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(task) Second Generation Ebola Case Reported from Tonkolili Index Case - Sierra Leone (not secondary confirmation yet)

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Ebola, Flare-up, Barriers to Epidemic Management

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kathy Gilbeaux <>
> Subject: Re: Second Generation Ebola Case Reported from Tonkolili Index Case - Sierra Leone (not secondary confirmation yet)
> Date: January 21, 2016 at 5:33:38 AM EST
> To:
> Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
> Morris,
> Thank you. In support of this discussion we offer new details, as published by Reuters ...
> Internal health reports seen by Reuters showed that at least 50 people linked to Mariatu Jalloh, the 22-year-old student who died from Ebola on Jan. 12, and who were potentially exposed to virus have gone missing. At least a dozen of them are considered at high risk of infection.
> Last week, just three contacts were reported missing.
> One of the health reports noted: "Community very uncooperative and unwilling to direct us to the missing contacts".
> They also referred to "great resistance" to a program to vaccinate locals who were potentially exposed to the virus in the Northern Province, a remote area near the Guinean border where Jalloh had traveled before falling ill.
> Fear, doubts obstruct efforts to contain Ebola in Sierra Leone
> Kathy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morris Marah <>
> To: Kathy Gilbeaux <>
> Cc: Diane.Tucker <>; Gavin Macgregor-Skinner <>; BERMAF <>; carrielaj43 <>; joanne.perodin <>; hurlburt <>; nils.kaiser <>; drvroeg <>; paul.l.reed <>; michael.d.mcdonald <>; Heidi.Larson <>; llannom <>; ssm20 <>; tjm0216 <>; rmyers <>; hoffm584 <>
> Sent: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 3:45 am
> Subject: Re: Second Generation Ebola Case Reported from Tonkolili Index Case - Sierra Leone (not secondary confirmation yet)
> The second case was not all that suprising. The period for cases in quarantine to show up is now... so we will get a bit more results from the rest over the next few days or week.
> The most concerning issue currently is we dont know.where 50 contacts who attended the funeral are.
> And there is one really high risk contact missing. That is the step father of the deceased.
> Wr have to learn lot of lessons from these cases. How the crosectoral preparedness scheme between ONS and Ministry of Health has worked. And wether people are still practicing the rules. Invthis case not as the body was washed, goving a ceremony befpre the case was detected.
> On 20 Jan 2016 21:57, "Kathy Gilbeaux" < <>> wrote:
> Mike / All
> Reuters just published an article that states the second case has been confirmed . . .
> Sierra Leone confirms new Ebola case, second in less than a week
> <>
> Kathy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: michael mcdonald < <>>
> To: George Hurlburt < <>>; Ralph Myers < <>>; Nils Kaiser < <>>; Morris Marah < <>>; Stephen Morse < <>>; Gavin Macgregor-Skinner < <>>; Diane Tucker < <>>; joanne perodin < <>>; Carrie La Jeunesse < <>>; John T. Hoffman < <>>; Berman, Fran < <>>; Larry Lannom < <>>; Paul Reed < <>>; Gary Vroegindewey < <>>; Heidi Larson < <>>; Tom McGinn < <>>
> Cc: Kathy Gilbeaux < <>>
> Sent: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 1:37 pm
> Subject: Second Generation Ebola Case Reported from Tonkolili Index Case - Sierra Leone (not secondary confirmation yet)
> Dear colleagues,
> As suspected, we are now getting (still unconfirmed) reports that the Sierra Leone flare-up is escalating. There is an unconfirmed statement (see below) attributed to the Ministry of Health that there has now been a second Ebola death from the current Tonkolili flare-up. This is probably just the first of several second generation EVD cases from this flare-up.
> We need to ramp up the Resilience Capacity Zones quickly to prevent and prepare for potential third generation EVD cases. The idea is to systematically ramp up EVD transmission risk reduction in the affected communities (over four districts at this time). The absence of these systems actions remains a significant gap in IHR and GHSA reference models for addressing Ebola in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea, As a result, until the Resilience Capacity Zones are fully functional in building EVD resistance, while simultaneously assisting in Phase III and Phase IV recovery and development, we can expect that flare-ups will continue. As a result, community national and regional recovery will be stifled.
> For those of you interested in playing a part in the development of the IHR and GHSA reference models, the Global Health Response and Resilience Alliance will start discussions on mapping the flare-up information flow models and gap analysis next week.
> Mike
> Michael D. McDonald, Dr.P.H.
> Coordinator
> Global Health Response and Resilience Alliance
> Chairman
> Oviar Global Resilience Systems, Inc.
> Executive Director
> Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.
> Cell: 202-468-7899 <tel:202-468-7899>
> <>
> <>
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Kathy Gilbeaux < <>>
> Subject: Ebola - Sierra Leone
> Date: January 20, 2016 at 1:19:16 PM EST
> To: "Michael D. McDonald" < <>>
> Mike,
> FYI . . . Breaking news - Unconfirmed
> Kathy
> Umaru Fofana (@UmaruFofana <>)
> 1/20/16, 12:07 PM <>
> 38-year-old aunt & caregiver of the woman who died of #Ebola <> in northern #SierraLeone <> tests
> positive for the virus, a health ministry source

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