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To produce the Crisis Care Pandemic Flu source materials

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Crisis Care Pandemic Flu Source Materials
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admin mike kraft

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What the data say about border closures and COVID spread

As countries in Europe rush to close their borders to the United Kingdom to prevent transmission of a new — and potentially more transmissible — variant of SARS-CoV-2, research has estimated the effect of international travel restrictions on COVID-19 spread earlier in the pandemic.

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An Explanation for Some Covid-19 Deaths May Not Be Holding Up

Medical researchers are raising significant doubts about whether an agent of the human immune system causes some coronavirus patients to end up in the hospital with injured lungs and other organs, struggling to breathe. What remains is a continuing mystery about what causes certain people to die from Covid-19, and how best to prevent that.

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Contract Tracing Problems: People Increasingly, ‘Have No Idea’ how they contracted COVID-19.

... As the coronavirus soars across the country, smashing daily records and surpassing nine million cases nationwide, tracing the path of the pandemic in the United States is no longer simply challenging. It has become nearly impossible.

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