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This working group is focused on sustainable economics and financial balance within resilient social ecologies.

The mission of this working group is to build sustainable economy and financial balance within resilient social ecologies.


Corey Watts david hastings Elhadj Drame John Girard Kathy Gilbeaux LintonWells
Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald Samuel Bendett

Email address for group

The U.S. Election May Slow Plans to Replace Lead Pipes



With the Environmental Protection Agency’s latest — and strictest — plan to minimize the risk of Americans drinking lead-contaminated water on the horizon, the debate over whether the rules go too far or not nearly far enough is reaching a tipping point.

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Analysis: Conservative Heritage Foundation estimates Covid pandemic cost the U.S. 18 Trillion, blames China for outbreak

Commission finds COVID pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic damage to US | Fox Business

A new report by the Heritage Foundation's Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19 found that the COVID pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic losses to the U.S. and placed blame for the outbreak on the Chinese government.

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