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Restrictions affect more than a third of the country’s population, as world leaders meet at UN to discuss the Ebola outbreak

The Guardian, Thursday 25 September 2014

Sierra Leone’s government has quarantined more than a million people in an attempt to bring an end to the spread of the deadly Ebola virus.

Areas in the east of the country on the border of Guinea have been under quarantine for months but travel is now restricted in three more areas where an estimated 1.5 million people live. Nearly a third of the country’s population across 14 districts is now under curfew.


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Red Cross Team Attacked in Southeast Guinea

Associated Press   September 24, 2014

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — A Red Cross team was attacked while collecting bodies believed to be infected with Ebola in southeastern Guinea, the latest in a string of assaults that are hindering efforts to control West Africa's current outbreak.

One Red Cross worker is recovering after being wounded in the neck in Tuesday's attack in Forecariah, according to Benoit Carpentier, a spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Family members of the dead initially set upon the six volunteers and vandalized their cars, said Mariam Barry, a resident. Eventually a crowd went to the regional health office, where they threw rocks at the building.

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U.S. Hospitals Unprepared to Handle Ebola waste, Experts Say


As Emory was treating two US missionaries who were evacuated from West Africa in August, their waste hauler, Stericycle, initially refused to handle it. Photograph: Michael Duff/AP

REUTERS      September 24, 2014

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. hospitals may be unprepared to safely dispose of the infectious waste generated by any Ebola virus disease patient to arrive unannounced in the country, potentially putting the wider community at risk, biosafety experts said.

Waste management companies are refusing to haul away the soiled sheets and virus-spattered protective gear associated with treating the disease, citing federal guidelines that require Ebola-related waste to be handled in special packaging by people with hazardous materials training, infectious disease and biosafety experts told Reuters.


Dr. Gavin Macgregor-Skinner, an expert on public health preparedness at Pennsylvania State University, said there's "no way in the world" that U.S. hospitals are ready to treat patients with highly infectious diseases like Ebola.

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New York Times

CDC  releases report on worst and best case estimates for Ebola cases. 

Estimates cover Liberia and Sierra Leone, based on computer modeling. Guinea not included because data  "cannot be reliably modeled."

Best case-model, which assures the dead are buried safely and 70 per cent of the patients are treated in settings that reduce the risk of transmission, suggest the epidemic could almost be ended by Jan. 20.




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Nigerian Health Minister Says Country is Completely Free of Active Ebola Cases

FORBES                 September 23, 2014

By David Kroll

The Health Minister of Nigeria says that his country is completely free of active Ebola cases and has released the final victim contacts from surveillance.

In a telephone interview last night where he was preparing for a United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York, Minister of Health Onyebuchi Chukwu, MD, said, “Presently, there is no single case of Ebola virus disease in Nigeria – none.”

Dr. Chukwu provided further details, saying, “No cases are under treatment, no suspected cases. There are no contacts in Lagos that are still under surveillance, having completed a minimum of 21 days of observation.

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Fresh Graves Point to Undercount of Ebola Toll

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Zimbabwe: Reportedly 98 Persons Under Ebola Quarantine

NEWS24    September 23, 2014

Cape Town – At least 98 people reportedly have been placed under Ebola quarantine in Harare, as Zimbabwe takes steps to strictly monitor visitors coming into the country.

This comes as fears continue to grow that the deadly Ebola virus might spread beyond West Africa where the epidemic has killed 2 800 people.

According to News Day, out of the 98 people who have been quarantined, 84 were coming from Nigeria.

Link to complete story.

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London Group Plans to Start First Clinical Tests of Ebola Drugs in West Africa

Washington Post

by Abby Ohlheiser September 23 at 11:45 AM

London based scientists, working with international aid groups, are planning to start the first clinical trials in West Africa for drugs to treat Eboa. The trials could begin in a matter of months.

Wellcome Trust's $5 million initiative will include drugs from Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Sarepta and Tekmira, according to Reuters. Mapp makes zMapp, the experimental cocktail administered to two Americans who contracted the disease in Liberia. Tekmira recently gained the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to use its TKM-Ebola treatment on confirmed or suspected cases of the disease.

Both drugs are still in the experimental phase; researchers have not yet determined the safety or effectiveness of the treatments.

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LOS ANGLES TIMES     September 22, 10:25 PM

by Monte Morin

In a grim assessment of the Ebola epidemic, researchers say the deadly virus threatens to become endemic to West Africa instead of eventually disappearing from humans.

"The current epidemiologic outlook is bleak," wrote a panel of more than 60 World Health Organization experts in a study published Tuesday by the New England Journal of Medicine.

"We must therefore face the possibility that Ebola virus disease will become endemic among the human population of West Africa, a prospect that has never previously been contemplated."

In the absence of new control measures, the authors estimated that the total case load would exceed 20,000 by Nov 2.

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Link to New England Journal of Medicine study

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World wakes up to Ebola as cases set to top 1 million

By Debora MacKenzie - 23 Sep 2014 -

This article appeared in print under the headline "World wakes up to true threat of Ebola"

Only decisive action can stop the virus becoming entrenched in Africa and spreading elsewhere, say epidemiologists.

The world has finally got serious about Ebola. In a first for a public health threat, the United Nations has launched the kind of response it normally reserves for war zones. Meanwhile, the US, UK and France are sending troops to build treatment units, train health workers and keep order.

It's not a moment too soon: the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that without a massive effort to slow the epidemic, a million people in West Africa could have Ebola by January. Some will carry it elsewhere, and the virus may circulate non-stop in Africa for the foreseeable future.

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