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Half of the world's food 'is just thrown away'

discarded food - by John von Radowitz - January 10th, 2013


As much as half of all the food produced in the world - two billion tonnes worth - ends up being thrown away, a new report claims.


The waste is caused by poor infrastructure and storage facilities, over-strict sell-by dates, "get-one-free" offers, and consumer fussiness, according to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Each year countries around the world produce some four billion tonnes of food.

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Global Drought Monitor

An working example of the Global Drought Monitor, focusing on Eurasia and Africa.

Image: An working example of the Global Drought Monitor, focusing on Eurasia and Africa. - Benjamin Lloyd-Hughes and Mark Saunders

The Global Drought Monitor  is a free internet application which monitors the severity of drought worldwide on an ongoing basis. The product will aid humanitarian relief by assisting warnings of potential food, water and health problems. The Global Drought Monitor  will also benefit the general public, government and industry by improving awareness of droughts and their impacts.


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MAFF Permits Rice Planting in Evacuation Zone/Fukushima City Rice Started Being Served for School Lunch

Fukushima Diary Posted by Mochizuki on January 21st, 2013 · 1 Comment Share on twitterShare on linkedinShare on facebookShare on emailMore Sharing Services Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries permitted rice planting in 96 households (73 ha) of evacuation zone in Tamura city Fukushima, where the annual dose is under 20mSv/y. They also permitted 1200 households to produce rice in Fukushima, Soma, Nihonmatsu and Da-te city, where is 380 ha in total. In 2012, rice planting was not permitted in these areas. In order to preserve rice field and the motivation of farmers, MAFF is going to permit rice planting in other evacuation zones (under 20mSv/y) on the requests residents too.


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Food Risk

Correlation of violent protests in Africa and the Middle East with local food prices.

Image: Correlation of violent protests in Africa and the Middle East with local food prices. - October 25th, 2012 - Robert W. "Doc" Hall

Formal risk management has become common in large organizations. Risk management has become complex, standardized in ISO 31000, and meriting university degrees. Most risk assessment multiplies the consequences of an event times its probability to create a risk index. Managements can then choose to eliminate, mitigate, or accept each risk.


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If Extreme Weather Becomes the Norm, Starvation Awaits


Drought-withered corn stalks in Indiana, August 2012. Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images - by George Monbiot - October 15, 2012

With forecasts currently based only on averages, food production may splutter out even sooner than we feared

I believe we might have made a mistake: a mistake whose consequences, if I am right, would be hard to overstate. I think the forecasts for world food production could be entirely wrong. Food prices are rising again, partly because of the damage done to crops in the northern hemisphere by ferocious weather.


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Food Scarcity: The Timebomb Setting Nation Against Nation

submitted by Paul G.Kaplan


A drying corn field in southern Minnesota. Bad weather has resulted in a poor harvest this year. Photograph: David I. Gross/ Corbis

As the UN and Oxfam warn of the dangers ahead, expert analyst Lester Brown says time to solve the problem is running out - by John Vidal - October 13, 2012

Brandon Hunnicutt has had a year to remember. The young Nebraskan from Hamilton County farms 2,600 acres of the High Plains with his father and brother. What looked certain in an almost perfect May to be a "phenomenal" harvest of maize and soy beans has turned into a near disaster.


Book - Full Planet, Empty Plates

Oxfam Report - 'Our Land, Our Lives': Time Out on the Global Land Rush

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Food Distribution in the Horn of Africa Goes High-Tech - by Cathy Herholdt - October 10, 2012

Getting food into the hands of the hungry in the Horn of Africa is about to go high-tech. Seattle-based humanitarian organization World Concern is piloting a new mobile phone app in the drought-stricken region, aiming to streamline the process of tracking food distributed to hungry families and payment to local merchants.

The system tracks beneficiaries and the food they receive via bar codes that are scanned into a mobile phone. Merchants have an I.D. card with a bar code, which is also scanned so they can be paid via wire transfer almost instantly.


World Concern

Scan My List

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Cutting Food Losses in Half Would Feed an Additional Billion People

submitted by Samuel Bendett

Homeland Security News Wire - October 11, 2012

More efficient use of the food production chain and a decrease in the amount of food losses will dramatically help maintaining the planet’s natural resources and improve people’s lives; researchers have proved a valid estimation, for the first time, for how many people could be fed with reducing food losses

Researchers in Aalto University have proved a valid estimation, for the first time, for how many people could be fed with reducing food losses.

An Aalto University release reports that the world’s population is an estimated seven billion people. An additional one billion can be fed from our current resources, if the food losses could be halved. This can be achieved if the lowest loss percentage achieved in any region could be reached globally.


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The Third Biennial Championing Public Health Nutrition 2012

Centre for Science in the Public Interest -

2012 Conference

The Third Biennial Championing Public Health Nutrition
October 29-30, 2012 at the University of Toronto's Hart House
7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, Canada

Global Food Supply - We Need to Plan for System Failure - by Mallen Baker - October 4, 2012

Mallen Baker argues that it’s irresponsible not to make contingency plans, especially when the potential failures concern the fundamentals – such as food

Imagine your critical business systems depend on one computer server. This server is huge – it has immense capacity – but you have grown into that space and now every single day you are pushing it to its limit. . .

. . . Now let’s substitute the global food system for the server. Here we have a system that is operating at full capacity. Any hiccups in normal production can lead to serious problems. This year we have seen such hiccups.


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