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A Woman Was Killed by a Superbug Resistant to All 26 American Antibiotics
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A Woman Was Killed by a Superbug Resistant to All 26 American Antibiotics
Mon, 2017-01-16 06:04 — Kathy Gilbeaux
The Klebsiella pneumoniae organism in a petri dish. GARY CAMERON / REUTERS
No Antibiotic In The U.S. Could Save This Woman. We Should All Be Worried.
This is one of the first cases of a pan-resistant infection in America. - by Anna Almendraia - January 13, 2017
The recent death of a woman in Reno, Nevada, from an infection resistant to every available kind of antibiotic in the U.S. highlights how serious the threat of antibiotic-resistant superbugs has become.
Experts say that while cases of a bacteria resistant to all antibiotics are still extremely rare in the U.S., we should expect to see more in the future.
“This is an important case because it serves as a reminder to the health care community that these kinds of things can show up, even though they are rare,” said Randall Todd, director of epidemiology and public health preparedness at the Washoe County Health District, who co-wrote a study on this case. “We do have other forms of drug resistance, but this is the first time we’ve seen one that is pan-resistant, meaning there was nothing in the medicine cabinet available to treat this case.”
CLICK HERE - Woman dies of superbug no antibiotic could treat
CLICK HERE - A Woman Was Killed by a Superbug Resistant to All 26 American Antibiotics
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