Reducing the Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases: Addressing the Causes of the Causes

Venice, Italy - From 7th to 12th June 2009
University of Padua - Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Università degli Studi di Padova

Course participants will enhance their skills in analyzing the determinants of NCD, in working across sectors, and in promoting interventions to reduce the burden of NCD and health inequities.

“..... there is an urgent need globally to focus on the upstream causes of ill-health, and addressing the “causes of the causes” is probably the most efficient way of prevention of chronic diseases. Tackling health’s social and economic determinants also means reorienting efforts within the health sector, working with other sectors, including finance and education, and engaging the civil society, thus adopting a “health-in-all-policies” approach.

What is Multi-Track Diplomacy

In interacting with the Center for American Progress in regards to their work on Sustainable Security, we were also referred to Louise Diamond's and John McDonald's work on Multi-Track Diplomacy.

Multi-Track Diplomacy is a conceptual way to view the process of international peacemaking as a living system. It looks at the web of interconnected activities, individuals, institutions, and communities that operate together for a common goal: a world at peace.

World Day of Social Justice

The General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 20 February as World Day of Social Justice. The day was to be observed for the first time in 2009.


The General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 20 February as World Day of Social Justice. The day was to be observed for the first time in 2009.


Member states were invited to devote this special day to the promotion of concrete national activities in accordance with the objectives and goals of the World Summit for Social Development and the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly, entitled “World Summit for Social Development and beyond: achieving social development for all in a globalizing world”.

KNOWLEDGE TO POLICY - Making the Most of Development Research

“……Does research influence public policy and decision-making and, if so, how? This book is the most recent to address this question, investigating the effects of research in the field of international development. It starts from a sophisticated understanding about how research influences public policy and decision-making. It shows how research can contribute to better governance in at least three ways:
- by encouraging open inquiry and debate,
- by empowering people with the knowledge to hold governments accountable, and
- by enlarging the array of policy options and solutions available to the policy process.

Fred Carden, currently the Director of Evaluation at the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa, Canada.
Sage/IDRC 2009 ISBN 978-81-7829-930-3 e-ISBN 978-1-55250-417-8
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2009

IDRC website:

Impact of global economic crisis on health - WHO Report

To address the growing concerns about the potential impact of the financial and economic crisis on global health, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan convened a high-level consultation on 19 January 2009. Based on evidence from previous economic crises, the consultation aimed to:

- build awareness of the possible ways in which an economic downturn may have impact on health spending, health services and health outcomes;
- make the case to a wider audience for sustaining investment in health; and

Zimbabwe ripe for new epidemics

Doctors group: Zimbabwe ripe for new epidemics
The Associated Press
Tuesday, February 17, 2009; 10:42 AM

JOHANNESBURG -- Zimbabwe's entire health system has collapsed and the southern African nation now overwhelmed by cholera will soon see other epidemics, a worsening AIDS crisis and the effects of widespread malnutrition, an international doctors group said Tuesday.

State and Foreign Operations Appropriations

Press Contact: Kirstin Brost, Full Committee, 202-225-2771
Matthew Dennis, Chairman Lowey, 202-225-6506


Bill Total
2008 Enacted: $32.8 billion
President’s Request: $38.2 billion
Final Bill: $36.6 billion


State Department and USAID Operations, Staff and Security:
• Diplomatic and Consular Programs: $4.2 billion, $464 million above 2008 for diplomatic operations and

Sustainable Security from the Perspective of the Obama Transition Team

by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Satyam Khanna, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, Ali Frick, and Ryan Powers
On The Path To Sustainable Security

Inspiration: Power of One

Enjoy the following short YouTube


Climate Fears Are Driving 'Ecomigration' Across Globe
By Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 23, 2009; A01

Adam Fier recently sold his home, got rid of his car and pulled his twin 6-year-old girls out of elementary school in Montgomery County. He and his wife packed the family's belongings and moved to New Zealand -- a place they had never visited or seen before, and where they have no family or professional connections. Among the top reasons: global warming.

Strategic Myopia - by Ed Corcoran

Strategic Myopia
Posted by Ed Corcoran on 02/02/2009 :: Permalink :: Comments
STRATEGY: Planning the optimal application of resources to achieve major objectives

"Abandon hope": Thinking Through Appropriate Motivators Toward Sustainable Living

Published: Friday, February 20, 2009 - 10:49 in Psychology & Sociology
Learn more about: conservation ethics ethics group global climate change michigan technological university sowing the seeds

'Mobile health' campaign launched

By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC News, Barcelona

Health teams synchronize mobile devices and gather data from clinics
Three foundations have announced their intention to join in a "mobile health" effort to use mobile technology to provide better healthcare worldwide.
The UN, Vodafone, and the Rockefeller Foundation's mHealth Alliance aims to unite existing projects to improve healthcare using mobile technology.
The alliance will guide governments, NGOs, and mobile firms on how they can save lives in the developing world.

Clinton Signals Possible Shift In US Policy On Burma

Read More: Burma, Burma Sanctions, Clinton Asia, Clinton Burma, Hillary Asia, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Burma, Hillary Clinton Myanmar, Myanmar, World News

JAKARTA, Feb. 18 -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that economic sanctions imposed by the United States and other Western governments had failed to pressure the repressive Burmese government, signaling a potentially major shift in U.S. policy.

Read the whole story:

Foreign Assistance Reform

Global Health Council Members, Development Community Weigh In
On Foreign Assistance Reform


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