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Chapter 7. Grain Yields Starting to Plateau - Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

Chapter 7. Grain Yields Starting to Plateau

by Lester R. Brown

From the beginning of agriculture until the mid-twentieth century, growth in the world grain harvest came almost entirely from expanding the cultivated area. Rises in land productivity were too slow to be visible within a single generation. It is only within the last 60 years or so that rising yields have replaced area expansion as the principal source of growth in world grain production.

Chapter 7. Grain Yields Starting to Plateau

Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity

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Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Guidance

submitted by Albert Gomez - June 12, 2013

This document is designed to help companies in complying with the greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting regulation, a requirement from the Climate Change Act 2008; and all organisations with voluntary reporting on a range of environmental matters, including voluntary GHG reporting and through the use of key performance indicators (KPIs).

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Hundreds of Dead Stingrays Found on Mexico Beach


Hundreds of dead stingrays have been found on a beach in the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz.  Reuters - July 17, 2013

. . . Veracruz's Environment Minister Victor Alvarado Martinez has asked federal authorities for help investigating the incident. . .

. . . Chachalacas fisherman Jaime Vazquez said that in his more than three decades in the job he had ever seen any of his colleagues dump dead fish on the beach.

He told local media that any unwanted fish would have been returned to the sea while still alive.


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Slow Ideas - Some Innovations Spread Fast. How Do You Speed the Ones That Don’t?

We yearn for frictionless, technological solutions. But people talking to people is still the way that norms and standards change. Illustration by Harry Campbell. - by Atul Gawande - July 29, 2013

. . . In our era of electronic communications, we’ve come to expect that important innovations will spread quickly. Plenty do: think of in-vitro fertilization, genomics, and communications technologies themselves. But there’s an equally long list of vital innovations that have failed to catch on. The puzzle is why.


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Bloom Energy Made from Beach Sand

Bloom Energy is changing the way the world generates and consumes energy.

Our unique on-site power generation systems utilize an innovative new fuel cell technology with roots in NASA's Mars program.

Derived from a common sand-like powder, and leveraging breakthrough advances in materials science, our technology is able to produce clean, reliable, affordable power,... practically anywhere,... from a wide range of renewable or traditional fuels.

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Mozilla Ignite Challenge - Real-Time Emergency Response

                                                   (CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO ENLARGE) - March 31, 2013

Mozilla Ignite is an open innovation challenge hosted by Mozilla and the National Science Foundation as part of the US Ignite initiative. The goal: imagine and build apps that show the full potential of next-generation networks, in areas that matter -- like healthcare, education, energy, manufacturing and public safety.

Real-Time Emergency Response - What problem are you intending to solve?

Detection, observation, and assessment of situations requiring intervention by emergency responders depends on high-quality "live" data.


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Due to Global Warming, End Is Virtually Certain for NYC, Boston, Miami, Holland - by Eric Zuesse - July 20, 2013

A new article in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is headlined "The Multimillennial Sea-Level Commitment of Global Warming," and it reports that because of carbon emissions that are virtually certain, on the basis of the lack of policy-response to global warming thus far, sea levels are now set to rise anywhere from around 8 inches to 7 feet within 100 years, and around 5 yards to 10 yards within 2,000 years. The projections are clearer (within a narrower range) for the longer time-frame than for the shorter one. That's because even if the short-term consequences of heat-rise turn out to be relatively slight, the longer-term consequences are clearer, and will be considerably larger, as delayed impacts kick in.


PNAS - The multimillennial sea-level commitment of global warming

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If You Thought What ALEC and the Koch Brothers Are Doing Was Bad ...

By Mitch Jones, Food and Water Watch

16 July 13, RSN 

e've all seen the results in states across the country of the influence that ALEC and the Koch Brothers have amassed. And if you think the results of their agenda to hand more and more power to corporations at your expense are bad, you should really hate the new "trade" deals being negotiated to hand even more power to corporations at our expense.

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Geofeedia - Pioneering Location-Based Social Media Monitoring

Location-based streaming, search, monitoring, and analytics.

Create live, location-based social media streams, or “Geofeeds”. Once you create a Geofeed – by simply entering an address or drawing a boundary around a location on a map – you can search, monitor and analyze all social media activity from that location.

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