Google Launches Internet-Beaming Balloons - by Cecilia Kang - June 14, 2013

Google has a truly sky-high idea for connecting billions of people to the Internet — 12 miles in the air to be exact — through giant helium balloons circling the globe that are equipped to beam WiFi signals below.

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GMO Lunch? Uganda Considers Disease-Resistant Cassava


A woman sells cassava at a roadside market north of Uganda's capital, Kampala. Also known as manioc of yuca, cassave withstands heat, drought and flooding. Ugandans tend to grow it in small plots for family consumption during lean times. (Photo: Jon Miller/Homelands Productions)

submitted by Albert Gomez - by Jon Miller - June 13, 2013

Cassava is a vital staple in Africa and one of the most climate-resilient crops anywhere. It’s also highly susceptible to viral diseases. In Uganda, scientists are testing a virus-resistant transgenic variety, which they hope to introduce for free. But it’s run into a buzzsaw of hostility to genetically modified foods. Can this—or any—GMO succeed in the face of such determined opposition? Should it?


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Open Data by Default – The New Mantra of G8 Leaders

G8 David Cameron thanked NGOs and other organisations for their lobbying on transparency

submitted by Albert Gomez - June 20, 2013

G8 leaders have committed to implementing transparent strategies to report pollution levels and energy consumption through the Open Data Charter, signed by all G8 countries this week.

Environmental protection is one of the key targets cited in the charter that can be achieved through the use of open data. This is arguably the most important climate change-related commitment, as under the environmental umbrella comes natural resource use, extractive industries and conflict minerals, positive governance and budget allocation.


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Could Climate Bonds Become a Major Force in Green Finance?

submitted by Albert Gomez - June 3, 2013

So-called “green” or “climate” bonds, being issued by a number of financial institutions and state governments as a means of generating funding for sustainable development and clean energy technology, are becoming increasingly popular and could become a major new force in the green investment world, according to the Globe-Net.

The World Bank developed the Green Bond concept in 2007/2008 and simplicity is key to its popularity, according to Globe-Net blog post. The World Bank’s green bonds are triple-A rated and can be traded as easily as other “vanilla” investments, offering investors a high rate of liquidity.


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Chapter 5. Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future - Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

Chapter 5. Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future

by Lester R. Brown

In 1938 Walter Lowdermilk, a senior official in the Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, traveled abroad to look at lands that had been cultivated for thousands of years, seeking to learn how these older civilizations had coped with soil erosion. He found that some had managed their land well, maintaining its fertility over long stretches of history, and were thriving. Others had failed to do so and left only remnants of their illustrious pasts.

Chapter 5. Eroding Soils Darkening Our Future


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Egypt Morsi Protests: Army Ready To Save Nation From Dark Tunnel, Defense Minister Says


Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi (C), Defence Minister Abdelfatah al-Sissi (R) and Prime Minister Hisham Qandil (L) arrive at Almaza military Airbase in Cairo on May 22, 2013 to attend the welcoming of the policemen and soldiers who were seized in Sinai by kidnappers following their release. (AFP) - by Hamza Hendawi - June 23, 2013

CAIRO — Wading into an increasingly volatile fray, Egypt's military on Sunday gave the nation's Islamist rulers and their opponents a week to reach an understanding before planned June 30 opposition protests aimed at forcing out the president, in a toughly worded warning that it will intervene to stop the nation from entering a "dark tunnel."

The powerful military also gave a thinly veiled warning to President Mohammed Morsi's hard-line backers that it will step in if the mostly secular and liberal protesters, who have vowed to be peaceful, are attacked during the planned demonstrations.

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Video - Dr. Michael D. McDonald - The Resilience Systems - Conversations With Great Minds - The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann

CLICK HERE - The interview with Dr. Michael D. McDonald begins at the 30:00 mark.

Thom Hartmann of The Big Picture interviews Dr. Michael D. McDonald in a segment of Conversations With Great Minds.  This interview focuses on the Resilience Systems.  What is resilience?  Why is it important?  An important discussion on resilient communities and networks is included.

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Why Social Media Is the Front Line of Disaster Response - May 21st, 2013 - Zoe Fox

Nearly one million people are affected by natural disasters each year. In the U.S. alone, some 400 people die from disasters that cost the economy $17.6 billion. Helping respond to these cataclysmic events, social media is now a go-to tool for those effected by disasters.


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Climate Change And The Nile: Floods From Major Rivers Around The World May Increase - June 9th, 2013

Climate change is likely to worsen floods on rivers such as the Ganges, the Nile and the Amazon this century while a few, including the now-inundated Danube, may become less prone, a Japanese-led scientific study said on Sunday.

The findings will go some way to help countries prepare for deluges that have killed thousands of people worldwide and caused tens of billions of dollars in damage every year in the past decade, experts wrote in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Given enough warning, governments can bring in flood barriers, building bans on flood plains, more flood-resistant crops and other measures to limit damage.


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Farmed Fish Production Overtakes Beef

Chart showing that farmed fish production is overtaking beed production

Image: Chart showing that farmed fish production is overtaking beed production - June 12th, 2013 - Janet Larsen and J. Matthew Roney

The world quietly reached a milestone in the evolution of the human diet in 2011. For the first time in modern history, world farmed fish production topped beef production. The gap widened in 2012, with output from fish farming—also called aquaculture—reaching a record 66 million tons, compared with production of beef at 63 million tons.


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Eurozone Recession Now Longest In Currency's History - By PAN PYLAS and SARAH DiLORENZO - May 15, 2013

PARIS -- The eurozone is now in its longest ever recession – a stubborn slump that has surpassed even the calamity that hit the region in the financial crisis of 2008-2009.

The European Union statistics office said Wednesday that nine of the 17 EU countries that use the euro are in recession, with France a notable addition to the list. Overall, the eurozone's economy contracted for the sixth straight quarter, shrinking by 0.2 percent in the January-March period from the previous three months.

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Maine passes second GMO label law in the U.S.

People work on a GMO protest sign.

Image: People work on a GMO protest sign. - June 13th, 2013 - Margaret Badore

Yesterday, Maine's state senate easily passed a bill that may one day mandate the labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms. The law passed 35-0, but before labels are required, five consecutive states must also pass labeling laws.

For Maine, that means the GMO labeling will only go into effect if New Hampshire, the only state with which it shares a border, passes a similar law.


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Mass Population Response to Critical Infrastructure Failure

submitted by Alexander Fekete

Mass Population Response to Critical Infrastructure Failure

Experts and advisory board meeting 4-­5th June 2013, London

Critical infrastructures (CI) are
organizational and physical structures and
facilities of such vital importance to a
nation's society and economy that their
failure or degradation would result in
sustained supply shortages, significant
disruption of public safety and security, or
other dramatic consequences.

Source: Ministry of the Interior 2009: National CIP Strategy

Key Research Areas

1. Human and Natural Risks and Changes
2. Urban Resilience
3. Critical Infrastructure
4. Civil Security and Risk Governance
5. GIS & Remote Sensing


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How Social Media Is Changing Disaster Response



Image: Flickr/John

submitted by Robyn Wyrick

Congress is grappling with the benefits and risks of using Facebook, Twitter and other social media during emergencies - by Dina Fine Maron - June 7, 2013

When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast in 2005, Facebook was the new kid on the block. There was no Twitter for news updates, and the iPhone was not yet on the scene. By the time Hurricane Sandy slammed the eastern seaboard last year, social media had become an integral part of disaster response, filling the void in areas where cell phone service was lost while millions of Americans looked to resources including Twitter and Facebook to keep informed, locate loved ones, notify authorities and express support.


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