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Agriculture and Food Security

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The mission of this Working Group is explore new directions in Agriculture and Food Security.

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This Working Group is focused on Agriculture and Food Security.
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Why 2013 will be a year of crisis

Prediction: 2013 will be a year of serious global crisis. That crisis is predictable, and in fact has already begun. It will inescapably confront the next president of the United States. Yet this emerging crisis got not a mention at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

Image: Rotting corn was damaged by severe drought on a farm near Bruceville, Indiana.

submitted by Samuel Bendett - September 3rd, 2012 - David Frum

Prediction: 2013 will be a year of serious global crisis. That crisis is predictable, and in fact has already begun. It will inescapably confront the next president of the United States. Yet this emerging crisis got not a mention at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.


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Trade-offs between water for food and for curbing climate change

submitted by Samuel Bendett - September 4th, 2012

Earth’s growing human population needs fresh water for drinking and food production. Fresh water, however, is also needed for the growth of biomass, which acts as a sink of carbon dioxide and thus could help mitigate climate change. Does the Earth have enough freshwater resources to meet these competing demands?

An American Geophysical Union release reports that J. Rockström and colleagues, in their recent study, estimate the order of magnitude of freshwater consumption needed to feed a population of nine billion people by 2050 and the amount of water needed to realize the planet’s full biomass carbon sequestration potential.


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Heinz® Ketchup Inspires More Environmentally Responsible Living This Summer with PlantBottle™ Packaging Promotion

submitted by Alison Thompson - July 17, 2012

A new Heinz(R) Ketchup campaign called "Join the Growing Movement" invites consumers to promise to be more environmentally responsible through a mobile application. For each pledge, Heinz will help plant a tree, up to 57,000 trees. (Photo: Business Wire)

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Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall flyerImage: Writing on the Wall flyer

submitted by Albert Gomez

Experts on New York City’s pioneering menu labelling bylaw will join local experts, policy-makers and health advocates in five Canadian cities to explore effective measures to equip restaurant customers with calorie and sodium information to guide their dining choices and motivate restaurant owners to make the offerings more nutritious. This is a must attend event for dietitians, health advocates, policy-makers, restaurant owners, researchers, journalists and others with an interest in the health and informed consumer choice for restaurant customers.

Writing on the Wall
Monday September 10, 2012 in Vancouver
Tuesday September 11, 2012 in Winnipeg
Wednesday September 12, 2012 in Toronto
Thursday September 13, 2012 in Ottawa
Friday September 14, 2012 in Halifax

Fees: Industry CAD$150, Non-Industry CAD$95 (plus tax)


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Agri-Cube grows mass quantities of vegetables in a one-car parking spot

External view of the 11.7 square meter Agri-Cube E garden factory

Image: External view of the 11.7 square meter Agri-Cube E garden factory

submitted by Samuel Bendett - Brian Dodson - August 14th, 2012

Daiwa House, Japan's largest homebuilder, has introduced a line of prefabricated hydroponic vegetable factories, aimed at housing complexes, hotels, and top-end restaurants. Called the Agri-Cube, these units are touted by Daiwa as the first step in the industrialization of agriculture, to be located in and amongst the places where people live, work, and play.

More and more people desire sustainable, organic produce for their own use, and are turning to urban farming in an effort to insure the highest degree of freshness.


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Poland Bans GE Corn, Monsanto Buys Bee Research Firm
 - by Linda St.Cyr - May 15, 2012

Active protests in Poland have led to a ban on Monsanto’s Mon810 corn. Monsanto’s corn has been genetically engineered to produce a mutant version of the insecticide Bt. Beekeepers saw the link between the corn and the deaths of honeybees.

So what did Monsanto do? It bought a leading bee collapse research organization, Beeologics, to study the collapse disorder that is thought to be a result—at least in part– of Monsanto’s own creation.


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Almost a billion go hungry worldwide

photo courtesy of Harry Borden/Oxfam - August 5, 2012 - by Sarah Morrison

An unparalleled number of severe food shortages has added 43 million to the number of people going hungry worldwide this year. And millions of children are now at risk of acute malnutrition, charities are warning. One week ahead of David Cameron's "hunger summit", they say that unless action is taken urgently, many more could fall victim.


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US farmers urge Obama administration to suspend ethanol quota amid drought

Keith Beall harvests drought-stressed corn beyond the reach of the field's irrigation system, in Eatonton, Georgia. Photograph: Erik S Lesser/EPA

Image: Keith Beall harvests drought-stressed corn beyond the reach of the field's irrigation system, in Eatonton, Georgia. Photograph: Erik S Lesser/EPA - July 30th, 2012 - Suzanne Goldenburg

The Obama administration was urged on Monday to stop diverting grain to gas amid warnings of an "imminent food crisis" caused by America's drought.

US government forecasts of a 4% rise in food prices for US consumers because of the drought have sharpened criticism of supports for producing fuel from corn-based ethanol.

Meanwhile, research published last week by the New England Complex Systems Institute warned of an "imminent food crisis" because of the diversion of corn stocks to ethanol.


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Seeds of Freedom

submitted by Albert Gomez - May 1st, 2012

Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system.The film highlights the extent to which the industrial agricultural system, and genetically modified (GM) seeds in particular, has impacted on the enormous agro -biodiversity evolved by farmers and communities around the world, since the beginning of agriculture.

Seeds of Freedom seeks to challenge the mantra that large-scale, industrial agriculture is the only means by which we can feed the world, promoted by the pro-GM lobby. In tracking the story of seed it becomes clear how corporate agenda has driven the take over of seed in order to make vast profit and control of the food global system.


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Eating Planet -- Nutrition Today: A Challenge for Mankind and for the Planet

Eating Planet 2012 Event Notification ImageThe Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet project and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition would like to invite everyone to the launch of the book Eating Planet - Nutrition Today: A Challenge for Mankind and for the Planet on June 28th, 2012. There will a panel, "How do we feed (and also nourish) a planet of 7 billion?", hosted by the editor-in-chief of the Food & Environmental Reporting Network, Samuel Fromartz.

The event will take place at The Jerome L. Greene Performance Space at WNYC Studios on 44 Charlton Street, New York, NY, from 10 AM to 12 PM EST. The event is free to attend, but space is limited. Please see the link below to RSVP. A light brunch will be provided.


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