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To produce the Crisis Care Pandemic Flu source materials

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Crisis Care Pandemic Flu Source Materials
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admin mike kraft

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OVERVIEW:As the Coronavirus Surges, a New Culprit Emerges: Pandemic Fatigue


CHICAGO — When the coronavirus began sweeping around the globe this spring, people from Seattle to Rome to London canceled weddings and vacations, cut off visits with grandparents and hunkered down in their homes for what they thought would be a brief but essential period of isolation.

But summer did not extinguish the virus. And with fall has come another dangerous, uncontrolled surge of infections that in parts of the world is the worst of the pandemic so far.

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OPINION: Beyond COVID-19—a paradigm shift in infection management?

The health and economic impact of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria has continuously grown over the past years, reaching an estimated peak of approximately 700 000 attributable deaths per year.
Neglected hygiene, poor compliance with infection control procedures, inappropriate antimicrobial use, and insufficient availability of diagnostics and new effective antibiotics have contributed to this inglorious global record.
Despite these alarming figures, infection prevention and treatment have not been considered top priorities on the agendas of most industrialised countries.
This mindset changed abruptly with the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
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