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Content Management - Global

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This working group is focused on discussions about content management

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about content management and sourcing of information from Sierra Leone and bring it to the World with the proper steps.



Bob Feron Elhadj Drame Hank Rappaport hank_test jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux
Lisa Stelly Thomas Maeryn Obley mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com mike kraft

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(task) Germany’s energy model can save the world | Al Jazeera America

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renewables, green, energy, energy policy, sustainable

Germany’s energy model can save the world

(task) Daniel Poneman Reflects on the U.S. Energy Environment as He Leaves Office

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On Oct 6, 2014, at 10:00 AM, St. Clair Wright <> wrote:

Re: 650 fracking chemicals are known or potential human carcinogens...



fracking, environment, health

On Oct 6, 2014, at 10:34 AM, Margery Schab <> wrote:

New York City Steps Up Preparations to Be Ready for Ebola Cases -


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Ebola Preparedness

New York City Steps Up Preparations to Be Ready for Ebola Cases

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One week after the first diagnosis of Ebola in a patient in the United States, every person who calls 911 in New York City and relates symptoms such as fever or vomiting is now being asked a new question:

Have you been to West Africa in the last three weeks? If so, did you come into contact with someone sick with the virus?

If the caller has traveled to one of the countries where the disease continues to spread, a series of protocols is supposed to kick in, starting with the emergency medical workers’ donning protective gear to limit their risk of infection.

(task) Liberia MoH releases October 1 Ebola tally by province

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GRS All Africa RSs and RI


Ebola, statistics, Liberia

On Oct 5, 2014, at 8:12 PM, Kathy Gilbeaux <> wrote:

Ebola's shadow extends to would-be Mecca pilgrims | Al Jazeera America


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Ebola, translocation

Ebola's shadow extends to would-be Mecca pilgrims

Millions of pilgrims from all corners of the world traveled to Saudi Arabia for the start of the hajj in the past week, but some West African Muslims will not be able to take part in the sacred journey this year because of public health fears surrounding the Ebola outbreak.

Saudi Arabia issued a travel ban on citizens of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone as what it called a “precautionary measure,” saying the risk of Ebola infection is too high for travelers from those countries to be allowed entry now.

The Ebola-stricken countries each have sizable Muslim populations. In Liberia, which is the epicenter of the epidemic and has seen about 2,000 people die from the virus, some 12 percent of the population is Muslim. In Guinea and Sierra Leone, the figure rises to more than half. Saudi authorities have turned down about 7,000 requests for hajj visas from the three countries because of Ebola concerns, according to the United Nations.

The Climate Movement Roars » EcoWatch


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mass population response, climate change, social movement

The Climate Movement Roars

Less than two weeks have passed and yet it isn’t too early to say it: the People’s Climate March changed the social map—many maps, in fact, since hundreds of smaller marches took place in 162 countries. That march in New York City, spectacular as it may have been with its 400,000 participants, joyous as it was, moving as it was (slow-moving, actually, since it filled more than a mile’s worth of wide avenues and countless side streets), was no simple spectacle for a day. It represented the upwelling of something that matters so much more: a genuine global climate movement.

When I first heard the term “climate movement” a year ago, as a latecomer to this developing tale, I suspected the term was extravagant, a product of wishful thinking. I had, after all, seen a few movements in my time (and participated in several). I knew something of what they felt like and looked like—and this, I felt, wasn’t it.

(task) U.S. nurses say they are unprepared to handle Ebola patients | Reuters

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ebola health system infectious disease training

U.S. nurses say they are unprepared to handle Ebola patients

Sustainable Energy Investment Programme (Energy SMART Fund)



renewables, energy

Sustainable Energy Investment Programme (Energy SMART Fund)

This project is led by Ms. Keisha Reid.


The Government of Barbados (GOB) has established a Energy Smart Fund to provide financial and technical support to renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) projects in Barbados. To capitalize the fund, the Government has obtained a loan of US$10 million (approximately BDS$20 million) from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), under an agreement for the Sustainable Energy Investment Program known as the ‘Energy Smart Fund’. It is being implemented in partnership with the Enterprise Growth Fund Limited (EGFL) through the signing of Management and Deed of Trust Agreements for the establishment and management of the Energy Smart Fund.


howdy folks
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