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Offshore Wind Master Plan

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> FYI to all -
> NYSERDA is hosting an offshore wind public information meeting today in Southampton and one tomorrow in Melville with NYSERDA and BOEM representatives present.
> Monday, May 7
> 6:00-7:30 p.m. Presentation, Q&A
> Southampton Inn
> 91 Hill Street, Southampton, NY 11968
> "The purpose of the meeting is to provide the latest updates from the State, including on the now-public New York State Offshore Wind Master Plan <>, and to discuss the federal government’s latest announcement <> that takes the first formal step to identify and lease additional wind energy areas off New York’s Atlantic Coast. These meetings will include a presentation and Q&A, and an opportunity to ask questions of New York State and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management government representatives."
> <>
> Rachel Gruzen, MEM | LEED AP
> Environmental Planner and Educator
> <>
> 917.796.2128
> From: Zachary Cohen <>
> Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 8:55 AM
> To: michael mcdonald
> Cc: Krae Van Sickle; Rachel Gruzen; Si Kinsella; Thomas Bjurlof;; Rick Drew;;; Vijay Modi; Nikhil Balakumar; Jorge A. Camacho; John Cronin; Sara Gordon; David McDougal; Susan Glickman; Ricardo Burgos;; David Taylor, Esq.; Douglas Broder; Francesca Rheannon; Ned Hoyt;; john cooper; Carrie Shapiro; Brian Fitzsimons; Tiffany Troxler; Thomas Gustafson; Chris Castro; Chris Sentieri; William Sullivan; biddle duke; Jan Booher
> Subject: Re[2]: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton, as an Element of the East Hampton Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid
> I am filled with meetings through this evening so my long response will come tomorrow.
> But, I did speak with Loring Bolger, Chair of the Springs CAC, and she and I would love to get a presentation to the CAC if it could be packaged in a way that is profitable for everyone. That includes simply raising awareness which is often a needed advance pre-cursor to action.
> Thank you, Mike, and more tomorrow.
> Zachary
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "michael mcdonald" < <>>
> To: "Zachary Cohen" < <>>
> Cc: "Krae Van Sickle" < <>>; "Rachel Gruzen" < <>>; "Si Kinsella" < <>>; "Thomas Bjurlof" < <>>; "" < <>>; "Rick Drew" < <>>; "" < <>>; "" < <>>; "Vijay Modi" < <>>; "Nikhil Balakumar" < <>>; "Jorge A. Camacho" < <>>; "John Cronin" < <>>; "Sara Gordon" < <>>; "David McDougal" < <>>; "Susan Glickman" < <>>; "Ricardo Burgos" < <>>; "" < <>>; "David Taylor, Esq." < <>>; "Douglas Broder" < <>>; "Francesca Rheannon" < <>>; "Ned Hoyt" < <>>; "" < <>>; "john cooper" < <>>; "Carrie Shapiro" < <>>; "Brian Fitzsimons" < <>>; "Tiffany Troxler" < <>>; "Thomas Gustafson" < <>>; "Chris Castro" < <>>; "Chris Sentieri" < <>>; "William Sullivan" < <>>; "biddle duke" < <>>; "Jan Booher" < <>>
> Sent: 5/7/2018 8:27:00 AM
> Subject: Re: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton, as an Element of the East Hampton Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid
>> Zachary and colleagues,
>> Short response
>> My short answer to what you are offering in terms of a South Fork testbed is let’s meet this week in Manhattan, East Hampton, or over the phone to dig into the sites you have in mind for engaging renewable energy in the Springs and the principles and practical challenges involved. However, for those who are not afraid of new concepts and who want to understand my deeper view of the Springs Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid testbed in the context of what I now know of the resilience and sustainability challenges to the Springs, East Hampton, and the East End, please free to read on. For those that want to understand the broader view of a Springs Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid Testbed, but may not have fully grasped every new technical and socio-political terms, let’s meet in the Springs late this week over the phone or this weekend in East Hampton to discuss these issues in more depth, and perhaps with more common language.
>> Longer response
>> I am excited to hear of your capacities to think systemically about a more positive future for Springs residents utilizing a distributed collectively intelligent (DCI) grid testbed in this currently wonderful part of East Hampton. It is apparent that the Springs has significant energy, computing, communication, emergency response, transportation, waterfront, and broader resilience and sustainability challenges that many of the current powers-that-be are not yet proactively engaged in solving, or seemingly even trying to effectively wrap their minds around. In my opinion the Springs DCI testbed should be built to attract world class technological innovation (with appropriate financial backers engaged) that is designed to enable a resilient hyper-local circular economy (with green business and quality job growth) capable of surviving and thriving under more frequent and severe storms, as well as other increasingly extreme conditions. It would be best to take actions now to ensure that the East End, and its fragile, antiquated, and inadequate distribution system) does not become the next Puerto Rico. Otherwise, we may be facing a multi-billion dollar, multi-year recovery from a high severity social and economic crisis.
>> <>
>> In my opinion, we should engage a multi-phased Springs testbed that is designed and planned to rapidly seed distributed renewable energy resources (DER) throughout East Hampton, the South Fork, and Long Island to drive us quickly toward climate-resilience, including Cat 4/5 island-able systems at the household, hamlet areas, and municipal level. I am interested in reviewing the maps with you of potential DCI Grid utility areas in the Springs that may incorporate solar PV, energy storage, EV and AV storage and charging, decentralized electrical and communication system controllers, and mesh networks. However, we need to also think about how the broader DCI Grid system will contribute to the Springs testbed (incorporating hosting capacity analysis for optimizing prosumer engagement and model Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Authority, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), Green Bank funding, private investment, inexpensive commodity electron transport through our public utility wires, community co-ops, Decentralized Service Organizations (DSOs), energy arbitrage, block chain, and transactive energy). I remain deeply concerned that the Springs testbed will just end up being a Potemkin Village, unless the testbed incorporates a resilient and sustainable whole systems vision and functional, rapidly deployable components that help East Hampton, the South Fork, and Long Island in our essential transition away from a fossil-fuelish public monopoly utility that brought us the Shoreham nuclear plant debacle, DWW, a lithium battery facility in the Fort Pond flood area, and the South Fork RFP.
>> With all of this as background, let’s not only look at the potential Springs utility sites, considering all the broader ecosystems issues; let’s also study and map the wind generation capacities, solar capacities, energy storage capacity, geothermal capacities, heat pump alternatives, and EV issues behind the meter within Springs households and how we can aggregate and sell all this clean energy within the emerging REV markets. Our East End Resilience Network and Long Island REV Grid Alliance work over the past few years indicates that this kind of East Hampton-wide Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid would improve consumer choice, remove our peak energy problems and negate the need for over a half billion dollars of transmission lines. It would also likely eliminate the most troubling aspects of the DWW, AEG, and energy storage concerns associated with the poorly conceived and executed South Fork RFP. This would translate into billions of dollars and giga-tons of carbon savings. It might even buy us a future for humanity and the biosphere of Earth, if we act quickly enough.
>> Comments or questions?
>> Mike
>> Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
>> Coordinator
>> East End Resilience Network
>> New York Resilience System Initiative
>> South Fork Grid Coordinator
>> Long Island REV Grid Consortium
>> Chairman
>> Oviar - Energy
>> Cell: 202-468-7899
>> <>
>> <>
>>> On May 6, 2018, at 9:22 AM, Zachary Cohen < <>> wrote:
>>> Krae,
>>> It would be great for you and others to present to the Springs CAC on these topics.
>>> The town, through CPF Open Space and Nature Preserves, has set aside many valuable properties. It has also set aside some properties where the main reason for its purchase was to stop development and not really for important environmental protections (other than septic). There is also some land that is town owned that is not assigned to any use. I would be happy to review the available land to see where the best use might be a small community solar farm.
>>> Zachary
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> From: "Krae Van Sickle" < <>>
>>> To: "Zachary Cohen" < <>>; "michael mcdonald" < <>>
>>> Cc: "Rachel Gruzen" < <>>; "Si Kinsella" < <>>; "Thomas Bjurlof" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Rick Drew" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Vijay Modi" < <>>; "Nikhil Balakumar" < <>>; "Jorge A. Camacho" < <>>; "John Cronin" < <>>; "Sara Gordon" < <>>; "David McDougal" < <>>; "Susan Glickman" < <>>; "Ricardo Burgos" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "David Taylor, Esq." < <>>; "Douglas Broder" < <>>; "Francesca Rheannon" < <>>; "Ned Hoyt" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "'john cooper'" < <>>; "Janet Van Sickle" < <>>
>>> Sent: 5/6/2018 9:13:31 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton, as an Element of the East Hampton Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid
>>>> As far as developing pilot projects the question is as an example of what. I would submit we need two types: behind the meter critical service and commercial island able DER systems and in front of the meter systems that provide grid services. We are in touch with people who know everything about how to approach these pilots. Green Logic is already making single family residential islandable nano-grids available which is great
>>>> Krae Van Sickle
>>>> Cell: (516) 769-7877
>>>> From: Zach Cohen < <>>
>>>> Reply-To: Zach Cohen < <>>
>>>> Date: Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 8:39 AM
>>>> To: michael mcdonald < <>>
>>>> Cc: Rachel Gruzen < <>>, Krae Van Sickle < <>>, Si Kinsella < <>>, Thomas Bjurlof < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Rick Main Beach < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Vijay Modi < <>>, Nikhil Balakumar < <>>, "Jorge A. Camacho" < <>>, John Cronin < <>>, Sara Gordon < <>>, David McDougal < <>>, Susan Glickman < <>>, Ricardo Burgos < <>>, " <>" < <>>, "David Taylor, Esq." < <>>, Douglas Broder < <>>, Francesca Rheannon < <>>, Ned Hoyt < <>>, " <>" < <>>
>>>> Subject: Re: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton, as an Element of the East Hampton Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid
>>>> Dear Mike,
>>>> I spoke with Francesca Rheanon about some Springs/Accabonac Harbor topics last night we also touched on energy issues in Springs which included the question of whether Springs could set the example, or at least develop the prototype, for the rest of the town. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable of the technology to know exactly how to proceed but I do know well what land is available, its value for specified purposes, and what uses are usually permitted on it. I am also vice-chair of the Springs CAC (which Krae often comes to) and we might move this along there. There are a few other people receiving this email who live in Springs, and Si is active with the Wainscot CAC. The use of solar at the airport in Wainscot is not being advanced as much as it could be.
>>>> Zachary
>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>> From: "michael mcdonald" < <>>
>>>> To: "Zachary Cohen" < <>>
>>>> Cc: "Rachel Gruzen" < <>>; "Krae Van Sickle" < <>>; "Si Kinsella" < <>>; "Thomas Bjurlof" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Rick Drew" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Vijay Modi" < <>>; "Nikhil Balakumar" < <>>; "Jorge A. Camacho" < <>>; "John Cronin" < <>>; "Sara Gordon" < <>>; "David McDougal" < <>>; "Susan Glickman" < <>>; "Ricardo Burgos" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "David Taylor, Esq." < <>>; "Douglas Broder" < <>>; "Ned Hoyt" < <>>; " <>" < <>>
>>>> Sent: 5/6/2018 8:16:19 AM
>>>> Subject: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton, as an Element of the East Hampton Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid
>>>> Zach, Si, and Rachel,
>>>> Thank you for your good work on the Accabonac area solar array. Below are some initial thoughts”
>>>> 1) it is my understanding that the distribution system in the Springs is inadequate for 21st century energy and communications;
>>>> 2) the Springs, East Hampton, and the South Fork, in general, is a load pocket;
>>>> 3) it is in the East Hampton resident’s interests to upgrade the distribution system in the Springs to enable a Distributed Collectively Intelligent Grid that rapidly moves toward 100% renewable energy (without input from fossil fuel plants west of Riverhead or LIPA / PSEG fossil fuel peaker plants).
>>>> 4) there should be one of more Decentralized Service Organizations operating under the East Hampton CCA that manages this solar array and other distributed energy resources (DER) behind the meters in East Hampton, which can move electrons through the public utility distribution wires at nominal cost and can build alternative distribution systems, ideally underground to upgrade East Hampton’s distribution system to match 21st century DERs standards and requirements without interference from monopoly utilities under an East Hampton Distributed Energy Resource Authority.
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Mike
>>>> Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
>>>> Coordinator
>>>> East End Resilience Network
>>>> New York Resilience System Initiative
>>>> South Fork Grid Coordinator
>>>> Long Island REV Grid Consortium
>>>> Chairman
>>>> Oviar - Energy
>>>> Cell: 202-468-7899
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> On May 5, 2018, at 9:38 AM, Zachary Cohen < <>> wrote:
>>>> I know the property well from Nature Preserve Committee (we did not want it to be a preserve as it is mainly invasive species over a possibly polluted site), Springs CAC (we looked at it for a recreation site but it was too sloped), and I spoke at the public hearing of the Planning Board on the lease to the company (they needed to know about the trails on the property). I believe that I said at the hearing and definitely have said at other times that more of the site could be cleared for more solar panels without any environmental lose or any restrictions to needed trail access (which is only needed on the western perimeter).
>>>> There is some concern from the neighbors about noise but I think that is easily solved (just locate any transformer or similar equipment towards Accabonac Road and shield it -- much of the property has other preserves adjacent to it. So, based on what Rachel reports of the consultant's statement, maybe the issue is lack of infrastructure to carry or distribute more energy from that site. Especially if the company pays taxes (or a PILOT payment) to the Springs School, there would be support for more clearing and a larger solar farm from most of the community.
>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>> From: "Rachel Gruzen" < <>>
>>>> To: "Lewis Zachary Cohen" < <>>
>>>> Cc: "Krae Van Sickle" < <>>; "Si Kinsella" < <>>; "Thomas Bjurlof" < <>>; "michael mcdonald" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Rick Drew" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Vijay Modi" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "Sara Gordon" < <>>; "David McDougal" < <>>; "Susan Glickman" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; "David J. Taylor" < <>>; "Douglas Broder" < <>>; " <>" < <>>; " <>" < <>>
>>>> Sent: 5/4/2018 3:57:03 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton
>>>> From what I gleaned at sustainability committee meetings and hopefully correctly recall, the brush dump solar array is 0.8-1MW but a consultant said it could be multiple times that (as much as 5?) if something with the grid was updated.
>>>> I recall this because it struck me at the time that if we had the upgraded infrastructure we could do 8-10 of these arrays on the South Fork and have the same energy as DWW SFWF (90MW x ~40% capacity factor). Much less cost, easy maintenance, fewer negative impacts.
>>>> It seems there is a tug of war in this town between symbolic do-it-now actions to address carbon emissions and informed, well-planned, comprehensive, regional, long-term strategic vision. You can guess where I side.
>>>> Rachel Gruzen, MEM | LEED AP
>>>> Environmental Planner and Educator
>>>> <>
>>>> 917.796.2128
>>>> On May 4, 2018, at 2:37 PM, Lewis Zachary Cohen < <>> wrote:
>>>> I already told the tax assessor that there should be school taxes paid to Springs
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On May 4, 2018, at 2:35 PM, Lewis Zachary Cohen < <>> wrote:
>>>> Yes Accabonac brush dump one mw I think; I am in city and can respond more later
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On May 4, 2018, at 1:52 PM, Krae Van Sickle < <>> wrote:
>>>> I believe it is on the accabonac brush dump and maybe …. Going on memory here 5 mw? That sounds big so not sure. That is all I know.
>>>> Krae Van Sickle
>>>> Cell: (516) 769-7877
>>>> From: Si Kinsella < <>>
>>>> Date: Friday, May 4, 2018 at 1:49 PM
>>>> To: Thomas Bjurlof < <>>, Krae Van Sickle < <>>
>>>> Cc: Rachel Gruzen < <>>, michael mcdonald < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Rick Main Beach < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Zach Cohen < <>>, Vijay Modi < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Sara Gordon < <>>, David McDougal < <>>, Susan Glickman < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, "David J. Taylor" < <>>, Douglas Broder < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>
>>>> Subject: Solar PV Farm for East Hampton
>>>> When speaking at the Town Board meeting last night, Peter Van Scoyoc mentioned a large scale solar farm. Does anyone have specifications for this solar farm?
>>>> Thanks, Si
>>>> From: Thomas Bjurlof [ <>]
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 11:54 AM
>>>> To: Krae Van Sickle < <>>
>>>> Cc: Si Kinsella < <>>; Rachel Gruzen < <>>; michael mcdonald < <>>; <>; Rick Drew < <>>; <>; <>; Zachary Cohen < <>>; Vijay Modi < <>>; <>; <>; <>; Sara Gordon < <>>; David McDougal < <>>; Susan Glickman < <>>; <>; <>; David J. Taylor < <>>; Douglas Broder < <>>; <>; <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Value vs cost of energy and energy services
>>>> Yes, by entering a fully committed monopoly type contract with DWW, they are committing to a high price of electric power. Even if locally generated power (e.g. solar PV and battery storage) is less costly they have to take the power from DWW at a higher price, hence they have no incentive to assist in building out DER.
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:51 AM Krae Van Sickle < <>> wrote:
>>>> Yes but unless I am mistaken LIPA PSEG is planning to put in new power lines so this load pocket is overserved by grid power so they get to apply this valuation in a way that is favorable to them with VDER. That is key to why the power lines are so bad.
>>>> In the absence of new power lines local DER economics would benefit from VDER.
>>>> Yes/no?
>>>> Krae Van Sickle
>>>> Cell: (516) 769-7877
>>>> From: Thomas Bjurlof < <>>
>>>> Date: Friday, May 4, 2018 at 11:44 AM
>>>> To: Krae Van Sickle < <>>
>>>> Cc: Si Kinsella < <>>, Rachel Gruzen < <>>, michael mcdonald < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Rick Main Beach < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Zach Cohen < <>>, Vijay Modi < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Sara Gordon < <>>, David McDougal < <>>, Susan Glickman < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, "David J. Taylor" < <>>, Douglas Broder < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>
>>>> Subject: Re: Value vs cost of energy and energy services
>>>> Isn't that what the NYS REV initiative does by making the utilities define the value stack at the grid edge? I think it is at the core of the energy revolution. The cost of generation is only one of the costs incurred. So yes I agree.
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:40 AM Krae Van Sickle < <>> wrote:
>>>> This article by RMI points to what I believe is an essential perspective shift we need in our deliberations about our energy future. Just thinking in terms of cost per KW hour is outdated. The south fork is the poster child for this distinction between cost of power and value of energy services. We have so much at stake in terms of the value different energy systems we might pursue could provide to our community.
>>>> <>
>>>> Krae Van Sickle
>>>> Cell: (516) 769-7877
>>>> From: Si Kinsella < <>>
>>>> Date: Friday, May 4, 2018 at 10:34 AM
>>>> To: Krae Van Sickle < <>>, Thomas Bjurlof < <>>
>>>> Cc: Rachel Gruzen < <>>, michael mcdonald < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Rick Main Beach < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Zach Cohen < <>>, Vijay Modi < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Sara Gordon < <>>, David McDougal < <>>, Susan Glickman < <>>, " <>" < <>>, " <>" < <>>, "David J. Taylor" < <>>, Douglas Broder < <>>, " <>" < <>>
>>>> Subject: Stop and Renegotiate Deepwater
>>>> Dear Krae,
>>>> The Deepwater South Fork Wind Farm should be stopped and renegotiated. Deepwater has deliberately mislead residents and fishermen, engaged in strong-arming tactics and is willfully concealing information needed to make an informed decision. Deepwater is pushing a proposition that is bad for the economy without addressing the unknown and substancial risks threatening the nearshore fisheries.
>>>> Stop and renegotiate,
>>>> Si
>>>> From: Krae Van Sickle [ <>]
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 9:54 AM
>>>> To: Thomas Bjurlof < <>>
>>>> Cc: Rachel Gruzen < <>>; Si Kinsella < <>>; michael mcdonald < <>>; <>; Rick Drew < <>>; <>; <>; Zachary Cohen < <>>; Vijay Modi < <>>; <>; <>; <>; Sara Gordon < <>>; David McDougal < <>>; Susan Glickman < <>>; <>; <>; David J. Taylor < <>>; Douglas Broder < <>>; <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Deepwater Easement from Village?
>>>> If DWW is stopped we would have to amp up the outreach tremendously to block the power lines that I believe is LiPA ‘s first priority to bring to SF. Also we would probably have to convince people having temporary peaker plants while DER alternatives were planned and negotiated with LIPA and both those processes would be hard. It is much easier to engage with the town than LIPA PSEG which have few public hearings where people get a chance to voice opposing views and even when they do they seem indifferent With them they show up one day with bigger poles as we have seen. They would probably do that right away when and if DWW was blocked to give little or no time for us to organize We would have to organize to go after the governor and maybe raise money for law suits etc. all of this tough to get public behind in absence of a very visible project being touted locally. People would have to go up island to LIPA board meetings and maybe to Albany instead. Not so easy. Thoughts?
>>>> Krae from my iPhone
>>>> On May 4, 2018, at 8:56 AM, Thomas Bjurlof < <>> wrote:
>>>> The attached chart shows the output from all German offshore wind farms. The data are from the German systems operator.
>>>> The challenge is to fill in the "valleys", some of which extend over several days. It is not clear to me that the approach in New York goes beyond building fast starting combined cycle natural gas plants (such as the PSEG plants in Woodbridge and Bridgeport - well they are in New Jersey so not part of 50/30?).
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:39 AM Thomas Bjurlof < <>> wrote:
>>>> Rachel,
>>>> You raise an important point. Since DWW needs to be balanced by fast responding generators (fuel cells and combined cycle fossil plants), there is an upper limit on renewables penetration when going full out on offshore wind.
>>>> That is what the study I mentioned at the GG meeting was about: Using current approaches to grid design Europe may reach 37% renewables penetration in 2030. New York has set a target of 50% by 2030. I believe New York's goal is unattainable given that we are 20 years behind Europe.
>>>> The European study (commissioned by Greenpeace, but executed by a top notch consulting group) showed that if you include battery storage behind the meter (i.e. on customer premises) and use HVDC (direct current overlay rather than HVAC - alternating current incremental build out) you would be able to move the 37% by 2030 goal to 77% for Europe. And this alternative would be less costly!
>>>> So the right approach for analyzing the situation is exactly what you suggest: Look at return on investment in terms of minimizing GHG emissions (as priced in the RGGI market). Not going about the problem in this manner is a dead end in my view. You will not get very far and it will cost too much to go down a dead end!
>>>> Tom
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:23 AM Rachel Gruzen < <>> wrote:
>>>> Brilliant observation Si.
>>>> And thanks to Mike for putting forward a proposal for what would hopefully be excellent sustainable design and innovation--a proposal that is really about energy efficiency, carbon footprint reduction and tailoring design solutions to the problem at hand.
>>>> If we keep digging my instinct is that DWW is eager for Wainscott for several reasons and not eager to go through State Park and state processes of inserting infrastructure through a nature preserve. Let's keep digging.
>>>> I hope the experienced renewable energy and sustainable design experts on this email chain can help guide the East End toward progress, innovation and a strong return on investment in carbon reduction per dollar spent.
>>>> Best wishes to all,
>>>> Rachel
>>>> Rachel Gruzen, MEM | LEED AP
>>>> Environmental Planner and Educator
>>>> <>
>>>> 917.796.2128
>>>> From: Si Kinsella < <>>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 10:59 PM
>>>> To: Krae Van Sickle; michael mcdonald; Rachel Gruzen; Bonnie Brady; Rick Drew; Ramesh Das; Michael Northrop; Thomas Bjurlof; Zachary Cohen; Vijay Modi; Nikhil Balakumar; Jorge A. Camacho; John Cronin; Sara Gordon; David McDougal; Susan Glickman; Ricardo Burgos; Carlos Vivoni; David Taylor, Esq.; Douglas F. Broder
>>>> Cc: Ned Hoyt
>>>> Subject: Deepwater Easement from Village?
>>>> Dear Krae,
>>>> If routing the cable via Napeague or Hither Hills is such a viable option, then why hasn’t Deepwater done it? As you correctly point out, by choosing the Napeague/Hither Hills option Deepwater would avoid paying the $8+ million worth of community benefits. Could Deepwater’s thinly-failed threat to use the Napeague/Hither Hills option be too meek and really be a bluff.
>>>> The real problem with Deepwater’s Napeague/Hither Hills option could be that Deepwater cannot hang a 138 kV HVAC cable from a railway trestles exposed like a Christmas ornament hanging from a tree. Deepwater has not option but to route its cable underneath three railway trestles and bury it beneath Town/Village vehicular right-of-ways (see attached Town-Village Railway trestle map) located at –
>>>> · North Main Street (in the Village of East Hampton)
>>>> · Accabonac Road (border of East Hampton Town and Village); and,
>>>> · Spring Close Highway (in the Town of East Hampton).
>>>> If Deepwater chooses the Napeague/Hither Hills option, it will still require an easement from the town and an easement from the Village. (I don’t think the Republican-controlled Village will go out of its way to help Governor Cuomo advance a Democratic agenda for renewable energy.)
>>>> Please see attached article regarding the railway trestles at North Main Street & Accobanac Road.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Si Kinsella
>>>> From: Krae Van Sickle [ <>]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 9:50 PM
>>>> To: michael mcdonald < <>>; Rachel Gruzen < <>>; Bonnie Brady < <>>; Rick Drew < <>>; Ramesh Das < <>>; Michael Northrop < <>>; Thomas Bjurlof < <>>; Si Kinsella < <>>; Zachary Cohen < <>>; Vijay Modi < <>>; Nikhil Balakumar < <>>; Jorge A. Camacho < <>>; John Cronin < <>>; Sara Gordon < <>>; David McDougal < <>>; Susan Glickman < <>>; Ricardo Burgos < <>>; Carlos Vivoni < <>>; David Taylor, Esq. < <>>; Douglas F. Broder < <>>
>>>> Cc: Ned Hoyt < <>>
>>>> Subject: Re: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: A Potential Wind Generation Solution at Potentially $0.10/ kwh Without Impacts on Fishing
>>>> I think that DWW is probably a done deal because they will go around the town and come to land in the Napeague state park if the town does not approve the wainscot connection. Of course if it was not approved by the town there may be momentum to somehow loby the state but I have no idea how we would do that. The town and fishermen, in particular, would loose the ‘community benefits package’ DWW has offered if they went in at Napeague. This would be a loss for the locals and if they just go to Napeague there is nothing gained. I think we may be better off working on articulating the aftermath consequences of the DWW project for the town that relate to the power lines. But I understand if others disagree. I think DWW really wants to make the deal with the town because of tax incentives they get that are reduced the longer they take to bring it on line but I don’t imagine there is time to improve the deal with DWW. Only just as of last night did some of us get to introduce what some unintended consequences for the town might be of new transmission lines at the energy Sustainability Committee.
>>>> Krae Van Sickle
>>>> Cell: (516) 769-7877
>>>> From: michael mcdonald < <>>
>>>> Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 4:57 PM
>>>> To: Rachel Gruzen < <>>, Bonnie Brady < <>>, Rick Main Beach < <>>, " <>" < <>>, Michael Northrop < <>>, Thomas Bjurlof < <>>, Krae Van Sickle < <>>, Si Kinsella < <>>, Zach Cohen < <>>, Vijay Modi < <>>, Nikhil Balakumar < <>>, "Jorge A. Camacho" < <>>, John Cronin < <>>, Sara Gordon < <>>, David McDougal < <>>, Susan Glickman < <>>, Ricardo Burgos < <>>, Carlos Vivoni < <>>, "David Taylor, Esq." < <>>, "Douglas F. Broder" < <>>
>>>> Cc: Ned Hoyt < <>>
>>>> Subject: FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: A Potential Wind Generation Solution at Potentially
>>>> As we build the designs for the 100% renewable South Fork Distributed Collectively Intelligent (DCI) Grid as an alternative to the $2.1 Billion Deepwater Wind (DWW) and transmission line initiative and the South Fork RFP contracts under the South Fork Distributed Renewable Energy Resource Authority, please consider the attached vertical wind generation and mesh network communication towers. These 1MW to 2MW wind generation towers would generate more wind energy than DWW in a distributed grid at a small fraction of the cost of DWW in East Hampton with an estimated cost of $0.10 / kwh (detailed costs will require site-specific analysis to be done). It appears that this wind generation component of the South Fork DCI Grid would have little to no adverse effect on fisheries in that underwater platforms and underwater cabling would not necessarily be required.
>>>> More soon. The purpose of this communication is simply to give you an initial view into one alternative to DWW that would remove many of the reasons for thinking that East Hampton needs to accept a termination proposal from DWW without appropriate evidence and review at an unacceptable price and other negative consequences to rate payers and their communities on the South Fork. This alternative wind generation component unlike DWW and the other South Fork RFP elements would have significant benefits to resilience connected to a DCI Grid enabling a local green circular political economy on the South Fork with significant green jobs, outside of LIPA monopoly control.
>>>> Questions? Comments?
>>>> Mike
>>>> Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
>>>> Coordinator
>>>> East End Resilience Network
>>>> New York Resilience System Initiative
>>>> South Fork Grid Coordinator
>>>> Long Island REV Grid Consortium
>>>> Chairman
>>>> Oviar - Energy
>>>> Cell: 202-468-7899
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> .10/ kwh Without Impacts on Fishing
>>>> As we build the designs for the 100% renewable South Fork Distributed Collectively Intelligent (DCI) Grid as an alternative to the $2.1 Billion Deepwater Wind (DWW) and transmission line initiative and the South Fork RFP contracts under the South Fork Distributed Renewable Energy Resource Authority, please consider the attached vertical wind generation and mesh network communication towers. These 1MW to 2MW wind generation towers would generate more wind energy than DWW in a distributed grid at a small fraction of the cost of DWW in East Hampton with an estimated cost of $0.10 / kwh (detailed costs will require site-specific analysis to be done). It appears that this wind generation component of the South Fork DCI Grid would have little to no adverse effect on fisheries in that underwater platforms and underwater cabling would not necessarily be required.
>>>> More soon. The purpose of this communication is simply to give you an initial view into one alternative to DWW that would remove many of the reasons for thinking that East Hampton needs to accept a termination proposal from DWW without appropriate evidence and review at an unacceptable price and other negative consequences to rate payers and their communities on the South Fork. This alternative wind generation component unlike DWW and the other South Fork RFP elements would have significant benefits to resilience connected to a DCI Grid enabling a local green circular political economy on the South Fork with significant green jobs, outside of LIPA monopoly control.
>>>> Questions? Comments?
>>>> Mike
>>>> Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
>>>> Coordinator
>>>> East End Resilience Network
>>>> New York Resilience System Initiative
>>>> South Fork Grid Coordinator
>>>> Long Island REV Grid Consortium
>>>> Chairman
>>>> Oviar - Energy
>>>> Cell: 202-468-7899
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
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