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New Hampshire House approves bill to allow pharmacists to dispense ivermectin for COVID-19

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424 hours reps, 24 senators, 5 governor councilors, and a governor for fewer than 1.2M residents.




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Edward D Shanshala II, MSHSA, MSEd

Chief Executive Officer

Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc.

Your Community Health Partner for Life


25 Mt. Eustis Road

Littleton, NH 03561


603-991-7756 (cell 24/7)

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Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 10:30 AM

To: Health - US <>; New Hampshire RAC Executive Team <>

Subject: [EXTERNAL] - [health-us][1 other group] New Hampshire House approves bill to allow pharmacists to dispense ivermectin for COVID-19




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