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By PAT BRENNAN - The Orange County Register - - December 19, 2011
21st Century Ecological Sensitivity - Changes in Plant Species
Predicted percentage of ecological landscape being driven toward changes in plant species as a result of projected human-induced climate change by 2100.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Global warming could bring a major transformation for Earth's plants and animals over the next century, a NASA study says, driving nearly half the planet's forests, grasslands and other vegetation toward conversion into radically different ecosystems.
The ecological stress could give a boost to invasive species, but at the expense of natives, reducing the diversity of plants and animals overall.
And humans are likely, almost literally, to cut them off at the pass: When plants and animals attempt to survive by shifting their geographical ranges, as they have in past episodes of climate change, they'll be blocked by farms and cities.
NASA: Climate Change May Bring Big Ecosystem Changes
Ecological sensitivity: a biospheric view of climate change
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