MIDIR: European Multi-dimensional Integrated Risk Governance

The MIDIR project

Editorial: Somalia's piracy problem was fueled by environmental and political events

William Jelani Cobb says Somalia's piracy problem was fueled by environmental and political events.

For more information than the excerpt below, go to:

G8 admits losing battle against hunger

By Javier Blas in Cison di Valmarino, Italy

Published: April 20 2009 14:03 | Last updated: April 20 2009 14:03
The Group of Eight leading nations called on Monday “for increasing public and private investment” in agriculture, but their communiqué after the first meeting on the subject acknowledged that efforts to tackle hunger were lagging.

Resilience in the Face of Crisis: Why the Future Will Be Flexible

What will a post-crash, truly 21st-century world look like? For people 
thinking about global systems (economic, environmental, and social) 
one idea stands out: resilience.

Source: FastCompany.Com
Author(s): Jamais Cascio
Article location: fastcompany.com
Date: April 3, 2009
Type: Online Blog Article

Strengthening Country-Led Monitoring & Evaluation System

Organized by UNICEF CEE/CIS, and Pan American Health Organization PAHO/WHO
April 15th, 2009

Good practices in using DevInfo: Recorded Knowledge Sharing Event

WHO call for involvement on Health Equity Analysis and Research

Call for interest to be a member of a new :

Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights
World Health Organization

Website: http://www.who.int/eth/en/

Nominate yourself or someone else by 15 May 2009: equity@who.int

“……The World Health Organization (WHO) is establishing a Scientific Resource Group (SRG) on Health Equity Analysis and Research to support WHO on its programme of work on equity and health.

Inequality, Poverty and Social Policy: Recent Trends in Chile

Osvaldo Larrañaga, University of Chile, Chile
No. 85, 08/04/2009, English, 34 pages, doi: 10.1787/224516554144
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD

PDF Available online: http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2009doc.nsf/linkto/delsa-elsa-wd-sem(2009)13


This report aims to outline the main trends in income distribution and poverty in Chile, as well as the role of social policy in these areas.
The report includes five sections:

Fifth Summit of the Americas: Delaration of the Port of Spain

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - April 19, 2009

Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain
Securing Our Citizens’ Future by Promoting Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability

Final Declaration of the Commitment of Port of Spain 4/19/2009
Available online the Final Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain:

1. English Declaration
2. Spanish Declaration
3. French Declaration
4. Portuguese Declaration

Website: http://www.fifthsummitoftheamericas.org/home.aspx

[Extracts below]

Resilience: Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times

Internationally syndicated radio show “A World of Possibilities” interviewed scientists and researchers from around the world at the Resilience 2008 conference in Stockholm, Sweden. This 55minute long radio show:

Resilience Theory and YouTube

The Best Explanation To Resilience on YouTube is excellent, brief, and easy to understand. In this "Stockholm Whiteboard Seminar" from Albaeco and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Professor Brian Walker (Australia) opens with the fundamental question of resilience: "How much can you change a self organizing system before it is no longer resilient?" using examples from emergency rooms, and a forest.

Third-World Stove Soot Is Target in Climate Fight

KOHLUA, India — “It’s hard to believe that this is what’s melting the glaciers,” said Dr. Veerabhadran Ramanathan, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, as he weaved through a warren of mud brick huts, each containing a mud cookstove pouring soot into the atmosphere.

Black Carbon
This is the first in a series of articles about stopgap measures that could limit global warming. Future articles will address appliance-efficiency standards, reducing global-warming gases other than carbon dioxide and other efforts.

NPR Story: Fighting America's 'Financial Oligarchy'

Listen Now [44 min 39 sec] add to playlist

Fresh Air from WHYY, April 15, 2009 · Former International Monetary Fund chief economist Simon Johnson has advised many countries in financial crisis. When it comes to America's current economic woes, Johnson says that U.S. suffers from "financial oligarchies" — government officials and elite members of the financial sector that run the country like a profit-seeking company.

Boosting Disaster Preparation through Participation - Kyrgyzstan

This community capacity building and small-scale structural mitigation project involved both communities and local government authorities in project implementation, for the sake of sustainability. In each village, "rural disaster teams" and "school disaster teams" took part in theoretical and practical training on disaster management, preparedness, and risk reduction. After an early warning system was developed, team members led a participatory process which involved preparation of village maps and risk areas, and creation of preparedness and contingency plans.

RFP:Mapping Knowledge Resources for MCH

Request for Proposals (RFP)
Mapping Existing Knowledge Resources Relevant to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2009

Partnership website: http://www.who.int/pmnch/20090407_web_mapping.pdf
and www.pmnch.org

“….The purpose of the work to be undertaken by the selected team is to conduct a mapping exercise of existing resources relevant to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health MNCH to serve as a basis for determining the detailed architecture and scope of the knowledge management system.

Chronic Disease: An Economic Perspective

Marc Suhrcke, WHO Regional Office for Europe (Venice, Italy)
Rachel A. Nugent, director of health and economics at the Population Reference Bureau.
David Stuckler, working with OxHA members and the WHO on issues pertaining to the global governance of chronic diseases.
Lorenzo Rocco, assistant professor of economics with the University of Padova in Italy.
London: Oxford Health Alliance

Web site: http://www.oxha.org/initiatives/economics/chronic-disease-an-economic-perspective


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