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Australian Resilience Network Framework
Tue, 2009-02-17 13:17 — sbeardThe intent of this forum is to develop a strawman for structuring an approach to the needs for an Australian Resilience Network. I would like to propose that we consider this under two broad groupings:
Within these two broad groupings we can then start to structure an understanding of the environmental factors that shape the Resilience network, the key threats to communities (at a fairly high level initially), key community needs (again at a fairly high level) and potential Resilience based solutions. So the strawman starts out looking like this:
A key aspect of this strawman would be consider issues such as trust development within and between communities (particularly as Australia looks out to the region - a region where the patriarchal approach of the last decade has significantly damaged the partnership between Australia and our regional partners) and the framing of needs and solutions in the context of a global requirement to decrease the Ecological Footprint required to support communities and human development within those communities.
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