Health and Development: Toward a Matrix Approach

Anna Gatti and Andrea Boggio (editors)

“……There is growing awareness of the crucial relationship between health and development. But while the importance of this relationship may be obvious, scholars are still debating about the nature of it, and different assumptions on this crucial relationship have an impact on the developmental agenda of international organizations and their modus operandi at country level.

The collapse of global trade, murky protectionism, and the crisis:

Recommendations for the G20

Edited by Richard Baldwin and Simon Evenett
Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR; University of St. Gallen and CEPR
UK Centre for Economic Policy Research CEPR 2009

Available online as PDf file [115p.] at:

“…..When G20 leaders met last November in Washington, trade was a side issue; urgent efforts focused on stabilising financial systems and kick-starting economies. When leaders meet at the London Summit in April 2009, trade must move to centre stage.

World Health Organization: UK Institutional Strategy 2008–13

HM Government, UK - February 2009

Available online at PDF [35p.] at:

The UK Government has recently agreed the first cross-Government Institutional Strategy (IS) with the World Health Organization (WHO).
The overall aim of the strategy is to set out how the UK and WHO will work together, and to provide a basis for multi-year (2008-2013) core funding relationship with WHO.

Swiss Foreign Health Policy

Agreement on health foreign policy objectives

Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) and Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH Switzerland

PDF [20p.] available online at:


Homelessness in Sacramento and Its Riverside Tent City

What should we be doing with the new homeless and how fast could the edge cities in the United States grow?

March 11, 2009, 3:19 PM
Sacramento and Its Riverside Tent City

Renee Hadley covered her bicycles with a tarp outside her tent on Tuesday in Sacramento, Calif.
A tent city is burgeoning in Sacramento, Calif., prompting local officials to consider whether such an encampment should be made permanent, with plumbing and all.

Neglected disease research and development: how much are we really spending?

Moran M, Guzman J, Ropars AL, McDonald A, Jameson N, et al. (2009)
PLoS Medicine - February 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e1000030

Available online at:

A holistic food labelling strategy for preventing obesity and dental caries.

Obes Rev. 2009 Jan 15 [Ahead of print].
Cinar AB, Murtomaa H.
Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki

Available online:

Beyond Carrying Capacity: Birth Control Knowledge Lacking

Birth Control Knowledge Lacking in Developing World

Feb. 27, 2009
By Anne Harding

In developing countries, young women's use of modern methods of contraception is limited by a range of factors, a review of seven studies conducted in five countries suggests.

Lack of knowledge, access problems and side-effect fears were the "overarching themes" limiting the women's use of hormonal contraceptives such as the birth control pill or hormone implants, Dr. Lisa M. Williamson of the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow and her colleagues report.

Exploring the impact of primary health care research

Final Report Stage 2 Primary Health Care Research Impact project
- PHC RIS Research team
Libby Kalucy, Eleanor Jackson Bowers, Ellen McIntyre, Ann-Louise Hordacre, Richard Reed,
Australia: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service - February 2009

Available online as PDF file [54p.] at:

Priority setting: what constitutes success?

Priority setting: what constitutes success?
A conceptual framework for successful priority setting

Shannon L Sibbald1,2*, Peter A. Singer3, Ross Upshur2,4, Douglas K Martin1,2
1 Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
2University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, Toronto, Canada
3 The McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, Toronto, Canada
4Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto, Canada
BMC Health Services Research – March 9, 2009 -- 9:43 doi:10.1186/1472-6963-9-43

Toward Health Equity and Patient-Centeredness

Toward Health Equity and Patient-Centeredness:
Integrating Health Literacy, Disparities Reduction, and Quality Improvement: Workshop Summary

Rapporteurs: Samantha Chao, Karen Anderson, and Lyla Hernandez
Forum on the Science of Health Care Quality Improvement and Implementation;
Roundtable on Health Disparities; Roundtable on Health Literacy; Institute of Medicine, 2009

Available online at;

Insights into Pandemics

There is a great interview entitled On the Front Lines of the Next Pandemic on O'Reilly Radar under the "Emerging Technology" tab (dated Feb 23, 2009... you may need to scroll to find it). It features Dr. Nathan Wolfe founder and director of the Global Viral Forecasting Initiative which monitors the transfer of new diseases from animals to humans. Interviewer is James Turner. Out takes below:

Dean under consideration for surgeon general: report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Vermont governor Howard Dean was under consideration by the Obama administration for U.S. surgeon general, CNN reported on Friday, but a source said he was not interested in the post.

Dean, a practicing physician before he entered politics, recently wrapped up a four-year term as Democratic Party chairman, has been a supporter of health reform.

CNN said he had privately made clear that he is interested in the job. But a source close to Dean told Reuters he was not.

Enabling Environmental Justice: Assessment of Participatory Tools

Background Report Prepared for: Environmental Department
United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Manjula Amerasinghe, Leanne Farrell, SheeShee Jin, Nah-yoon Shin, Kristen Stelljes
Department of Urban Studies and Planning - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT - 2008

Executive Summary [78p.] at:

HHS Issues Special Report on Health Reform and Launches New Web Site

“…American People Say Health Care System is Broken, Highlight Need for Action This Year on Health Reform..”

March 5, 2009 Press release:

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a report, Americans Speak on Health Reform: Report on Health Care Community Discussions. The report summarizes comments from Americans who hosted and participated in Health Care Community Discussions across the country and highlights the need for immediate action to reform health care.


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