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NY Times: Did Exxon Deceive Its Investors on Climate Change?

In an OP-ED in the New York Times, the director of the Rockefeller Family Fund states that EXXON systematically lied to the public and to its stockholders about the risks of climate change and EXXON's major contributions to the catastrophic damage climate change will inflict on humanity and on biodiversity.  
 To read the complete article, see:

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Climate Change: UN Panel Signals Red Alert on 'Blue Planet'

CLICK HERE - IPCC - SPECIAL REPORT ON THE OCEAN AND CRYOSPHERE IN A CHANGING CLIMATE - Summary for Policymakers - by Matt McGrath - September 25, 2019

According to a UN panel of scientists, waters are rising, the ice is melting, and species are moving habitat due to human activities.

And the loss of permanently frozen lands threatens to unleash even more carbon, hastening the decline.

There is some guarded hope that the worst impacts can be avoided, with deep and immediate cuts to carbon emissions.


CLICK HERE - IPCC - Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

CLICK HERE - IPCC - Press Release - Choices made now are critical for the future of our ocean and cryosphere

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Scientists Predict Climate Change Will Make Dangerous Heat Waves Far More Common

CLICK HERE - RESEARCH - Killer Heat in the United States: Climate Choices and the Future of Dangerously Hot Days (2019)

CLICK HERE - PAPER - Increased frequency of and population exposure to extreme heat index days in the United States during the 21st century - by Jamie Ducharme - July 16, 2019

People all across the U.S. have been sweating through heat waves this summer, and new research suggests they should get used to it.

Over the next century, climate change will likely make extreme heat conditions—and their concordant health risks—much more frequent in nearly every part of the U.S., according to a paper published in the journal Environmental Research Communications. By the end of the century, it says, parts of the Gulf Coast states could experience more than 120 days per year that feel like they top 100°F.

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European Heat Wave: France, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic Set June Records, and the Worst Is Still To Come


Maximum temperatures across Europe on Wednesday, as seen by the American GFS weather model, in degrees Fahrenheit. ( - by Ian Livingston - June 26, 2019

A ferocious heat wave has overtaken parts of Europe. A number of records have already been broken, and there are several days of extreme heat to go.

As the heat wave escalates toward its peak late this week, temperatures have already neared or surpassed 100 degrees (37.8 degrees Celsius) in parts of France, Germany, Poland and Spain. Even Switzerland has seen locations rise toward the mid-90s.




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Dominica’s Indigenous Innovation



 . . . Since Hurricane Maria struck in 2017, the tiny island of Dominica is rebuilding with the aim of becoming the first climate resilient and 100% sustainable nation in the world . . . Dominica can unlock the DNA of resilience through the vernacular building practices and rich cultural history of the Kalinago people that first inhabited the island . . .

 . . . Rediscovering these historic threads of resilience have been key to developing new master plans for the territory under the Kalinago Institute for Resilience and Regeneration (KIRR), founded by my team together with leading experts and community leaders, including members of the Kalinago council of chiefs, Nichie Louis Patrick Hill and Dr. Michael McDonald. Its mission is to create a thriving Kalinago Territory as a low carbon, resilient region where citizens can live and excel within the carrying capacity of its ecosystems for multiple generations into the future.

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How Climate Change Is Fuelling the U.S. Border Crisis


Outside the small village of Chicua, in the western highlands, in an area affected by extreme-weather events, Ilda Gonzales looks after her daughter. - by Jonathan Blitzer - Photography by Mauricio Lima - April 3, 2019

. . . In most of the western highlands, the question is no longer whether someone will emigrate but when. “Extreme poverty may be the primary reason people leave,” Edwin Castellanos, a climate scientist at the Universidad del Valle, told me. “But climate change is intensifying all the existing factors” . . . Farming, Castellanos has said, is “a trial-and-error exercise for the modification of the conditions of sowing and harvesting times in the face of a variable environment.” Climate change is outpacing the ability of growers to adapt.



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Over 1,000 Feared Dead After Cyclone Slams Into Mozambique


Seen from a drone Praia Nova Village, one of the most affected neighbourhoods in Beira, razed by the passing cyclone, in the coastal city of Beira, Mozambique, Sunday March 17, 2019. Families are returning to the vulnerable shanty town following cyclone high winds and rain. More than 1,000 people are feared dead in Mozambique four days after a cyclone slammed into the southern African country. (Josh Estey/CARE via AP)

CLICK HERE - reliefweb - Tropical Cyclone Idai - March 2019 - by Andrew Meldrum - March 18, 2019

More than 1,000 people were feared dead in Mozambique four days after a cyclone slammed into the country, submerging entire villages and leaving bodies floating in the floodwaters, the nation’s president said . . .

. . . Cyclone Idai could prove to be the deadliest storm in generations to hit the impoverished southeast African country of 30 million people.

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Winter 2018-19 Was Wettest on Record in U.S., NOAA Says


CLICK HERE - - Assessing the U.S. Climate in February 2019 - Wettest winter on record for the contiguous United States - by Brian Donegan - February 6, 2019

Winter 2018-19 was the wettest on record in the United States after numerous heavy rain and snow events soaked the nation, according to a just-released government report.

The national climate report from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) said the country's average winter precipitation total was 9.01 inches, 2.22 inches above the 20th-century average (1901-2000), which bested the previous record-wet winter of 1997-98 by 0.02 inches. In this analysis, winter is defined as the three-month period from December through February.



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