Misinformation issue: FDA tries to fight misinformation but sometimes stumbles

Scammers are billing people for COVID tests they did not order.

U.S. The CDC is preparing for a winter with '3 bugs out there': Covid, flu and RSV

Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Paul Friedrichs named to jead a newly created White House office to respond to future pandemics.

Early US indicators show ongoing slight rise in COVID-19

Though the nation's COVID-19 activity is still at very low levels, for the second week in a row early indicators such as emergency department (ED) visits and test-positivity rates show small rises, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in its latest data updates.

Also today, the CDC updated its Omicron variant projections, showing more rises in newer versions such as EG.5 and XBB.1.16.6. And in another US development, the Biden administration today announced its pick to lead the new White House pandemic preparedness and response office.


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U.S. Covid fund fraud cases: Florida, South Carolina, Nevada

European health officials recommend approval of Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for older adults and in pregnancy

Tornado damage to Pfizer plant will probably create long-term shortages of some drugs

Obstructive sleep apnea linked to severe COVID-19 --study

Analysis: COVID pandemic is over in the U.S., indicated by excess-deaths data

U.S. program to bring internet access to low-income people is running out of money. Health care will suffer

Biden administration suspends funding for China's Wuhan lab


The memo from an HHS official said the facility has repeatedly refused to provide documents and answer questions from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about safety and security. HHS also told the lab it’s seeking to cut off funding permanently.


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WHO urges governments to set up surveillance for people at risk from heatwaves

Bivalent COVID-19 booster outperforms monovalent version --new study

A new Italian study finds that estimated relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) was 49.3% for the bivalent (two-strain) booster and 26.9% for the monovalent (single-strain) booster, with protection lasting at least 4 months for the bivalent booster and waning fast for the monovalent version. The study appears in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.


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First Genetic Clue Why Some People Do Not Get Covid --study


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