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More exercise needed to fight Diabetes

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As Sierra Leone joins the world in observing World Health Day, the Founder of Friends of Diabetes Sierra Leone, Salome H. Jones, calls for more exercise in order to reduce the risk of having diabetes.
She made this statement at the Bank Complex Kingtom during the World Health Day celebration organised by World Health Organisation (WHO).
WHO every year April 7th observes the World Health Day and this year’s theme is “stay healthy and beat diabetes”.
Salome Jones is a nurse by profession practising in the United Kingdom; she noted that diabetes is on the increase recalling her experience that her family had suffered through diabetes which prompted her to help other people who have the disease through her organisation.
As her organisation has been one of the leading organisations in fighting diabetes she maintained that “my organisation is looking after over one thousand diabetes patients across the country and also have workers not only in Freetown but also in the provinces”. She emphasised that more exercises needed to be done in order to combat diabetes.
She emphasised that more education needs to be done about diabetes, noting that her organisation has been going around schools to raise awareness to school going pupils about the disease.
She emphasised that people should not eat plenty of carbohydrate, fat and oil and protein food in Representative, Dr Anders Nordstorm emphasised for more to be done so that for people who are living with diabetes to be aware about their status.
He lamented that one needs to exercise, avoid eating plenty of sugar and smoking in order to increase one chances of not having diabetes.
Director of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD), Dr Bash Taqi said diabetes is on the increase, adding that NCD are diseases one gets through his or her life style.
He highlighted the risk factor of diabetes, namely, alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and physical inability. He elaborated that four hundred and forty two million people are diabetes patients across the world, adding that the figure will double by 2030.
Dr Taqi said 7.5 million people are dying every year of Diabetes, noting that diabetes is responsible for death and disability on a large scale.
He emphasised that having diabetes will lead one to have kidney diseases, blindness, heart attack and stroke.
By Mohamed J Bah
Friday April 08, 2016

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