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Nurse who contracted Ebola released from hospital
Sat, 2015-01-24 19:44 — mike kraftTHE GUARDIAN by Lin Jenkins Jan. 23, 2015
LONDON --The British nurse who almost died after contracting Ebola while volunteering in Sierra Leone has been discharged from hospital after making a full recovery.
Doctors had described her condition as “critical” during the three weeks she received treatment for the deadly virus and her family and friends were preparing for the worst. Cafferkey admited that then she had felt like “giving up”, but was now looking forward to returning to “normal life” and had no plans to go back to Africa.
The 39-year-old nurse was diagnosed with Ebola after returning to Glasgow last month and was admitted to the city’s Gartnavel hospital on December 29 before being transferred the next day to the Royal Free. She had been working with Save the Children at the Ebola treatment centre in Kerry Town before returning to the UK...
Save the Children has launched an investigation into how Cafferkey was infected, but admits it may never establish the exact circumstances.
Pauline Cafferkey: 'I feel quite weak, but I’m looking forward to going home.' Photograph: Lisa Ferguson/Scotland on Sunday/PA
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