Mask disputes for children flare, Florida parents call an Asian American school board member a communist

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Mask disputes for children flare, Florida parents call an Asian American school board member a communist

“Communists!” “Democrats!” “RINOS!”

At a Florida county’s fiery school board meeting Monday morning, hecklers called the board members names and shouted over them, drowning out the officials.

The uproar from parents objecting to a mask requirement was so loud that Santa Rosa County school board member Wei Ueberschaer, who is Chinese American, did not hear it when she was called a communist and a man in the audience ridiculed the country her family is from.

“This is Santa Rosa County, not China,” he taunted.

If she had caught what was said, Ueberschaer, who has lived in the Florida Panhandle county since 1998, would have rebuked the derogatory comments, she told The Washington Post.

“We expect mutual respect and common courtesy from our students, so we expect the same from the adults who attend the school board meetings,” she said.

The remarks hurled at Ueberschaer and others come as reports of anti-Asian hate attacks have surged amid rhetoric that scapegoats people of Asian descent for the coronavirus pandemic.

In the video clip of the unruly meeting, which has been viewed more than 200,000 times on Twitter, Ueberschaer and board members chose to lift the mask order, replacing it with a recommendation.

Their decision reflects a difficult balancing act faced by city councils, school boards and other governing bodies still stuck in a political quagmire, leaving their members in the crosshairs of criticism. Throughout the pandemic, face coverings have been a tool in partisan feuds. Even as people increasingly forecast an end to the public health crisis and federal guidance has lifted some mask recommendations for vaccinated people, the mitigation measure remains a contentious issue.

The day after the meeting in Florida, anti-mask protesters shut down a school board gathering in Utah, chanting “no more masks.” On Thursday, a group of parents in Kansas filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against education officials, arguing their children should be allowed to attend school during the pandemic without wearing masks....

The country’s decentralized political system has contributed to inconsistent enforcement of a simple tactic to prevent spreading the infection.

In Florida, where some counties and cities continued to require masks, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed an executive order Monday invalidating local emergency orders, saying they were no longer needed. The state’s department of education later clarified that the order did not affect school districts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises mask-wearing for children age 2 and up, and the World Health Organization recommends masks for children 12 and above. ...




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