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(task) How Half A Million U.S. Teens Are Texting Without A Data Plan - Forbes

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> How Half A Million U.S. Teens Are Texting Without A Data Plan
> “What most people don’t realize,” says Jared Allgood, the co-founder behind the hot new messaging app that’s spreading quickly across U.S. middle and high schools, “is that we have a developing nation within America. It’s the American teen.”
> Allgood’s app, Jott, has been seeing the kind of hockey-stick growth that app developers dream of: a 10x increase in users between March and May 2015, and almost entirely across that elusive demographic of teens. Adding 10-20,000 users a day it’s up to 500,000 active users on iOS, and is coming to Android this fall, when Allgood expects a jump in users as the new school year gets underway.
> What’s compelling about Jott is that its growth isn’t the result of a snazzy new feature that all the kids are raving about. It’s simply met an economic need.
> A huge chunk of American teens with iOS devices — about a third, according to Allgood’s own surveys — can’t get online without a free Wi-Fi network. These are the kids coming to school with iPhones and iPads, who don’t have a data allowance and thus can’t text during the school day.
> “They have less money and less connectivity,” says Allgood. His startup Juxta Labs sampled 7 million users of other apps and found 31% of their teen users had iPods and iPads with no data plan. Yet more than half of public schools in the U.S. don’t have WiFi access for students <>.
> Even when kids do have a data plan, often it’ll run out at the end of the month, Allgood adds. “We have a lot of feedback that this is a consistent problem.”
> Jott’s solution is mesh networking <>, a cutting-edge form of data plumbing that turns individual smartphones into de facto cell towers. On Jott it’s called AirChat.
> The kids who initially download Jott are the ones with the iPods and iPads, who are strongly motivated to push their friends with iPhones to download it too so they can finally text them. (Texting and Instagram are by far the most important activities that teens do on mobile <> devices, Allgood says.)
> Eventually Jott crosses a threshold where it starts being used by iPhone users as well. “It’s those kids who don’t have the ability to text who convert everybody else.”
> In some schools, Jott is being used by around 40-80% of the student body. Somewhere between a third and half of those users are sending messages through Jott’s mesh network, a fluid, human network of smartphones that circumvents cell towers and Wifi routers. No data required, no mobile networks needed.
> “When we show kids stickers they love them, but that’s not the reason they’ll switch over to Jott,” he says. “It’s because we’ll give a group who can’t text, the opportunity to text. Just that core ability to communicate is the real value proposition.”
> Less than a handful of other software developers like FireChat’s Open Garden have managed to put mesh networking technology in the hands of regular smartphone users.
> FireChat launched in March 2014 (about four months before Jott) and uses mesh networking to allow large groups of people at events like Burning Man or the recent students protests in Hong Kong to send messages within large mobile chat rooms, even when there is no carrier or Wifi signal. FireChat is widely seen as one of the first major implementations of mesh networking for consumers.
> Jott may be the next, and unlike FireChat it allows users to pick consistent identities and send direct messages to one another. To work, it only requires other people with the same app to be physically nearby.
> Schools are a sweet spot for creating mesh networks because they have just the right density of people (around 2-4,000) within a particular area. Sending messages over a mesh network at a concert with 20,000 can be tricker because there are more people for the messages to be routed through to find the intended recipient, Allgood says.
> “When you’re hopping from device to device there’s latency.” When his team experimented with daisy chaining the Jott network from San Francisco to LA, it took four days for a message to arrive. This shows that it’s still very early days for mesh networks and the tech’s capabilities are limited, but with schools Jott might have opened up an entire new use case that could help propel the technology forward.
> Allgood didn’t start this as a mesh networking pro.
> Two years ago after his team at Juxta Labs conducted 315 interviews, 1,300 surveys and gathered data from 7 million game users and identified the data problem for teens, they decided mesh networking was the solution.
> Allgood and his co-founder Jayson Ahlstrom got their five engineers to learn all about the technology and build a system that could support it in schools. Today the mesh is built off of core bluetooth low energy and iOS multi-peer connectivity, an iOS framework that utilizes Wi-Fi radios and Bluetooth radio to connect devices. Creating the mesh itself was straightforward; the hard part was figuring how to route messages to the right device on the mesh.
> Allgood won’t give away the tech’s secret sauce, but one result is that everybody who is connected to Jott uses the mesh to send messages, whether they have a data plan or not.
> Should Jott start reaching users in the millions over the next year or so, that opens up a tantalizing prospect for what it could do in schools in developing countries, where access to Wi-Fi is even lower than in the States and data can be prohibitively expensive.
> A pervading myth around smartphones and developing countries like India and China is around access to the Internet: the price of mobile data isn’t falling anywhere near the same pace as the price of smartphones. One extraordinary result is that around half of smartphone users in India turn off their data because they can’t afford it, according to Jana, a mobile app advertising platform that focuses on developing countries.
> Jana’s research has found that in developing nations, mobile data can take up an average 10% of a smartphone user’s income. Mobile phone plans in the U.S. take up just about 2.15% <> of gross national income, according to 2013 data.
> Expanding Jott to developing countries is a “compelling opportunity,” says Allgood. “International <> expansion in the school market is on the road map. But for now we’re very focused on the U.S. teen.”

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