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> From: PlaNYC <>
> Subject: PlaNYC Newsletter - New Office of Sustainability
> Date: December 5, 2014 at 9:37:30 AM EST
> To: Michael <>
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> Newsletter
> December 5, 2014 Is this email not displaying correctly?
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> Mayor de Blasio Appoints Nilda Mesa as Director of the New Office of Sustainability
> On December 4, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Nilda Mesa as the Director of the new Office of Sustainability, which will spearhead the Administration's environmental and sustainability initiatives. Mesa brings with her extensive experience at the local, state, and federal levels of government, and in both the public and private sectors. She was previously the Director at the NYC Mayor's Office of Environmental Coordination, which will now merge with the Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability to create the new Office of Sustainability, tasked with overseeing the implementation of an 80 percent reduction in emissions by 2050 and the Mayor's sweeping green buildings plan. The Office of Sustainability will work in partnership with the Office of Recovery and Resiliency (ORR) – created earlier this year by Mayor de Blasio and led by Daniel Zarrilli – to lead the Administration's efforts to dramatically reduce our contributions to climate change, while ORR implements a comprehensive citywide plan to protect against its risks. Read the press release for more information.
> Mayor’s November Budget Includes Major Funding for Energy Efficiency, Green Infrastructure
> On November 25, Mayor de Blasio released New York City’s November Financial Plan Update for Fiscal Year 2015 and an updated four-year financial plan, including a major investment in the Administration’s sustainability initiatives. The majority of that investment, $24.4 million, will launch One City: Built to Last, the de Blasio Administration's plan to improve energy efficiency in buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent citywide by 2050. An additional $1.6 million will go to expand the Department of Environmental Protection’s Green Infrastructure program, which keeps neighborhoods safe by reducing storm water runoff and improving water quality.
> Read the press release.
> Read Mayor de Blasio's One City: Built to Last plan.
> Mayor Announces Overhaul Of Workforce Development, Launches New Initiatives to Boost Sandy-Impacted Communities
> Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a major shift in workforce development to better train New Yorkers for good-paying jobs and help secure job placements in fast-growing fields. Based on the report, Career Pathways, released by the Jobs for New Yorkers Task Force, the Administration will invest in middle-skill job training for up to 30,000 people each year, prioritize good-paying full-time job placements at workforce agencies, and require companies doing business with the City to move New Yorkers to the front of the hiring line.
> The de Blasio Administration is also committed to ensuring recovery and resiliency jobs help support communities impacted by Hurricane Sandy. This fall, the Mayor hosted a Sandy Resource Recovery and Opportunity Fair in the Rockways and announced two workforce development initiatives to help connect Sandy-impacted New Yorkers with employment opportunities.
> Read the press release.
> Read the Career Pathways report.
> New Website Provides Hub for NYC Tech Sector Opportunities
> The City has partnered with the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) and more than a dozen leading NYC-based technology and media companies to launch Digital.NYC, a new online hub for New York City’s growing digital and technology economy. Digital NYC hosts job postings, resources for new startups, and opportunities to connect with investors. The site also posts other resources for tech companies and workers, including information about workspaces, incubators, and coding courses.
> Two other City projects showcase the work that has been done at the intersection of tech and resiliency. NYCEDC announced the finalists of its RISE : NYC competition, in which applicants came up with innovative technologies to make businesses in NYC more resilient during future storms. New York is also expanding access to public internet by converting payphones into free wifi hotspots which can operate if a cellular data network goes down.
> Visit Digital.NYC for more information on the resources available.
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> OS & ORR
> Together, the Mayor's Office of Sustainability (OS) and the Office of Recovery and Resiliency (ORR) oversee and guide New York City's efforts to improve quality of life, environmental sustainability, and resiliency to climate change, as outlined in the City's comprehensive sustainability and resiliency plan, PlaNYC.
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