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Climate change, human security
Dr. Michael D. McDonald
Global Health Response and Resilience Alliance
Global Resilience Systems, Inc.
Health Initiatives Foundation, Inc.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Carrie La Jeunesse <>
> Date: May 21, 2015 at 8:56:50 PM EDT
> To: michael mcdonald <>
> Subject: Fwd: Climate and Human Security Symposium - 3-4 June 2015
> Mike,
> Here's the group I was telling you about.
> Not sure if it's a potential fit or not.
> Carrie
> Carolyn "Carrie" La Jeunesse DVM, CT, CFE
> +1 360 731 0493
> Skype: carrielaj
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "WWHGD Support6" <>
> Date: May 21, 2015 7:43 PM
> Subject: Climate and Human Security Symposium - 3-4 June 2015
> To: <>
> Cc: <>, <>, "Eric Rasmussen" <>
> Please register (In-Person or Webinar) for the upcoming Climate and Human Security Symposium at
> Attached is the latest Agenda and Poster, with the announcement below.
> - WWHGD Working Group Support Team
> Climate and Human Security Symposium
> Geospatial Data and Mapping
> 3 – 4 June 2015, Boulder, Colorado
> The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), in collaboration with the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Data (HIFLD) Members and the World Wide Human Geography Data (WWHGD) Working Group announce the “Climate and Human Security – Geospatial Data and Mapping” symposium at the University of Colorado at Boulder, June 3-4, 2015. The focus of this workshop will be developing collaborative relationships across government, civil sector, academia, international partners, and non-government organizations that will identify fundamental geospatial data critical to enhancing our understanding of climate change and its implications for society within a human geography framework.
> Throughout the symposium, experts in the field of climate and human security will participate in panels and facilitated discussions on Climate Change Science: The Premise, Climate Change & Global Human Security Overview, Climate Modeling: Global Human Security Indicators, Climate Data and Mapping Tools, Global Climate Change Impacts Research, Climate Change Demographic and Health Impacts, and Global Climate Change– Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts for Human Security.
> Registration for the event is now open at In addition to the information below, logistics and a map are posted on the website. If you cannot participate in person, a webinar with audio and slide presentations will be available.
> Location Details: University of Colorado at Boulder, Cristol Chemistry and Biochemistry Bldg, CHEM 140
> Parking: Adjacent to the Venue
> Food & Drink: Campus food court facilities available nearby for lunch
> Meeting Attire: Business Casual
> There will not be a conference fee. For additional information or questions, please contact: NGA: Dr. Odean Serrano at
> NCAR: Dr. Lawrence Buja at
> WWHGD: Kevin Kurtz at, or Terri Ryan at
> We look forward to seeing you at the beginning of June in Boulder, Colorado.
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