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(task) DfRR Ecuador Earthquake Recovery Potential Meeting
Wed, 2016-05-18 07:54 — MDMcDonald_me_comGRS
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natural disaster, Ecudor
> On May 18, 2016, at 7:18 AM, Kathy Gilbeaux <> wrote:
> Mike,
> FYI . . .
> Kathy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: michael mcdonald <>
> To: Kathy Gilbeaux <>
> Sent: Tue, May 17, 2016 5:19 am
> Subject: Fwd: DfRR Ecuador Earthquake Recovery Potential Meeting
> Kathy,
> FYI.
> Mike
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "DfRR Committee [do not reply]" < <>>
> Subject: DfRR Ecuador Earthquake Recovery Potential Meeting
> Date: May 16, 2016 at 10:34:23 PM EDT
> To: Michael McDonald < <>>
> Dear Michael:
> This email was received today, and volunteers are needed to contribute in an advisory capacity.
> Please respond directly to Mr. Díaz Fañas at the address below if you can attend a meeting tomorrow. Sorry for the late notice.
> ___________
> From: Guillermo Díaz Fañas [ <>]
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:10 AM
> To: Joan Capelin
> Cc: Sissy Nikolaou; <>
> Subject: Ecuador Earthquake and Recovery Potential Meeting
> Good morning Joan,
> I am contacting you in behalf of Dr. Sissy Nikolaou, who recently co-led the Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) team in Ecuador, sponsored by the National Science Foundation with support from the Applied Technology Council, after the M7.8 Earthquake of April 16th, 2016. The GEER team was on ground zero April 26- May 3 and focused on documenting the effects of the event (structural and infrastructure damage, ground motions, liquefaction effects, and landslides as well as emergency response and behavior of public and effects of their life).
> The country is in a state of disaster after the M7.8 Earthquake of April 16th, 2016 and its aftershocks, with hundreds of thousands homeless, more than a thousand people dead with bodies still being recovered, 75% destruction of their shrimp farms (one of the main sources of income for the population in the affected areas), most of hospitals and schools destroyed.
> During the mission, the team had the unique opportunity to interact with top Ecuadorian government officials, resulting in a request from the government to form an Advisory Expert Panel of US earthquake experts to be led by Dr. Andrew Whittaker of MCEER and the University at Buffalo to provide advice to the local government on how to rebuild looking at short-term goals (housing, hospitals, schools, and shrimp farms rebuild), but also long-term resilience planning and development for their infrastructure, using action plans and early warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis, but also conveying a transparent message to the public and educate them about their risk exposures and actions taken by their government to prevent the next earthquake of becoming another massive disaster. Sissy will be one of the experts, in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering and resilience planning long term.
> To this end, the Minister of Housing, Maria de Los Angeles Duarte, a strong and knowledgeable woman that understood very well the planning process, is in NYC invited by the UN until Wednesday morning. I would like to setup a meeting for her or people from her team to meet with AIA and share experiences and knowledge in the recovery and rebuild. She has a free slot tomorrow May 17th, from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm. Would that be possible? We strongly believe that the Design for Risk and Reconstruction Committee would be interested in having a meeting.
> Our country has a unique opportunity to make this right by providing the assistance this country needs in all aspects of resilience.
> Sissy will follow-up directly on the phone later today, so please let us know if you could help us. I thank you in advance for your help,
> Guillermo Díaz Fañas
> Copyright © 2016 AIANY DfRR
> 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 10012
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