia is a long term and policy oriented effort to create an integrated framework and roadmap for “resilience” in Asia under a Global Disaster Risk Management (GDRM) approach (see “Background Paper”). Pandemic influenza was chosen as the topic of the first workshop as it is emblematic of the type of emerging global disaster risks that urgently requires the GDRM approach and the development of “resilience.” Recognizing that “resilience” is an elusive term and understood in different way the workshop will focus on identifying the key defining features of “resilience” that address the following four major policy issues: 1. While the “resilience” has recently received much attention, few national, regional or international institutions have provided guidance as to what constitutes “resilience” and how to implement it. 2.

Launching a Global Resilience Initiative in Asia: Case of Pandemic Influenza

Background Paper Prepared by Mika Shimizu and Allen Clark East-West Center Draft 1) Issue/Introduction Traditional case-by-case post-disaster response based disaster management no longer suffices to deal with emerging complex disaster risks the world faces today. The influence of globalization, urbanization and climate change has dramatically changed the scope, severity and impact of many modern day disasters. Specifically, globalization has changed the nature of disaster management and associated public policy, by making both areas more complex, uncertain and difficult to address at the national and global levels. This structural change, largely overlooked by policy and disaster management communities, necessitates a transition from traditional disaster management to a Global Disaster Risk Management (GDRM) approach. The GDRM approach incorporates and focuses on the development of “resilience”(as discussed later) through a better understanding of the impact of the above global changes on policy and disaster management, and pre-disaster (ahead of the event) risk preparedness and management. The “Global Resilience Initiative in Asia (GRIA)” is being initiated to address the existing deficiency of the lack of a GDRM approach in the disaster management regime of Asia.

FDA Commissioner Makes Statement About Reopening Some Waters to Fishing

DATE: July 30, 2010 07:43:03 CST

Statement by Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, on the Reopening of some Louisiana State Waters to Commercial Fishing

Key contact numbers
Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: (866) 448-5816
Submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511
Submit your vessel for the Vessel of Opportunity Program: (866) 279-7983
Submit a claim for damages: (800) 440-0858
Report oiled wildlife: (866) 557-1401
Deepwater Horizon Incident
Joint Information Center
Phone: (713) 323-1670
(713) 323-167

Spill raises concerns of health effects

By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY Lawsuits are already being prepared alleging harm to people who are living near or working to clean up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill off the coast of Louisiana. The law firm Smith Stag in New Orleans says it has assembled a group of lawyers in the Gulf states to process such claims. Stuart Smith, a partner in the firm, says he has been in touch with people in Alaska who say they were hurt during the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 by chemicals in the oil and dispersants used to keep it from reaching shore "which are also toxic." He says he's concerned about the potential health effects on the thousands of out-of-work fishermen, shrimpers and oystermen who will be taking part in the cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico. So what are the human health risks from a disaster such as this? For more information:

Toxicologists warn that waters that look clear of oil can be deceiving

By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY Out of sight, out of mind? As surface oil plumes fade from view in the Gulf of Mexico, courtesy of the capped Macondo well, it would be wrong to think that the oil still isn't there, forensic toxicologists warn. "We're finding less and less oil as we move forward," disaster response chief Thad Allen said last week, noting that skimmer boats were having trouble finding slicks. The retired Coast Guard admiral also pointed out that 40% of the leaked oil — more than 90 million gallons of crude by U.S. Geologic Survey scientist estimates — is unaccounted for. For more information:


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