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Changing Paradigms

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This working group is focused on identifying and monitoring changing paradigms around the world.

The mission of this working group is to identify and monitor changing paradigms around the world.


Emily Penn mdmcdonald WDS1200-Columbus

Email address for group

NY Times: Did Exxon Deceive Its Investors on Climate Change?

In an OP-ED in the New York Times, the director of the Rockefeller Family Fund states that EXXON systematically lied to the public and to its stockholders about the risks of climate change and EXXON's major contributions to the catastrophic damage climate change will inflict on humanity and on biodiversity.  
 To read the complete article, see:

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Warning of 'Ecological Armageddon' After Dramatic Plunge in Insect Numbers


Flying insects caught in a malaise trap, used by entomologists to collect samples. Photograph: Entomologisher Verein Krefeld

Three-quarters of flying insects in nature reserves across Germany have vanished in 25 years, with serious implications for all life on Earth, scientists say

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Plos One - More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas - by Darian Carrington - October 18, 2017

The abundance of flying insects has plunged by three-quarters over the past 25 years, according to a new study that has shocked scientists.

Insects are an integral part of life on Earth as both pollinators and prey for other wildlife and it was known that some species such as butterflies were declining. But the newly revealed scale of the losses to all insects has prompted warnings that the world is “on course for ecological Armageddon”, with profound impacts on human society.


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United Kingdom Votes to Leave EU in Historic Referendum


Philippe Wojazer/Reuters

Britain has voted to exit the European Union. It is a historic decision sure to reshape the nation’s place in the world.

Britain held a referendum on Thursday on whether to leave the European Union, a process often referred to as “Brexit.”

CLICK HERE - CNN - Brexit News Coverage

CLICK HERE - BBC - Business Live: Markets in turmoil

CLICK HERE - The Guardian - LIVE - EU Referendum

CLICK HERE - Reuters - LIVE - EU Referendum

CLICK HERE - The Telegraph - EU Referendum

CLICK HERE - The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

CLICK HERE - EU referendum petition signed by more than 2.5m

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100% renewables by 2045 is now the law in Hawaii

Link to Article:

Hawaii law sets target of 100pc renewables by 2045


9 Jun 2015, 2.15 pm GMT

Washington, 9 June (Argus) — Hawaii's governor David Ige (D) signed legislation making the island state the first in the US to set a mandate for all electricity to come from renewable resources.

The governor signed HB 623, which requires electric utilities to supply 100pc of their sales with renewables by 2045. The new renewable portfolio standard includes interim targets of 30pc by 2020, 40pc by 2030 and 70pc by 2040. HB 623 replaces a previous standard that called for 15pc by 2015, 25pc by 2020 and 40pc by 3030. The bill takes effect on 1 July.

Ige said the move to local sources of energy will help the state's economy, which relies on about $5bn/yr in oil imports. Fuel oil provides about 70pc of the state's electricity, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

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Video - TIME, GOOGLE AND NASA: Timelapse of the Earth Over the Last 30 Years - by Jeffrey Kluger

Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up. Telescopes point in one direction: out. Of all the cosmic bodies studied in the long history of astronomy and space travel, the one that got the least attention was the one that ought to matter most to us—Earth.

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Spain Hit by New Wave of Street Protests - October 7, 2012

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How Crises Model the Modern World

submitted by Robert G. Ross - Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response - May 2012


Crises are our new reality. “Black swans” are increasingly becoming the norm; our systems, environments, contexts are structurally prone to crises. Doing more of the same will not be the appropriate way to deal with modern crises: a paradigm shift is needed, based on a more accurate understanding of the dynamics of complex systems. This paper is an invitation to change the theoretical vision of crisis and crisis management, and the education and training of all actors involved.

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The Next 5 in 5 - Innovations That Will Change Our Lives in the Next Five Years

submitted by Albert Gomez

Science fiction becomes reality. Worlds collide. The future is now...or within five years, at least.

At the end of each year, IBM examines market and societal trends expected to transform our lives, as well as emerging technologies from IBM's global labs, to develop a multi-year forecast called The Next 5 in 5.

IBM predicts that over the next five years technology innovations will change the way we work, live and play in the following ways:


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World Bank Is Opening Its Treasure Chest of Data

 . . . "the most valuable currency of the World Bank isn’t its money — it is its information" . . .

 . . . "The bank, he says, is essentially widening the circle of people it can brainstorm with." . . .

 . . . "Having created models for open-sourcing and crowd-sourcing, the bank is now moving toward mash-ups. A new Mapping for Results program offers interactive maps pinpointing locations of almost 3,000 bank projects in more than 16,000 places worldwide. Links open up pages with information about each project, and users can add overlays that show, say, where infant mortality is highest to see whether the bank’s work in those areas matches the need.

The program is sensitive because it involves releasing data provided by client governments and others, but the hope is that it will prompt these parties to link their own data on economic and social development to the site or otherwise make it available." . . .

World Bank Is Opening Its Treasure Chest of Data - Stephanie Strom - July 3, 2011

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