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Global daily statistics

COVID-19 infections are still rising in 75 countries. There have been at least 37,855,000 reported infections and 1,080,000 reported deaths caused by the new coronavirus so far.

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OPINION: Beyond COVID-19—a paradigm shift in infection management?

The health and economic impact of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria has continuously grown over the past years, reaching an estimated peak of approximately 700 000 attributable deaths per year.
Neglected hygiene, poor compliance with infection control procedures, inappropriate antimicrobial use, and insufficient availability of diagnostics and new effective antibiotics have contributed to this inglorious global record.
Despite these alarming figures, infection prevention and treatment have not been considered top priorities on the agendas of most industrialised countries.
This mindset changed abruptly with the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
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Covid-19: China's Qingdao to test nine million in five days

The Chinese city of Qingdao is testing its entire population of nine million people for Covid-19 over a period of five days.

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ANALYSIS: The value proposition of the Global Health Security Index

BMJ Global Health

The value proposition of the Global Health Security Index  


Infectious disease outbreaks pose major threats to human health and security. Countries with robust capacities for preventing, detecting and responding to outbreaks can avert many of the social, political, economic and health system costs of such crises.

The Global Health Security Index (GHS Index)—the first comprehensive assessment and benchmarking of health security and related capabilities across 195 countries—recently found that no country is sufficiently prepared for epidemics or pandemics.

The GHS Index can help health security stakeholders identify areas of weakness, as well as opportunities to collaborate across sectors, collectively strengthen health systems and achieve shared public health goals.

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